Mid May Weekend Thread


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22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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I'm itching to get away from my desk to go and ride Robin. I love the bones of that little pony and I feel like a kid again riding him. (there has to be an upside to not eating the custard creams currently being offered round the office and generally keepingmy weight down). He's so much fun and he's learning so quickly. Super proud owner right now! We're mostly walking with a little trot in a straight line - imagine what I'll be like when we can canter on both reins and pop a little fence? :p

We bought a little exercise cart in the week so I'll be letting both babies take a look at that over the weekend and get used to any noises it may make. I've not broken anything to drive before so I won't be doing anything much more than de-sensitising for now and then finding a pro to send Reggie away to in the autumn. It was to good a opportunity to turn down hence the early purchase.

I was going to go down to Devon county Show tomorrow but looking at the timetable all the classes I would be interested in are on today so I'll give that a miss this year. The £52 for the 2 of us to get in (plus fuel) can be spent elsewhere. So my weekend will be spent feeling like a kid having fun on my super little pony.
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20 March 2023
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I'm off to Dallas Burston polo club for their No Stressage Eventing on Sunday. It's one round of SJ at a set height followed by a XC course where you pick your height. Have opted for the 80 SJ as haven't jumped on grass since last summer and she can go a bit green/looky. If that goes well I'll aim to pop the 90's in the XC 🤞


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11 February 2017
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Hoping to go to a team chase Sun but they've posted to say they are checking the ground and will give an update on Saturday...fingers crossed it will go ahead as it's been so rubbish with everything cancelled.
The horses are finally going out to 24/7 turnout too which is great after the long slog of winter!


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12 January 2015
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I had tickets for Chatsworth but sadly due to cancellation I've diverted to Epworth hunter trial instead with Sky - he jumped fab at Thornethorpe last week in his first XC outing this year so thought he might enjoy a trip to Epworth on Sunday. Silver linings and all that!
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25 February 2016
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My plans to hack both ponies this morning were scuppered by the clink sound of a loose shoe. I have an awesome farrier - he was in the area so turned up 15 mins after I sent him a woe is me text. Unfortunately the microcob has removed a chunk of hoof as well so we'll have to see how she gets on. I have a feeling a boisterous baby cob trod on her. Microcob and I celebrated our 4 year poniversary yesterday - she's come a long, long way from the walking vet bill lockdown project!!

Baby cob has a jumping lesson tomorrow. I think (pray, hope) our right canter issues have sorted themselves out. I'm still avoiding cantering in a 20x40 because he's on the forehand in canter and a bit legs everywhere and right now I just want him to go forward and not think of turning. Last weekend's polework clinic was in a 20x60 and the extra space gave us both more confidence and he got the correct lead every time. He loves jumping so no doubt I will be in need of the neck strap tomorrow but it should also help with thinking forwards. We know everyone in our group thankfully so no one will be horrified by the rodeo act if he boils over.

I'm hoping it will tire him out because I'm braving one of the Chiltern rides on Sunday. There will be a lot of horses there and past experience means that neck strap will definitely be needed along with my brave pants and stickiest of sticky jods.

Baby cob is bay with white stockings and last weekend met a Clydesdale. I have no idea if horses have a sense of what they look like but he was totally fascinated by this horse that was a larger version of him. He actually fell over his front feet turning to stare at the other horse. I think he's now wondering if that's how big he'll grow up to be :p


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7 December 2017
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Joining @SEL at the Chiltern Ride on Sunday. Sticky jods and neck strap at the ready! Really hoping they’ve ironed out the (rather large) kinks in their organisation so that the ride goes nice and smoothly. Also hoping sporty spots avoids his newly learned broncing habits! I’ve got a feeling that little Cupcake cob might be the better behaved of the 3!


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22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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Just popped back in to say after riding Robin this afternoon I'm beaming from ear to ear.

Such a clever little dude. Again only walk, but lots of transitions and changes in direction. He's now turning with the slightest opening of hand and a little leg. Walked over poles and halted from the seat. Stood like a rock at the mounting block without being held. First time riding in the field without someone on the ground with me too.

Can't wait to get back on tomorrow. I've got the bug back!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!


