Minor Irritations


Well-Known Member
15 September 2018
Dartmoor, Devon
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Foxes that steal grooming brushes and leave them in the fields. The cocker when he decides to jump in the water troughs. Any dog rolling in anything, oh and the dogs only coming back when I call them for the third time when I expect instant response.


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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Squeamishness, in people who really should have for over it years ago...

Today, somebody discovered that one of the mares had crapped in her corner manger, a molded concrete one permanently built into the wall.

And there were "worms".

And there is no suitable little spade or scoop.

So my instructor managed to make a scoop out of the stiffest sheet of paper he could find in the office and he managed to scoop out the crap. One of the girls who hung around to help feed the horses told me the instructor wanted me to take a look at the manger to make sure they were all out, and see if I recognised what kind of "worms" they were... I don't know how he got the idea that I'm some kind of work specialist.

In fact, it was because he'd come to the yard wearing his prescription sunglasses that are to tinted to be able to see in the dim corner of a stable... I used the torch on my phone and speed a few of the tiny maggots (about 5mm long) that he'd missed, and picked them up with my fingers to drop them into his little paper scoop.

He was disgusted than I could touch them. So I told him about fishermen buying maggots for fishing bait, keeping them in the fridge, and just before putting them on the hook warning them up in their mouths... I think he almost chundered.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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My gsd rolling in fox and badger poop, happily, gleefully and running up to me proudly showing off her poo-stained streaks!

Oh the stench!
Years ago my pony had a habit of removing her fly mask in the field. One morning as I was leaving the yard I spotted her mask in the field so popped over, grabbed it and chucked it in the passenger footwell.
About 30 seconds later I realised that foxes had peed on it overnight ?
I drove to work with the windows open.


Well-Known Member
23 November 2019
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Years ago my pony had a habit of removing her fly mask in the field. One morning as I was leaving the yard I spotted her mask in the field so popped over, grabbed it and chucked it in the passenger footwell.
About 30 seconds later I realised that foxes had peed on it overnight ?
I drove to work with the windows open.

Ewww you poor thing! Nothing quite like fox aromatherapy to wake you up in the morning ?


Well-Known Member
26 October 2020
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Not animal or yard related at all but... when the ‘Tear here’ tab on a biscuit packet is faulty and doesn’t work.

just happened with my crunch creams. Crunch creams ended up all over the floor as my desperation to open said packet overflowed and I was a bit over zealous.

Yes!! Crunch creams do this to me too, devastating when the dogs get more than I do ?

Cadbury's "share" packets never tear off cleanly either


riding reluctantly into the sunset
21 February 2013
the sat-nav is wrong, go farther up the hill
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After last weekend I'm adding cycle events. One teeny tiny signpost, no stewards and literally 100s of cyclists. Many slowed down (big thanks to Maidenhead cycle club - huge group) but others just went past flat out. Microcob is very good but even she started to get jumpy.

I would contact the cycle club, Facebook?, and tell them you appreciated their courtesy and why. Perhaps your comments will filter through to other clubs and change their attitude.
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Dave's Mam

Well-Known Member
23 July 2014
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Not animal or yard related at all but... when the ‘Tear here’ tab on a biscuit packet is faulty and doesn’t work.

just happened with my crunch creams. Crunch creams ended up all over the floor as my desperation to open said packet overflowed and I was a bit over zealous.

Crunch Creams, especially ginger ones, are too precious for package opening failures causing biscuits to go on the floor.

GSD Woman

Well-Known Member
9 December 2018
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I'm mad about the a-holes that can't or won't control the dogs. If my dogs even thought about behaving like that they would be on leash until we worked through that issue.

poiuytrewg, start teaching your dog a behavior to indicate the mask find and using a good reward. My dogs down on tracking articles that I taught originally in the front garden. Gradually move the mask farther away and reward for the behavior. Then start simple hides and again reward for the behavior. Then practice at the yard.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2009
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Had a rubbish week and I feel I need to vent about some minor things...

