Moan about Timewasters!

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Ok I know it goes with the selling-horse territory but this has REALLY pissed me off.

Woman views Max. He is impeccably well behaved. She 'friend requests' me on FB and I agree to this because I see we have mutual friends in common plus I can have a nosy on her time-line to make sure she looks like a good home! And presumably she wants to check out Max's social media history too which is fine.

She says she wants him and we agree a price. Next day she rings to say her doctor has just told her she needs knee surgery and so she can't go ahead for a few months. Says she is gutted. I am very sympathetic. Next day a comment on her timeline pops up replying to her post about needing knee surgery. It is dated a week before the viewing. I am irked but I ignore it.

This morning ANOTHER post pops up on my time-line. Someone is moaning about buying horses and she replies "tell me about it. I've viewed 4 so far and I am so bored of it all?"

WTF. Not just to be such a total time waster but to tell me openly about it! If she didn;t like him she could just say so instead of fobbing me off with nonsense. She must see my posts so surely she knows I see hers? Would you comment? Eg Politely enquire how her surgery went?! Or just ignore and unfriend. How dealers stay sane is beyond me.


Well-Known Member
27 October 2016
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Ok I know it goes with the selling-horse territory but this has REALLY pissed me off.

Woman views Max. He is impeccably well behaved. She 'friend requests' me on FB and I agree to this because I see we have mutual friends in common plus I can have a nosy on her time-line to make sure she looks like a good home! And presumably she wants to check out Max's social media history too which is fine.

She says she wants him and we agree a price. Next day she rings to say her doctor has just told her she needs knee surgery and so she can't go ahead for a few months. Says she is gutted. I am very sympathetic. Next day a comment on her timeline pops up replying to her post about needing knee surgery. It is dated a week before the viewing. I am irked but I ignore it.

This morning ANOTHER post pops up on my time-line. Someone is moaning about buying horses and she replies "tell me about it. I've viewed 4 so far and I am so bored of it all?"

WTF. Not just to be such a total time waster but to tell me openly about it! If she didn;t like him she could just say so instead of fobbing me off with nonsense. She must see my posts so surely she knows I see hers? Would you comment? Eg Politely enquire how her surgery went?! Or just ignore and unfriend. How dealers stay sane is beyond me.

I'd enquire for the entertainment value;)
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Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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Maybe put a casual post on your own wall along the lines of "oh the daft excuses some people come up with to back out of a sale. Why can't they just say they don't want the horse?!"
See if she responds!


Well-Known Member
15 October 2015
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Well thank goodness you didn't sell to her, if she is THAT thick that she doesn't realise others will see her Facebook posts..! Jeez, the gall of some people! I'd be tempted to have some fun with it myself too :)


Well-Known Member
14 July 2001
N. Ireland
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I think I'd have to go with a 'sellers get bored too'. ;)

That's good... I'd be tempted to do that too.

Mind you - a sarcastic throw away remark like that got me into a massive falling out with my brother a couple of years ago, so now I sit on my hands not to reply.....

He cancelled a long planned visit to us using lack of leave as an excuse, but managed to get out with some of his local friends. My 'No leave left?' comment on his fb pic did NOT go down well.......


Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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Ouch!! I wish I was brave enough...... I'm a bit pathetic, me..... Avoid conflict at all costs and make do with a Very British Hurrumph instead.


Well-Known Member
11 September 2017
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I find a passive aggressive 'like' walks the line just fine, then maybe a post of your own about the importance of honesty during the whole process!


Well-Known Member
17 May 2013
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I think I wouldn't be able to resist a comment like "Plus one you liked enough to put an offer on" :D Good way to get yourself unfriended so at least you won't be irritated by future posts! Result!


Well-Known Member
13 November 2012
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Reply "Oh! Did you not like Max after all? *sadface*"

Followed by re-sharing his advert on your own page "STILL for sale"

Leave for 48 hours.



Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
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I think its quite rude of her, knowing that you were likely to see the post. I wouldn't bother responding in any way, just ignore and move on. I'm glad your horse didn't go to her anyway, that's the most important thing.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2002
new zealand
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Ignore, de-friend and move on. TBH I can't be bothered with giving stupid people my time, better things to do! You will find the right buyer for your pony, just readvertise.

This, don,t waste any time or energy even thinking about the silly women.