Minnie & Morris are awesome: A VERY happy Aston report


Well-Known Member
24 August 2011
Hurston Dressage & Eventing, Oxfordshire
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We decided to take Minnie & Morris to Aston UA for their first runs for a variety of reasons - good ground & galloping courses being two of the main ones. And the team at Aston did not disappoint. The ground was incredible, so a huge THANK YOU to the team there for working so damn hard on it - it was perfect!

This was my first event with Minnie & TBH I was feeling the pressure a bit - she won her last BE100 run (with an Olympian!) on 17.5.... Hmmm. I don't do her flatwork, so I had my first go at it on Sunday evening & had a lesson with the OH.

She warmed up beautifully & managed to pull a 31 out the bag - 3rd after dressage. Video is here.

(Please be kind... Only the 2nd time I've ridden her on the flat!) Sadly this is the only video of the day - groom is great with horses, rubbish with technology! :rolleyes:

We then went SJ & she was really fabulous, just an annoying 4 faults. Pics here:

Then we went XC! My goodness she's awesome! We stormed round inside the time :) Happy pony, happy rider & seriously happy owner!!

We finished on 35, just outside top 10, but think 11th is respectable for our first go?!

Onto Morris Man, who was raring to go ;) He last ran in July 2012, due to foot balance issues. No jumping for 4 months meant just dressage until January this year... All the hard work has def paid off... He did a BEAUTIFUL, calm test for 28!!! Good boy :)

He then popped round the SJ like it was no more than a BE90, which I was chuffed with as that arena holds a few demons for me (forgot a fence in the Intermediate last year!). So off to the XC with a score of 28!

We have been working hard to get Morris listening in the latter part of courses, so I've been galloping him, then collecting, riding a figure of eight, then galloping again, throwing in tight turns etc to keep him responsive. However, I was still struggling to 'keep' him in a Pelham, so we've been playing around with elevator bits. TOTAL REVELATION. Suddenly he's rideable throughout & I don't finish galloping totally shattered!

Anyway, there were a fair few little questions, such as skinnies, corners and a bounce of steps, but of course, none of them were an issue for Mr Morris! I took my time setting him up but due to the new bit, we could carry on travelling. I thought we'd finish with about 5 time pens, but we apparently were a lot faster than I thought & finished with just 2.8 pens!

So, our finishing score was 30.8 and....


Cue lots of tears from overly emotional rider ;) It's so lovely to have him feeling so enthusiastic about life & loving his job.

Got one pic here:


Thanks for reading if you got this far :)


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5 May 2011
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I can't tell you how thrilled I am for you! I know I have said it before but no one deserves it more than you! So bloody brilliant to see Morris man back out kicking ass!!! (Oops 2 bad words in one sentence!) Xxz


Well-Known Member
24 August 2011
Hurston Dressage & Eventing, Oxfordshire
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I can't tell you how thrilled I am for you! I know I have said it before but no one deserves it more than you! So bloody brilliant to see Morris man back out kicking ass!!! (Oops 2 bad words in one sentence!) Xxz

You're very sweet to be so kind :) Morris just loves his job so much, makes it much easier for me ;) Just hope he manages to keep his dressage brain in gear this seaon!! Murph's turn soon!!xx

:D Can feel your enthusiasm through your post! Onwards and upwards :D

Haha, I do love them both so much... I know how very lucky I am :)

Wow well done, what a lovely post, you can feel your joy through it!!!! Good luck for the rest of the season!!

Thank you :) Still on a high... The OH is getting a bit bored of it now ;)

Wow what a result - well done on both!

Thank you :)

Great results! Especially after you've worked so hard and been so patient with Morris. Well done.

Thank you :) It has felt like a long road (though not nearly as long as some people's) but he really feels like he's coming into his prime :)

Excellent results, well done. Both look like fab horses and you ride them beautifully :D

Thank you :) They are wonderful ponies & I am so darn lucky to have them! Happy, happy, happy!


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11 June 2010
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Woohoo :D Well after that sort of start to the season we are expecting great things from you all this year!

Minnie is looking very smart and grown-up :) really well done.


Well-Known Member
24 August 2011
Hurston Dressage & Eventing, Oxfordshire
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Brilliant, Ali, so pleased for you, especially re Morris :)

Thank you :) All his naughtiness is now forgiven ;)

Woohoo :D Well after that sort of start to the season we are expecting great things from you all this year!

