Well-Known Member
MK seems to have taken over our weekend!! Did our dressage on Saturday afternoon, which went quite well, not the 'wow' test he did at Carloon but a fairly correct, accurate test.....ended up with 32 which put us about 3rd so quite happy with that!!!
Walked the SJ and XC and eventually made it home for some dinner before dark! Nothing too worrying on either courses, only the brightly painted sj's which I thought would spook the boy!
Anyway, 5.15am alarm call on Sunday
and off we set in the dark murk that was hanging over Northants and MK!! Slid into the lorry park and set about getting ready.
He warmed up for the sj really well, nice and fresh from not having to do boring dressage beforehand
. He was going really well and I was riding my lines properly (makes a change
!), we came to the bright yellow double and I gave him a bit of a big kick (just in case of spooks!!), bless him.....he launched over the parallel so big I lost my reins.....thought 'sh*t, now what' I kept kicking!!!
Jumped the upright clear then there was a dog leg to another upright to the right or the exit straight on, grabbed the right rein and kicked with left leg and thankfully he locked on and jumped it......que big smiles and giggles from me (I know its no laughing matter but.......
). Anyway, we somehow managed a clear round but had 4 time pens to add.....wasn't worried about them tho, really chuffed with the clear considering the idiot rider....
TO enhance the embarrassment, the crowd clapped when I jumped the last (they never do this at MK) so I think I provided some entertainment for the audience!!
XC he was a dude, bit sticky at the ditch palisade but that was all!!! We got to the far end of the course and que enbarrassing moment no 2!!!
We cleared the 2 skinnys and on landing I nearly dropped my whip, scrambled to catch it (thank goodness...didn't want to lose my lucky stick!!), then noticed we were heading the wrong way......I didn't have hold of my right rein only my whip (numpty rider again!), thankfully only a couple of people saw this!!!
Gathered ourselves together, apologised to ponio with a pat (what must he have been thinking!!), and jumped the rest of the course clear and inside the time
Anyway......enough rambling, you're prob all bored by now!!
We finished 3rd even with the rider mishaps (I love my horse for putting up me....must've been the early start!!!!) so very pleased with our MK outing

Walked the SJ and XC and eventually made it home for some dinner before dark! Nothing too worrying on either courses, only the brightly painted sj's which I thought would spook the boy!
Anyway, 5.15am alarm call on Sunday

He warmed up for the sj really well, nice and fresh from not having to do boring dressage beforehand

TO enhance the embarrassment, the crowd clapped when I jumped the last (they never do this at MK) so I think I provided some entertainment for the audience!!

XC he was a dude, bit sticky at the ditch palisade but that was all!!! We got to the far end of the course and que enbarrassing moment no 2!!!
We cleared the 2 skinnys and on landing I nearly dropped my whip, scrambled to catch it (thank goodness...didn't want to lose my lucky stick!!), then noticed we were heading the wrong way......I didn't have hold of my right rein only my whip (numpty rider again!), thankfully only a couple of people saw this!!!
Gathered ourselves together, apologised to ponio with a pat (what must he have been thinking!!), and jumped the rest of the course clear and inside the time

Anyway......enough rambling, you're prob all bored by now!!
We finished 3rd even with the rider mishaps (I love my horse for putting up me....must've been the early start!!!!) so very pleased with our MK outing