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15 December 2019
In My Head
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I had a lesson today, it feels like it's been ages! A little trickier today with it being warm and finding it hard to get going forwards but getting better with turns and correct bend, practiced turn on forehand and did a lovely straight centre line and mostly square halt. Looking to record a test for e-riders soon just need to get the good bits much more consistent. I am loving these lessons, loving the horse, and getting on really well with instructor - it's all feeling quite easy and fun :) (not necessarily easy to get right, more like easygoing)


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16 March 2008
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Not much here, we're booked for an MRI next week as there has been a front foot niggle for too long for me, so getting it checked properly..
Then we're planning to transition to barefoot immediately... Feeling apprehensive and worried about him being uncomfortable while he gets going.
I have boots, hoof armour and bute lined up, he is already fed barefoot friendly and lives on a grass track.

So.... no eventing for us this summer 😞 Hoping to back to dressage for winter season though.

@dorsetladette I also have one to break to drive this winter and have never done it before!
Would be good to swap notes on what you're doing to prep for sending away?


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26 January 2011
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Another one in seemingly never-ending rehab jail… week 17 post-suspensory and DDFT injury but at least we’re back on board and he’s allowed restricted turnout.

Was supposed to be going down south for inter regionals but Raz injured himself and ended up needing steroids/antibiotics as it just wasn’t healing.

Luckily managed to get a last minute space at a dressage-to-music clinic with Cas so we’ve got that to look forwards to.


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19 October 2017
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Little D is getting the week off as I'm off to London to watch spirited away and the Paris to consume my weight in pastry and wine (oh has list of cafe and restaurants as long as my arm... For 3 days 😅🥂) .
I'm so pleased with how she is going at the moment we hacked out with some ponies she doesn't know that well last night and D usually she gets a bit stressy on the way home but she was much more manageable, waited albeit a bit disgruntled, protected the others from the scary motorbike and didn't insist on going at the front ( pals are much bigger but she likes to show off her fell pony massive walk)👍.
Our lesson earlier in the week was fab the spring grass has given her a definite spring but in a nice directable way. Worked on our sideways trotting and baby shoulder in. Canter transitions are still a little hit/miss but I think that's mostly my fault as I anticipate the rush/ occasional flying change! Sack the jockey. I'm managing to get her doing at least 5 days work at the moment which I'm pleased about.


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3 January 2012
SW Scotland
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Morning all, I only post in here occasionally as it’s not me competing these days but my family. I am sad not to be watching Chatsworth. I was surprised at the rain there, it’s been a great week of sunshine in Scotland!
My daughter has driven all the way down to Pickering Grange in Leicestershire with her failed racehorse! She is representing Scotland in the BD Senior Inter Regionals team today.
Our main interest is Eventing really but this young mare is not bold about jumping so a switch to dressage has been amazing fun because she is actually quite good!!


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12 March 2005
N Beds
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I have got a low key flatwork session at a local venue this afternoon. I am a bit nervous as it's my first time of taking my new girl out completely by myself, i.e. loading/unloading alone.

Might try to put my brave pants on for our second ever hack tomo, then on Monday I have a bodywork practitioner/behaviouralist coming out to help me with picking up Echo's back legs. I can now get them off the ground but not for long enough to do anything with them, so I need to upskill myself!


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5 February 2008
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Morning all, I only post in here occasionally as it’s not me competing these days but my family. I am sad not to be watching Chatsworth. I was surprised at the rain there, it’s been a great week of sunshine in Scotland!
My daughter has driven all the way down to Pickering Grange in Leicestershire with her failed racehorse! She is representing Scotland in the BD Senior Inter Regionals team today.
Our main interest is Eventing really but this young mare is not bold about jumping so a switch to dressage has been amazing fun because she is actually quite good!!
Good luck. I’ve got a friend there with an RoR for another region. My one who became a hoys show horse was initially destined to event but not bold enough. Its lovely when they find their niche.


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12 March 2005
N Beds
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We had a supersonic time at the flatwork clinic. I have enquired about the two day camp next weekend, eeeppp...!

She was being v stressy/shouty to start with, which isn't really like her. The lady said that there were foals nearby & apparently mares can get lit up by foals, especially if they've had one (I don't know if she has or not). Sure enough, as soon as we started to work, she forgot about the foals & was chilled. I couldn't see or hear foals, but she evidently could.

Might find a walk-trot test to do...