Minnie is looking very smart and grown-up :) really well done.

Lol, don't count chickens ;) Thank you though, fingers crossed it continues in that direction! Minnie is just awesome, I so hope she carries on as confidently as she started!

Yay! What a well deserved result, I'm thrilled for you :) Lovely lovely pics too, both are a credit to you :)

Thank you :) It helps that they are both rather gorgeous too ;)

Well done indeed! What a positive start to 2013!

Thank you :) Long may it last!!

Fab! Sounds like a great day, well done :)

It was - I'm still grinning :) Thank you!

Gosh that's fantastic and very well-deserved! What a fabulous day out :D

Thank you very much :) So glad all the hard work & effort is finally paying off!

Well done, what a fantastic start to the season for you!! Where next?

Thank you :)

Minnie is going to Swalcliffe BE100 and then Larkhill Novice hopefully! Morris is going to Gatcombe Intermediate next, then Belton Intermediate and then hopefully a 2*!


Well-Known Member
24 August 2011
Hurston Dressage & Eventing, Oxfordshire
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Oh wow - what a great day you had :). Very well done that girl and her horses!!!

It was just fab - still on a massive high :) Thank you, just so stupidly happy with my ponies :D

Brilliant, love that photo of Morris. Sounds like there were quite a few HHO-ers getting off to a winning start last weekend!

:) I had to get that pic - he looks so non-plussed by the fact that he's just flown round a Novice track, that's him through & through though.. Knows how awesome he is!

HHOers are going to rock 2013!!


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9 May 2007
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Amazing result on both!!

Both horses and you look so happy and relaxed - well done and look forward to seeing more fab results :D


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2 April 2009
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:D :D :D Is pretty much it! So pleased that he's back on such good form! And winning is always nice...

Minnie looks super too :) Hope Rudi's coming back into work a little less excitingly than Winnie has- we met the hunt meet finishing up on saturday, he'd been really silly all the way out so decided to turn around sharpish before giving him an excuse to totally lose it! :eek:


Well-Known Member
24 August 2011
Hurston Dressage & Eventing, Oxfordshire
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Well done and great pics. Morris looks awesome and you are a stylish jockey.

Thank you! Obviously I am biased & think that he is just amazing, but lovely to know that others agree ;) I have worked hard on my riding this winter, so thank you so much for such a lovely compliment about it :)

Amazing result on both!!

Both horses and you look so happy and relaxed - well done and look forward to seeing more fab results :D

Thanks :) They both know how awesome they are & are so chilled out - long may it continue :)

:D :D :D Is pretty much it! So pleased that he's back on such good form! And winning is always nice...

Minnie looks super too :) Hope Rudi's coming back into work a little less excitingly than Winnie has- we met the hunt meet finishing up on saturday, he'd been really silly all the way out so decided to turn around sharpish before giving him an excuse to totally lose it! :eek:

:D :D :D

We have decided not to ride (rodeo) Rudi until April now as it got a bit dangerous! And my back wasn't standing up to the continuous bucking ;) He can be turned out in April... Roll on April!

Lol about Winnie! Truly young at heart ;)

Fantastic start to the season! Looking great in the pics

Thank you :D Couldn't have asked for better really!

Brilliant, love the pics!!

Thanks :) Minnie's owner went a bit crazy with the pics & bought rather a lot! Proud mummy :)

Really really well done! :)

Thank you :D


Well-Known Member
2 April 2009
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:D :D :D

We have decided not to ride (rodeo) Rudi until April now as it got a bit dangerous! And my back wasn't standing up to the continuous bucking ;) He can be turned out in April... Roll on April!

Lol about Winnie! Truly young at heart ;)

Oh gosh! On the scale of things Win's been extremely good, but he's just got to the point now where the smallest thing sets him off and there's no reasoning with him! Very very much hoping he can be allowed to go out this weekend, will be a relief for all of us. Not sure what level of work he'll come back into though, he's been a tiny bit unlevel behind in trot and I wonder if he'll stay sound enough to get the work into him to bring him back into full work, but we'll see. Whatever happens he can enjoy being out again and if he's going to stay happy and comfortable doing just hacking that's fine, hopefully will have a slightly clear picture after vet's been on friday! Will let you knowx