Ample Prosecco
Still wittering on
@Red-1 thank you D is very good at coming to the mounting block and occasionally has tried to joining me on it but not so good at staying still (she finds this a difficult concept which we are currently working on) I think she was a race horse in a past life . Because she's my first since my teenage years it's really making me think about teaching the basics right in a different way.
Teaching a horse to stand still for mounting is well worth spending a bit of time on. I've started doing a few video clips in a series called 'Make the Easy Stuff Easy' - focused on confidence. People tell me they are scared to mount and I see them trying to get on their horses who won't stabd still and think 'no wonder!' Plus, as Red-1 says - it is also a way of checking that the horse is happy/willing to be ridden.
This clip is on mounting, if you are interested.