Can anyone who has been to a dressage comp recently tell me whether people have swapped to grey breeches or whether people are still wearing white? TY!


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1 April 2018
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Took my 3 year old to a young horse competition and I am pleased with how he handled it. There was a lot of waiting around. A lot. So much standing on the trailer or along the road.

Everyone loved him though and admired his disposition. He was rather ho hum about it all so I felt like he didn't show so much pizzazz. If he were nervous or more worked up, his gaits would've had more expression 😅 He went in, knew the job, and just did it. It was was also hot. 32°C was the high of the day. He hardly broke a sweat though.

The comments were as I expected, and it's hard in a class full of Warmbloods because he just doesn't have the suspension that they do. Which I am ok with. Been there, done that, owned the big Warmblood, and prefer my Spanish horses. I received similar comments from time to time with my last PRE too.

Hopefully I'll have some professional photos to share later. Here are some comments from his score card. He got mostly high 7's, which is "good."



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14 August 2011
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I'm off to Dallas Burston polo club for their No Stressage Eventing on Sunday. It's one round of SJ at a set height followed by a XC course where you pick your height. Have opted for the 80 SJ as haven't jumped on grass since last summer and she can go a bit green/looky. If that goes well I'll aim to pop the 90's in the XC 🤞
That seems like a great format and venue!


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3 February 2013
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I had another little ride on Blue today, and even ventured outside the school!

I've got a saddle check booked for in a couple of weeks and am just using a Total Contact saddle until then. Even with that, six months out of the saddle, and all the associated nerves, I felt confident enough to push her on a bit when she just wanted to plod.


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25 February 2016
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Super jumping lesson yesterday. All of us needing a steady intro (new or young horses) and the hooligan only had two leg throwing moments and I'm really pleased with that. His first ever jumping lesson at that yard we spent a lot of time broncing.

Chiltern ride today was at the wonderful Cholsey Farm and was fabulous. We started with a bit of leg throwing and back humping but it was warm and there are hills! He got over himself very quickly and we had a lovely ride.

Could have done without the lorry not starting but my jump start kit did the job (phew!)


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7 November 2012
Saffron Walden, Essex
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Took Zach to his first ridden show today. Considering he’s never even shared a school with another horse he was fab, didn’t put a foot wrong. He was very novicey compared to the others there, and the hot weather really sapped the energy from him, but I’m so pleased he was a sensible boy and we had a lovely day out.



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12 March 2005
N Beds
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Hacked out again today. There is a 200m stretch of road between two bridleways & a house on this stretch has decided to put up Heras panels with tarpaulins attached which are loose & flappy. It was our 2nd ever hack & the wind flapped them just as we were going past. She did a big spook, did an almighty slip on the road, think Bambi on ice, nearly went down, leapt back up nearly tipping me off backwards but luckily I sat tight & just got a nasty whiplash & then we were okay. OMG, a heartstopping moment. We only really have one hack & we HAVE to go past this wretched house to get home. The panels are going to be there for ages as the people keep getting denied planning for whatever it is they want to build. I was shaking all the way home. We got home okay, both a little on edge. Oh well, it could have been a lot worse.


Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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Good boy today! First outing in just over a month since winter champs.

We’ve been working really hard on the frame and contact recently and needed a dry run for some upcoming competitions.

Apart from a 30 second menty B about the speakers just as we went to go round for our first test, he was absolutely chilled as anything and really on the ball all day.

70%+ 1st/3 PSG and bang on the marker with 70% Inter 1 (only me in it!). Day off tomorrow very well deserved for both of us, I’m knackered!


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Well-Known Member
18 December 2010
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We had a supersonic time at the flatwork clinic. I have enquired about the two day camp next weekend, eeeppp...!

She was being v stressy/shouty to start with, which isn't really like her. The lady said that there were foals nearby & apparently mares can get lit up by foals, especially if they've had one (I don't know if she has or not). Sure enough, as soon as we started to work, she forgot about the foals & was chilled. I couldn't see or hear foals, but she evidently could.

Might find a walk-trot test to do...

Can anyone who has been to a dressage comp recently tell me whether people have swapped to grey breeches or whether people are still wearing white? TY!
Sorry I’m a whites slave. Seen plenty in black, navy and grey. Each to their own. I’d be tempted by black breeches in a downpour though. Less washing!