Mid May Weekend Thread


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11 February 2017
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It went ahead! Such a fun thing to do. My three team mates had never Team chased before (i've only done one!) and as soon as we finished they all said how much fun it was and how they wanted to go again!
It was a shorter course and very twisty so we had a few stops as the newer xc horses didn't quite expect it but Buzz was so good, really flying despite the heat. Great day and glad to be out again :)


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20 March 2023
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Well you can always count on horses to keep you grounded…😂

Jumped the SJ well but came out onto XC very sticky and green. Tried to get a forward rhythm but she was looking at everything and we ended up with 3 refusals at 3 different fences 🤦🏻‍♀️ The steeplechase part was fun though (pictured) when she actually got moving!


Well-Known Member
25 February 2016
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It went ahead! Such a fun thing to do. My three team mates had never Team chased before (i've only done one!) and as soon as we finished they all said how much fun it was and how they wanted to go again!
It was a shorter course and very twisty so we had a few stops as the newer xc horses didn't quite expect it but Buzz was so good, really flying despite the heat. Great day and glad to be out again :)
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That looks loads of fun - the team chasing around here is huge but I'd have a go at the tiny version!


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5 February 2008
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Lots of fab reports and pictures. Hope those nursing problems or injuries get on the quick road to recovery. We had a non-competing weekend and Saturday went with OH to one of his sporting hobbies - did ask where the trophies was when I hit the bullseye twice out of 5 attempts but no trophies apparently......


Well-Known Member
11 February 2017
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That looks loads of fun - the team chasing around here is huge but I'd have a go at the tiny version!
It's a really nice course, and very welcoming. For the team chase you can pick your height so it starts at 50cm, then up to 80cm then up to 90cm. I start off at 50 then as we get into the flow add a few of the slightly bigger (but not intimidating!) jumps in.


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22 April 2014
Sunny Dorset
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Looks like people had lovely weekends with their ponies. It's encouraging when you have a baby pony just starting out his ridden career to see all the fun we have ahead of us.
Not much here, we're booked for an MRI next week as there has been a front foot niggle for too long for me, so getting it checked properly..
Then we're planning to transition to barefoot immediately... Feeling apprehensive and worried about him being uncomfortable while he gets going.
I have boots, hoof armour and bute lined up, he is already fed barefoot friendly and lives on a grass track.

So.... no eventing for us this summer 😞 Hoping to back to dressage for winter season though.

@dorsetladette I also have one to break to drive this winter and have never done it before!
Would be good to swap notes on what you're doing to prep for sending away?

Really sorry to hear your pony isn't quite right. I hope the MRI shows a simply fixed issue. I looks like you have everything covered to help him go barefoot without to much discomfort. Always a little transition changes - a bit like us changing from wellies to trainers/flip flops (that how I think of it anyway).

We have had our little Reggie (the pity purchase) since he was 9 months old. Since he arrived we have done all sorts with him. The main thing we have done specifically for prep for driving is getting him used to harness. He has it on for probably 20 mins/half an hour once a week. sometimes while we are walking him out or other times after a groom, while he is grazing in the yard area. Yesterday he saw the cart for the first time, we let him graze around it and touch it until he was relaxed around it, we then started to lift the shafts up and down next to him while he grazed and moved the cart forwards and backwards. Banged the swindel tree backwards and forwards and tried to rattle anything that would potentially make a noise behind him when he is pulling it. When he was OK with this OH touched him with the shafts. All while he was in the yard area (fenced off grass area) eating grass.

But to help him become a well rounded adult horse we do all sorts to get him used to things he will encounter in grown up life. Our land is along side a very busy trunk road so he see's all kinds of traffic. He is also walked out (on the quieter back road) in hand on his own and with another horse being ridden. He's been out in the lorry, worn all sorts of tack, etc etc. We set up obstacles in the field to walk under, over and around. I've sat up on him a couple of times. The only thing I haven't done with Reggie is take him to a show, but we will in time - he's a bit to excitable and I'm worried I won't hold him. All the other babies I have had have been out to experience show grounds of different types from very young, but Reggie was very poor when he first came to us and he's never (in my opinion) looked in-proportion or carried enough weight, (thats another story) but you can really tell the difference in his behavior when in new environments/places compared to the youngster I have had out showing.

We haven't decided where we will send him yet but when we do I will take some advice from them with what else we can do to help prep him. I just don't want to get anything wrong and upset things - I already have one field ornament that someone else mucked up while trying to back, so I'm very aware of getting things right and setting them up to succeed.

What have you been doing with yours?


I used to be decisive, now I'm not so sure...
7 February 2013
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A bit late to the thread as I've been busy.

Was supposed to be at Chatsworth with New Partner. He'd been warned that I'd constantly be telling him that I've competed here, I've jumped that etc 🤣 as he's only known me since I've been an old fogie.

Sunday I went to a jumping clinic. It was indoor so rather warm but BH was a good boy and is now pretty secure at jumping round up to 90. Not a full course at that, and he needs more practice with different fillers, but his education has been fragmented by the other stuff happening in my life and he is such a generous trier.

Besides, he is so handsome!


Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Rehab going well. Lottie looks to be moving a lot better through her back. I've done 3 weeks lunging/polework, rest daytomorrow than I am back on board for 2 weeks ridden active rehab. Vet wants to see video after 2 weeks but hopefully will be cleared to 'crack on as normal' after that. I hardly dare hope! But vet seems pretty positive.


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27 January 2009
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@Ambers Echo I'm a bit behind on HHO activity at the mo - what's going on with Lottie?

We had a busy weekend after a quiet few weeks while Chilli had his hocks diagnosed and treated. We went to my dressage trainer's on Fri/Sat and while Chilli was more relaxed than pre-treatment, we were still having major tantrums about canter transitions. Trainer got on and found he's really not accepting leg to hand enough (particularly the contact) so it's impossible to straighten him enough to position him for the transition. I felt very despondent but we've now got a plan to fix it.

Sunday was funday with a little jumping comp at home. We did the 60cm (which was tiny!) and 70cm, with just one annoying fence down in the 70. None of us could be bothered to do a jump-off so we ended up joint-first in both classes as no-one went clear in the 70! Chilli thought he was super-cool even though we're still doing most of our jumping out of trot and look very much like dressage-types having a go at leaving the ground 🤣


Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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@Jiffy she decked me 4 times on 2 lessons as I was prepping for 2nd rounds, by slamming on the brakes at the last second. 3 deckings were in lesson 1 in a newish bit that she was backing off from, so I hastily arraged lesson 2 with old bit hoping it was just that. But when she refused again I withdrew her and booked her in at the vets. Very sore tight back/neck - mainly from adjustments after her hocks were treated which means she is moving differently. At least vet is hoping that is all it is. Back has been xrayed and neck ultrasounded to check for anything more serious. And she can see they show recent strain but 'she's seen a lot worse' whatever that means....!

Caol Ila

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23 January 2012
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30 December 2011
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Took Zach to his first ridden show today. Considering he’s never even shared a school with another horse he was fab, didn’t put a foot wrong. He was very novicey compared to the others there, and the hot weather really sapped the energy from him, but I’m so pleased he was a sensible boy and we had a lovely day out.

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He's just fabulous ❤️ My favourite HHO horse besides my own.


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1 April 2018
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He's looking really grown up now

I don't think I would have managed to persuade mine away from the flowers!!

I was worried that he was going to pick up some flowers/decorations and run off with them 😂 Fortunately there were several people in the arena with him to control the situation/ward him off.

Love your turbo cob btw!