Minging mares!! back legs & tail - how to keep clean??


Well-Known Member
26 May 2006
Maidstone & Fawkham, Kent
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<span style="color:purple">Any one have any good tips to share?? No matter what i do my mare always has poo in her tail and when in season her back legs are just rank

i wash her as much a possible - smothering her tail [and occasionally her back legs when she is in season] with conditioner (clairol as its always on special offer in tesco!!) does help , as does spraying her tail with Mr Sheen.

mane and tail conditioner does nothing at all.

im thinking now i will have to pull her tail ?! but i really really cant bear the thought of it as i know it wont suit her....

i do plait her tail in a few plaits but this damages and breaks the hair so no good for her really in the long run.

i have also tried pony-tailing it as it were with just the underneath sections which are the worse effected bought round to the front in a pony tail but doesnt help a great deal

does anyone else dread the back end of their mare?! she is so lovely and clean in the stable not messy at all, she just cant seem to take a dump without plastering herself in it!!!!!!!!

as you can see its quiet thick ... should i pull it ?? i love it long and thick , plus i like to plait it



Situation normal
1 July 2004
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Show sheen - plain and simple.

The poo will easily comb out of the tail when it's dry, and will not stick to the legs if you keep them pretty glossy.

However, one thing to think about is that if your mare does not have particularly firm poos then she may have a gut imbalance that needs addressing. So is she getting enough fibre do you think??