Meeting a rescue dog tonight!


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12 August 2017
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It sounds like she is starting to relax a bit and hopefully realise that life with you is 'home', hence the drop in anxious behaviours- you have done a great job to make her feel settled so quickly. Weight-wise I definitely think she looks better in the more recent picture, she looked like she was just carrying a little too much weight when you got her (obviously not obese but certainly a bit of excess weight). It sounds like you and your partner are giving her a calm and happy home, and doing a lot to make sure that her needs are met :)


Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Thanks so much, that's really nice to read. We have begun to feel a little proud of ourselves tbh! Of course we're much helped by the support I'm getting here :)


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Fat dogs upset me too. I think she still could lose a little but I'm going to be very vigilant about her weight, but she's looking much more defined at least. I was in the park last Wednesday evening and a good 80 percent of the dogs I saw were overweight and it's just upsetting.

Our Jack was nearly 5kg overweight when he came to live with us. 18 months later he’s 10kg (his target weight). Good quality food measured daily with minimal treats and sensible exercise shifted the weight pretty quickly (within a year).


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15 July 2019
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My husband ordered her a 'selection box'. The smell of it makes me violently ill and I've banned a good half from my presence ?I knew the reason I liked guinea pigs and horses was because they're herbivores.

It was finally my chance to take Fodhla to her bronze class last night, she didn't disgrace me too much but she was extremely excitable. The volunteers who run it (it's a dog club as opposed to a trainer business) were all really supportive and full of encouragement so I got a lot out of it, especially tips for keeping her focused with me when there's a lot of distractions. She was a little bit anxious yesterday in the day, but she is coming around faster when she gets like that now. We're off to the field this morning for some play and recall training so I'm hopeful she chills for the rest of the day. My friend and her husband are coming over later, they've been dying to meet her, and Fodhla thinks visitors are the most exciting ever, so will see how it goes. These are proper dog people thankfully, I wouldn't invite anyone who wasn't a dog person over at this stage in case she couldn't hack it.

Please enjoy the contents of her chew box below ?


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Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Fodhla is looking fab in her new jumper. Mr AP is currently wearing a matching one but refuses to be photographed ?

I also bought her a rain coat which will probably make its debut tomorrow, watch this space.

Luckily she doesn't mind us putting them on.


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15 July 2019
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We discovered Fodhla's passion in life this morning, aside from warm beds and cheese. We took her mantrailing and she was unbelievable. I'm not being biased at all but she was absolutely brilliant, got the game straight away and enjoyed every second of it. It was so lovely to do something with her that was letting her do what she does best, and you could really see her getting confident in the game by the last trail. She's asleep now, which is also a bonus.


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15 July 2019
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Thanks @HashRouge. I like documenting to see how we're improving together it's always a nice bonus when someone reads it ?

Basically just training a dog to find a person who is hiding, it's loads of fun. Today was an intro course but we'll deffo be doing more! Look we even got a little certificate ? I'm such a proud mammy I may put it on the fridge ?


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Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Dervla lol! Like Dervla Kirwan. Mr AP is Fiachra, it's lots of craic when the 3 of us turn up somewhere people aren't familiar with Irish names. Everything in our house has Irish names, down to the guinea pigs and coincidentally my share cob. Poor Mr AP did some of the trails but I made the booking so my names on the cert :D


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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Dervla lol! Like Dervla Kirwan. Mr AP is Fiachra, it's lots of craic when the 3 of us turn up somewhere people aren't familiar with Irish names. Everything in our house has Irish names, down to the guinea pigs and coincidentally my share cob. Poor Mr AP did some of the trails but I made the booking so my names on the cert :D
Haha you'd be a teacher's nightmare with those names (outside of Ireland of course!). We had three sisters from an Irish family come through the school I used to work at - Ailis, Saoirse and Caoimhe. Now that made me brush up my pronunciation skills a bit!


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15 July 2019
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Just wondering if there's such thing as a truly indestructible dog toy? Our record so far is an hour with a kong bear. Nothing is Fodhla proof. On the plus side she does destroy them to a certain point and continue to love them which is nice, but I worry about her swallowing things she shouldn't.


Up in the clouds
20 February 2009
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No, not really. The Rotters kept Kong Wubbas for 4 years but the Labs were determined to take the balls out of them, so just ripped up the 'skin'. We have Jolly Balls but the handles have been chewed. We tend now to buy toys designed for chewing; antlers, horns, coffee wood etc.


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15 July 2019
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Great fit!

My Equafleece poloneck must be about 12 or 13 years old and has fitted three different dogs.
I've just bought the middle dog his own Rydale zip-up jumper so that the old boy can be the Milk Tray Man for good ?

You should have seen us try to measure her for it ? I had never heard of them before but my sister insisted she needed one and insisted it had to be what she calls 'gundog green'. All I'm missing is the battered volvo and country pile.

I think she looks great and it will hopefully save unnecessary bathing in winter as I don't want to stop her getting mucky and enjoying herself.

Fodhla is very impressed with her auntie, even though auntie won't visit at the moment due to having a very small human child that might not be best mixed with Fodhla. She said it's the only niece she'll get out of me, so she doesn't mind spoiling her ??


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15 July 2019
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OH has just brought to my attention that 5 weeks ago this dog didn't have so much as her own lead and now she's got: a lead, a collar, an identity tag, a harness,three beds, a jumper, a rain coat, and an equafleece. Not to mention the box full of disgusting chews, numerous toys, and humans who take her to enclosed fields, nice walks, doggy school, mantrailing, and 3 sessions with a one on one trainer. Talk about landing on your paws. Now that things are starting to calm we're feeling dead proud of ourselves. I think her current pose shows she knows she's on to a good thing here. I've got my legs on the back of the sofa because she won't let me stretch out but as long as she's comfy. No shade at all to those who buy responsibly bred pups, but giving her a new life is so rewarding and I'm so glad we got a rescue.

Sorry for blowing my own trumpet there but I've decided to give myself a break and actually take stock in how far we've come and it makes a nice change from the post I made a few weeks ago asking what had I done and saying I was f'ing her up ☺️


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Well-Known Member
15 July 2019
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Lots of ups and downs this week as I was off work and she didn't quite know what to do with herself with both of us home all day so a good bit of attention seeking behaviour with each of us. I'm probably feeling it a bit more as I'm off work and I'm supposed to be resting but sometimes she makes it hard. We have been trying to enforce a little bit more rest with her and prevent her from becoming over aroused and it seems to be working.

She was at the vets yesterday, she had a bit of a bad tummy on Thursday and then had an accident in her crate on Thursday night so I said I'd keep an eye on it, then yesterday she stepped on a thorn and whatever way she moved when she got a fright from that meant she got some swelling in the knee. Vet wasn't that concerned, and she is walking normally again now and the swelling is gone. She just gave us something for her tummy and she is back to normal as of this morning, and has been eating. I'm a bit of an anxious new mum lol so I'd rather get her checked if I'm unsure. I nearly convinced myself she had parvo when really she just had bout of a tummy bug ?


Fais pas chier!
6 July 2010
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Paranoia is a natural state of mind with dogs. I was convinced Goose was choking earlier but I think he’d just swallowed air too quickly while playing.

I remember having 3 with diarrhoea, one after the other one year. There was a virus going round locally. It was horrific. Definitely a good idea to get her checked. I think after a while, you relax and stop panicking, but I’d always say better safe than sorry if you think they’re unwell.