'It'. Why do people refer to their horses as 'it'? I love my horse, she's not always lovely but I NEVER refer to her as 'it'.
I know, the horse has no idea how you refer to him/her but still. My YO refers to a lot of the liveries horses as 'it' and I find it disrespectful.

Surely a gelding is an "it"?
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11 June 2019
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Oh my god.
I remembered one today and thought of this thread.

my mum makes absolutely zero effort to learn people’s names/will not be corrected.

it’s not like forgetfulness when you go through all the children’s names til you get to the right one, it seems like a lack of care/interest in learning something that doesn’t necessarily affect her directly. And I think it’s fecking rude cos it’s not a genuine mistake if you continue on with it for years on end.

I never ever mention it to her because she also does not take any criticism whatsoever, it really gets on my t*ts. I could understand if it was some information processing problem, but it’s not…

Anna turns to Hannah and I don’t have a clue who she’s talking about.
Kurt turns to Curtis and so on.


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14 January 2012
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People who don't wear hi viz

Cyclists who cannon round a corner in the middle of the road as if competing in the tour de France. The number of times one has had to brake sharply as we are heading up to said corner. Imagine if it were a tractor...

Agree re out of control dogs, I'm not a dog person so have even less tolerance. He got chased up the road recently by some little ratty dog that raced out someone's (certain breed of person that we aren't allowed to refer to on here) property as their gate is always wide open. He now isn't keen on going past there but unfortunately it's on our main hacking route. Old YO used to have shockingly behaved dogs that would steal your equipment and run off and tear it yet didn't offer to replace it for you, it was your fault for leaving it in their reach

The trend for fly veils unless needed. Hideous things

The fact almost everything has bling on it. I'll see a nice saddle pad (which I'm trying to stop my addiction to buying due to money) look further and see it has bling on. I like a nice plain saddle pad with different colour binding, I don't want bling on it!

The mark up on horse specific items

As @SO1 said, I already spend a lot of money on him, and don't earn loads so cannot afford to pay for all the latest treatments/ add ons, also I have other things I'd like to do with my time, so don't spend hours at the yard


Well-Known Member
1 August 2002
Beds/South Cambs
People who talk about spoiling their horse and believe they look after them well because they have masses of gear, but then miss out on very basic care… for example having the flashiest saddle pads but a cheap saddle that doesn’t fit or new blingy bridle and don’t get their teeth checked. Piles of rugs but they’re too lazy to change them etc etc. Does my absolute nut in and I feel it becomes more common somehow.


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8 January 2014
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Mine is people spouting off another how x,y,a is cruel but have no idea how to use/ do things properly.

‘Drop nosebands are so cruel jamming horses mouth shut’ but instructor suggests a grackle to shut horses mouth and they rush out and buy one?

‘Not rugging is so cruel ’ - it’s September and horse have more than enough weight on!

‘Oh such and such jumped their horse x high and they can’t ride. We would never do that it’s cruel’

I am very live and let live but hate to have to listen to people criticise things they have no idea about.


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5 May 2015
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3) This is one that's REALLY p!$$Ed me off this week...big time.
Long thread of several hundred comments on FaceAche this week about mares vs geldings. I personally prefer geldings and find mares hard to get on with..it's just one of those things but I got called a woman hater (Erm, I AM a woman..!!!) and ignorant simply because I said I prefer geldings. The general thread was people (with mares) saying that people with geldings were, ignorant, that mares were wonderful, best partnership ever blah blah and saying how stupid geldings are and that you don't get the same "bond" etc. I feel this is grossly unfair. Say one word against mares and everybody and their dog likes to tell you how biased and wrong you are but it's fine to ridicule and slag off geldings..??? Nope, not going to happen. One person told me that women who dislike mares are usually really bitchy with other women etc..!!!!!

You don't like mares!!!!??? Well how bloody dare you! ?

