Missing Horse, Upset Owner [rant]


Well-Known Member
21 January 2006
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She will of done but we meaning icipitent and myself wont of been around when it happened she is a very chilled lady until you upset each other she wont tolerate rows full stop as she does have a son on the yard who shall i say does not react well to those sort of things.

No way would she kick off in public view she will take each and every person to one side and give it to them straight she wont take nastiness on the yard or will she let something like this drop she will go mad at the fact they handled and moved other owners horses with no consent.

They think they have a hold over the whole yard because they have nice horses and do a couple of small pre novice events every now and again.
They are just from rich backgrounds or at least one of them is the other one is seeing the yard farrier and she has changed even more for the worst since.
They seem to brag about what good riders they are although they both get dropped and have accidents on a regular basis.
And they help out and arrange a few fun days at the yard so yeah they do more or less think they run the place.

But i wont have a word said against our YO she is not only there for you as a YO but many nights i have spent on the phone to her crying over personal things ect and she is always there to listen and help and she never takes it onto the yard with her,she is a lovely woman and she deserves a medal for what she has been through and acomplished.


Well-Known Member
21 January 2006
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honest she is the best ever she hates all kinds of trouble ans although she is chilled she will turn if you start having rows with other liveries [belive me i should know] she wont take any crap in the slightest.
I think the world of that woman and i wont hear a word said against her she is like the older understanding sister i never had bue wanted so much.


Well-Known Member
9 December 2005
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I'll take pictures of it as SN suggested. It's not life threatening, but it will put a stop to me showing him.

marmite, she's not replied, so sent another text. Not nasty, just trying to figure out why!

SoD, she kicked off when they tried to move her mates, so now they move them all together and she leads the way!

[/ QUOTE ]

Now why does that not surprise me....


Well-Known Member
2 February 2006
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Jeez - this is exactly why I gave up on livery yards. I can't stand anyone interferring with my horses without permission. I hope that your poor boy is better soon.