Messy horse


Well-Known Member
6 July 2019
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I’m looking for a bedding that will help keep my horse clean, he eats straw so I need to take him off it. Shavings are too expensive with him being so disgusting. He also won’t lie down or sleep if his bed isn’t comfy, So needs to be comfortable. I was thinking wood pellets but never used them before so not sure what they are like for messy horses. Thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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We had a massively messy horse - he would happily rub his face in ** is there was any visible. And often did. He was the only horse I have ever had - and there have been a few - who would willingly glue his eyes shut with muck! He was an absolute stress head horror! (Maginificent competition 148 JA though!). We did try wood pellets - he ate them. He was a bit of a bed eater - never had him on straw but he would eat a shavings bed if stressed. Because wood pellets expand they were a colic risk so we didn't. Plus show stables tend to have shavings beds anyway. We always found a really good base on decent dry shavings worked best. You do have to establish a bed properly first and that can take a few bales. But once in and reasonably deep you can manage the wet and muck at really minimal waste of the bed - but you need good proper fluffy shavings. The wood chippy type ones which don't seperate from the wet / solids on shaking - you just chuck half the clean bed too.