26 July 2020 #1 S Steph009 New User Joined 27 December 2018 Messages 9 Visit site We are hit really bad with midges at the moment horses have sweet it h rugs on but we are upgrading our stables. Has anyone installed a fan or screens?
We are hit really bad with midges at the moment horses have sweet it h rugs on but we are upgrading our stables. Has anyone installed a fan or screens?
26 July 2020 #2 MrsMozartleto Just passing through... Joined 27 June 2008 Messages 41,412 Location Not where I should be... Visit site I've seen a yard with screens in the big doorway. I would think the issue with fans is you'll need some decent air movement, and the wee buggers will find the spots the fan power doesn't reach.
I've seen a yard with screens in the big doorway. I would think the issue with fans is you'll need some decent air movement, and the wee buggers will find the spots the fan power doesn't reach.