Minor Irritations


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29 July 2018
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Perhaps they don't want to say 'because I'm skint' or ' husband has walked out'
They could say "due to personal circumstances" or "my financial circumstances" - 'due to circumstances' isn't even correct English.

My new not so minor irritation is horses, with very minimal turnout, not having any bedding laid down in their stable during the day. All the shavings go in a bank. Apparently it's so they don't wee on it, keeping the shavings clean for their night bed. But isn't the whole point of having shavings so they'll soak up the wet and not leave the whole stable stinking of ammonia?? Why would you stable a horse and then get annoyed that they have urine?? And then it just stays in pools on the rubber matting...

GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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southerncomfort, can you recycle any of you plastic?

And thank you for reminded me to take my plastic with me on my errands this morning. I have to go by the store where I can place my plastic for recycling.


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18 June 2021
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This one makes me sad, rather than annoying me as such - but the "my horse is a tw@t" type attitude, I really don't like. I think the Shite Eventers Unite FB group, and things like it, really fuel that attitude. I encountered this at previous riding schools as a kid/teen as well and hated it.

It makes me sad because the only way the horse has to communicate to us that something is wrong really is either by acting out or refusing to do something, so it's on us to listen, and not to just shut them up and bash them into submission.


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10 August 2018
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Lame horses being characterised as naughty or lazy.

BHS training, where your average instructor couldn’t spot a lame horse a mile off, nor has passed exams on how to train a horse, just to maintain training and teach people…

Riders being told they are rubbish when actually the horse is lame so cannot do what is being asked. So poor horse gets no help and rider loses self-confidence.

Weird clips by people who say they are the bee’s knees. I mean…you can google the correct version of whatever clip you are saying it is. No issues with people doing their own thing though…

Poor fencing at yards.

GSD Woman

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9 December 2018
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I haven't read Shite Eventers Unite in a while but I always got the impression it was the poster making fun of their own riding and calling the horses patchy twats and chunts as a joke. But again, it has been a while seen I've bothered to read it.


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25 January 2014
The wild west.
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I spend a lot of time explaining to the dog that if he finds the horseshoe (somewhere in the 5 acre field) he will have extra dinner. I show him what a horse shoe looks like (just to make sure), he has a good sniff. I look him squarely in the eye and explain about double dinners again, send him on his way, and.......... he does nothing.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2021
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I haven't read Shite Eventers Unite in a while but I always got the impression it was the poster making fun of their own riding and calling the horses patchy twats and chunts as a joke. But again, it has been a while seen I've bothered to read it.

You're right, it definitely is mostly about making fun of riding, mistakes made etc. and I can and do see the funny side of that, but I still think that it does contribute to this 'horses are twats' attitude that I mentioned.


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29 September 2013
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southerncomfort, can you recycle any of you plastic?

And thank you for reminded me to take my plastic with me on my errands this morning. I have to go by the store where I can place my plastic for recycling.

I think Tesco's take it for recycling now. I mostly shop there and they don't wrap their bananas, but OH sometimes picks some up from a certain budget supermarket!


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1 June 2021
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Work related one!
I work in a livestock feed store and take bags of feed out to peoples cars and so many customers say to me ‘you must be getting strong working here.’ No actually, I was already strong before I worked here as I did strength training! And I know it’s just people making conversation but it’s nearly every day and they never say it to the men and sometimes I’m just in a bad mood and don’t want to hear it!


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27 September 2013
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Horseboxes with side ramps at competition venues with small car parks. People tend to tie their horses to the side opposite the ramp and they end up taking up about three times the space something with a rear ramp does. I had to wait to for someone to leave before I could park the other day and there really weren't many vehicles there as everyone had a time to compete. It doesn't take much to stress me out:)


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1 February 2002
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Low rise breeches. They just don’t stay up unless I put a belt on and fasten it really tight… then the belt becomes uncomfortable. Give me high rise belly covering breeches - or pull on riding tights.

People who lunge or free school in the arena, plough it up then don’t try fixing it or report to YO for fixing. It’s impossible to school when the surface has more craters than the surface of the moon.

Poor time keepers. If I arrange to be tacked up and ready for 8am, I will be ready. I expect you to be there too.


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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Poor time keepers. If I arrange to be tacked up and ready for 8am, I will be ready. I expect you to be there too.

I had to go in to the office a couple of weeks ago for a meeting with him anda colleague, starting at 08h00. The boys asked me if I'd be able to make it in for that time. "Of course, but will you two be able to?"...

I knew there was a risk of trains being late, stations being closed, so I gave myself plenty of time. Setting off from home at 06h20 I was there at 07h15. Boss and colleague arrived at about 08h10. Grrr.


Well-Known Member
13 November 2018
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Hands on the horses shoulder to “encourage an outline”. No!

How do you know someone has a stallion, oh don’t worry they’ll tell you.

Livery yards.

The wrong kit for competition, how hard is it to google? This isn’t about money it’s laziness.

“Oh yes Karen tells it like it is” that maybe true but bluntness/telling it like it is, is often code for rude.

Stronger bits/tack instead of schooling.

Not riding for weeks then going hunting or thrashing their horse about the countryside with no fittening.

Fat horses for showing.

Horses not being taught to stand before during and after being mounted.

Parelli of course.

“I wouldnt do that with my horse” Pearl clutchers. No Karen, usually because you can’t catch it or ride one side of it.

Its pain or poor riding/care/lack of understanding or both. It’s 99.9% never because the horse is a shit.

Eventing dressage … it’s different to normal dressage apparently. It’s really not. Basics are basics. But having said that no way would I do what you guys do so my hat off to you for that.

