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This gave me a giggle they’re really not feeling the Christmas vibes are they?Merry Christmas all
This gave me a giggle they’re really not feeling the Christmas vibes are they?Merry Christmas all
This gave me a giggle they’re really not feeling the Christmas vibes are they?
I’m failing to find any photos but my ragdoll also uses ‘squish’ as his favourite move when play fighting or keeping the dog still for face licking.
He also regularly lays with his legs splayed which worried me he could have physical issues but from fellow owners it appears they often do this!
Badger also wishes all ragdolls a belated merry Christmas...
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He is absolutely beautiful! I'd be interested to see any kitten photos of him if you have them, as they colour up so much the change in colours is so dramatic
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Ive had to reduce the quality a lot but you can see his colours changing. He was more ginger when younger and much lighter. I love his ‘mask’.
There is definitely something about a Ragdoll!
Huffle is the only cat I’ve bought, the other three were free (given or found lol). But omg is she just my heart cat, I adore the bones of them all but Huffle is the one who follows me round, demands attention, is deliberately naughty to get my attention and ultimately the most affectionate to me.
Hmmm interesting re the being deliberately naughty to get attention, I think PD knows full well what she's doing when putting her white mitten under the rug and flicking it up again and again!
They are so affectionate, they may not be lap cats, which AC is, however she's the one who "squawks" away if she thinks you've dared leave her alone, and if I'm working from home lying on the bed, she will come purring and snuggling onto my chest and cuddle up. The only thing I've had close was a darling little girl when I lived with my parents, who we suspect had Norwegian or Siberian Forest cat in her, she was so loving and would chirrup away to you, full conversations, loved affection. We often had dinners together- she especially liked gammon, she only had tiny bits as they're not supposed to have it, but she would sit, not in my space but just waiting for her pieces of gammon which id give little bits of throughout the meal- she didn't come forward she'd just sit waiting for her share! No rudeness just polite expectation! If she heard the desert bowls being prepared she would sit quivering waiting for her spoonful!
I think the colouring is so stunning too. And those blue eyes. I'm also a fan of the bigger breeds, I love a big, fluffy cat!
The breeder I got PD from has some gorgeous kittens atm, I couldn't afford one but I so want another!!
Similarly he’s the only cat I’ve ever bought. And it took a lot of consideration as I’ve never wanted to buy a cat, having had rescues the whole of my life who are lovely. But I fell in love with a Ragdoll at work... and honestly I have never ever regretted a penny I spent on him. I would spend it ten times over. I think what’s special is how true to the breed they are.
He’s playful but calm, so gentle but curious, loves people and animals and so beautiful. Incredibly loving too.
I have a large canvas on the wall above the sofa which she likes to ‘pretend’ to claw at to get me to play with her. She doesn’t bother with it when I’m not in the room!
I completely agree, I know we have AC but we have a cat each and OH has poor taste and isn't keen on fluff! I wouldn't have anything else, bar possibly a Siberian Or Norwegian Forest Cat, their temperaments are just superb, I just love big fluffy cats!
I'd love some more photos of him if Huffle is happy to share "her" thread!
Poor qualities as screen shot from video but they look very endearing when bouncing along after a tea towel!
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Choose your favourite fluffy moment:
Stage 1: puddingnessView attachment 62802
Stage 2: handsome boy next door
View attachment 62803
Stage 3: Lion
View attachment 62804
Stage 4: Adulting at his staff photo (genuinely)
View attachment 62806
Oh my he is absolutely gorgeous!!! Love the one where he's a baby and he's peeping out from behind the scratch post, his white tail tip is sweet! They definitely use those blue eyes to charm their staff...
Is he indoor or does he go out?
Completely indoor. He’s too naive for the big wide world at the moment. Everything is met with welcome ness to him and he’s very unathletic, I can’t see him running from danger but waiting until it’s too late If I I move somewhere with a secure garden in the future I will allow him out there. But for now he’s inside and my house constantly looks like a bomb due to the various cat toys, tunnels, puzzle games...
Oh that's good, both mine are indoor too, even AC. Breeders recommend they're indoor as they don't sense danger and you can actually see they don't plus they're so trusting of people. I couldn't have another outdoor cat, too many cars and too many nasty people around.
If I had £££ I'd "catify" the garden with a cat enclosure. They will go out in the summer on their harnesses, my parents ones go out "loose" when my mum is out there, however their fences are taller and the garden more "funnelled" so you can sit at the end and stop them going for the lower fence at the back- she has been gardening before though and had to grab a rapidly disappearing tail!!!
Our house has also been "catified" with all the toys around, OH always makes a big thing about tidying them away if his parents visit, I personally see nothing wrong with cat equipment being on show, I see it as a feature of a proper home!