As an owner of a mare, a gelding, and a gelding who acts more like a stroppy mare, I agree completely that they are all different. I've been very lucky with my mare as she is very laid back and never marish. Having owned a very mareish mare previously though, I would not want another with that same personality.
Everyone has preferences. I don't see how you can be offended by that? I wouldn't be bothered one jot if someone told me they preferred mares over gelding and vice versa.
Although I did give a very self opinionated livery a death stare once as she told me she wasn't a fan of geldings, especially chestnut geldings, and particularly chestnut geldings with white blazes. I was leading my pony in at the time *see my boy pictured in my avatar pic* but that's a different story ?
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Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Had a rubbish week and I feel I need to vent about some minor things...

'It'. Why do people refer to their horses as 'it'? I love my horse, she's not always lovely but I NEVER refer to her as 'it'.
I know, the horse has no idea how you refer to him/her but still. My YO refers to a lot of the liveries horses as 'it' and I find it disrespectful.

Parelli. I don't get it. I'm told, if practiced and timed well it makes for a well educated horse. I've obviously never seen it practiced or timed well. All I see is an owner shaking ropes violently to make a horse stop or turn - god forbid the horse gets it wrong because the rope can get very erratic! Don't even start me on the flags...

'Work him/her (usually it) through it'. Sometimes I agree with this but if your horse starts bucking or napping and it's out of character, there's probably something wrong?

Last one. For now...
Let him/her/it shiver weight off. Yeah, turn your fully clipped horse out with no rug, in the depths of winter and let him shiver. This happened a lot at a previous yard. Apparently he was a hot horse and didn't need his fur and definitely didn't need a rug.

These are just my personal irritations to get you started - what about you?
Me too, my husband calls my animals it too. Really grates on me.


Well-Known Member
13 August 2013
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People who talk about spoiling their horse and believe they look after them well because they have masses of gear, but then miss out on very basic care… for example having the flashiest saddle pads but a cheap saddle that doesn’t fit or new blingy bridle and don’t get their teeth checked. Piles of rugs but they’re too lazy to change them etc etc. Does my absolute nut in and I feel it becomes more common somehow.

This totally! They have no idea how to prioritise , or even think about, what actually matters to horse.


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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People who get offended by things or are worried about offense all the time. If I mention that I'm fat to someone for example either because they have asked why I don't want to eat 'x' or as a passing joke I always get 'oh don't be silly, you're not fat' or similar. No really, I am clinically obese. It's an unavoidable fact that I am completely aware and okay with.. you don't have to be worried on my behalf.
Or if someone says 'oh you can come and ride mine' when I mention that I lost Jacob, and I say thank you but I'm too heavy - 'oh no you're not, you're fine', trying to protect my feelings. No.. at 15 stone I am too heavy for your 15hh ISH.

I know they're just trying to be kind, but it irks me.


Well-Known Member
5 May 2015
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Fellow yardie had an altercation with a dog walker yesterday. Same walker has persistently failed to put young and very lively dog on a lead when walking through the farm and horse fields (public footpath) and has repeatedly been asked to. Yesterday the dog was tearing up and down the path beside my paddock and set my girls off- P is recovering from lami and we could do without her doing anything too daft. My friend shouted to walker, who had ear phones in and couldn’t hear so friend ran after her and a bit of an argument ensued. Walkers response to being asked if she could please keep her dog on a lead through the Farm was to smirk “what you going to do, call the police?”
95% of the dog walkers we see are lovely, very considerate of the horses and we’ve made friends with a lot of them and always say hello and fuss the dogs, but occasionally a self-entitled idiot comes through.

Oooo I'd have had to respond with "no but I will warn you that land owner takes a very dim view of dogs worrying the horses and may take it upon himself to shoot your dog the next time this happens". Some people really are idiots. I feel so sorry for the dogs to because they could so easily be kicked/injured because of their irresponsible owners.