Matchy matchy … ok so yes they usually look lovely and I’m probably jealous but some of you should have spent the money on lessons.

I spend all my money on training btw and it does work, I’m slightly less shit than I was. Just.


Novice equestrian, accomplished equichetrian
8 December 2017
Seine et Oise, France
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French newsreaders on the radio who cannot pronounce the names of Angela Merkel or Armin Laschet. In the days leading up to the election and for the days following it their names have been massacred hundreds of times a day.

Curiously, those same newsreaders manage to pronounce the name of Olaf Scholz very well.


Well-Known Member
18 January 2021
West Mids
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People who look down on my pony for being a pony rather than a Warmblood or ex racer.

Bitchy comment deleted ?
Ha. you saying that when I had Bailey and she turned 10 I put a note on the white board with whiteboard marker pen saying "Happy Birthday Bailey, 10 today" or words to that effect.

Another livery walked past and on seeing the note said "Huh my horse isn't posh enough to have a birthday".
He also didn't believe he got good scores because "I only have a cob". I never looked down on his cob, he just had a bit of a complex.

Gloi if you have a horse who you adore stuff what anyone else thinks. I like horses of all sizes, shapes and colours and breeds. I wouldn't chose certain breeds or characteristics but that's just me, but I don't look down on anyone's horse as I know how much they are loved. Life's too short to care.

People who look down on other people don't end up being looked up to.


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2 January 2012
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It really irritates me when people do things with their horses in a rush, for the benefit of their schedule rather than their horse - I mean picking feet out / changing rugs etc when the horse is eating and things like that, just leave them alone! Rushing horses around often leads to bad manners in my experience, and it makes horses feel insecure. In the same vein I don't like it when people give their horses a bucket of feed so they are quiet for tacking up etc.

Bringing the horse in at 4pm in the winter, feeding and then leaving him in the stable, often running out of hay a couple of hours later, until 8am the next morning.


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25 January 2014
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People that have perfectly lovely horses with no health issues, all ready to do a job and they never ride them. I know this is a divisive subject, but I do believe horses are quite capable of becoming bored, and most seem to relish a bit of work.


Too little time, too much to read.
8 May 2012
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People that have perfectly lovely horses with no health issues, all ready to do a job and they never ride them. I know this is a divisive subject, but I do believe horses are quite capable of becoming bored, and most seem to relish a bit of work.
I think horses want no more than eating and socialising in a roomy field with a bunch of their best friends. Sadly not all horses get the chance to do this.


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29 September 2013
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More of a major irritation.

When you spend 2 hours covering an acre of land with grass seed and treading it in. You come in wet and cold and aching. And you spend another couple of hours making and installing scarecrows.

And then you come out the next day and it's all gone. Every last seed. Because the b*****d pheasants have had an overnight feast.

I may cry.

Also, when you pull a rug off a shelf and a rogue belly strap flies up in the air and the metal clip smacks you square on the forehead.


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11 September 2007
Wherever it is I’ll be limping
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One from today - being told how 'lucky' I am that my horses are fit. Sure, so getting up every day before 5 to see that 3 horses and 2 dogs get proper exercise has done nothing for their fitness levels, it was all just a lucky coincidence!

Or when someone complains that their horse, who they have had since it was a youngster, is really naughty to handle (drags, tanks, barges etc) and they don’t seem to recognise that it was their job to instil good manners.

I get told how lucky I am that Millie is so good to take out and about on my own, but they seem to forget the months and months of short journeys, having to take my dad with me because she was so wired at a new venue and needed two people to even tack her up, loading/unloading/making her wait coz she used to freak out and try to get out before you could get the ramp up. Training horses is hard work and takes a lot of time and commitment. I’m amazed how many people don’t realise how much work is put in to get a horse mannerly and easy to do.


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24 July 2007
West Sussex
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Or when someone complains that their horse, who they have had since it was a youngster, is really naughty to handle (drags, tanks, barges etc) and they don’t seem to recognise that it was their job to instil good manners.

I get told how lucky I am that Millie is so good to take out and about on my own, but they seem to forget the months and months of short journeys, having to take my dad with me because she was so wired at a new venue and needed two people to even tack her up, loading/unloading/making her wait coz she used to freak out and try to get out before you could get the ramp up. Training horses is hard work and takes a lot of time and commitment. I’m amazed how many people don’t realise how much work is put in to get a horse mannerly and easy to do.

Agree. I remember years ago I was told how lucky I was to have such a nicely schooled horse (my now retired 24yo, probably about 8/9 at the time) he wasn't like that when I got him at 5 that's for sure!!


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27 April 2004
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People (mostly women) who spray like cats on toilet seats. Dirty bitches. Our YO is too tight to buy toilet roll and due to some people bringing up their entire family/friends/sharers/instructors, most of us refuse to do a kitty. This means we rely on goodwill to bring loo roll up or keep our own roll (I'm the latter). Had to wipe seat this morning. Urgh.

Also, the cat being too weak in her back end to go all the way in the litter...until I need a urine sample and coyly place the collection beads in a bag where she normally shoots. Cue her moving all the way in and completely avoiding it for 3 days, so eventually I give up and obey the instructions (empty litter, clean and put the plastic beads in the middle).

Dog owners who let their dog run up to back end repeatedly. Stupid man kept calling the dog back, but never put it on a lead, so the cycle repeated itself for 20 damned minutes. I finally blew my top when another dog walker from the other direction had an out of control mad thing that darted behind us, with zero recall. Why are those people always ratty when you finally tell them to get that f***ing dog away from your horse's back end?