Monthly subscription box for horses


Einstein would be proud of my Insanity...
30 January 2015
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If thats aimed at me , I will point out you made a back hand comment about you didnt wish to hear negative answers ,you dont have to have received one to have a view on whether you would pay for one or not. some people enjoy that sort of thing others dont but on a public forum we are still able to reply you cant just pick the replies you like . Just ignore the ones you dont rather than criticise those who make them.

What the hell is your beef with this poster PD? You criticised her when all she has said was that if other people thought they were a waste of money she still wanted to try one. And a very polite comment that if people had never seen one, that wasn't really the opinion she was asking for.

You don't like her replying to you after you did that.

And your last sentence - how about taking that advice yourself?

You've contributed nothing to this thread but to unjustifiably criticise the person who started it, quite possibly scaring off other users from starting interesting threads. This was the first completely new thing about horses I've seen on this forum for ages.

How about starting a few interesting threads yourself to liven the forum up? Perhaps one on whether subscription boxes can ever be worth the money?

Hint, if anyone who knows me is reading this, it's my birthday soon :D
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Well-Known Member
21 September 2016
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I was given a gift of a subscription to My Horse Box around Christmas time last year, it contained various horsey items, lavender massage oil, brush, socks, shampoo, horse treats, great hat hi viz item and various other horsey stuff over the course of time, the items I would never use went down like a storm with friends, it also contained various money off vouchers. I had never heard of some of the makes/suppliers and it was nice to try new stuff

I would most certainly subscribe to it as a gift for someone who was difficult to buy for

btw the box is lovely :) and terrific for keeping passports in as long as you keep it in a dry place

I had no idea about the other subscription box mentioned, so I learnt something new today


Well-Known Member
4 December 2012
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I don't have a problem - I genuinely didn't know what the deuce they were and was curious in case I might like them. Now that I do know what they are, I happen to that think they're a pointless waste of money, ergo my answer regarding which ones are good value is "none of them", which does in fact answer the OP's question, just not in the way that they may have hoped. Such is life

I wasn’t talking to you! I was speaking about one of the other With incredibly rude pointless comments
Although that wasn’t my question I actually asked people’s opinions that have used them before
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Well-Known Member
4 December 2012
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If thats aimed at me , I will point out you made a back hand comment about you didnt wish to hear negative answers ,you dont have to have received one to have a view on whether you would pay for one or not. some people enjoy that sort of thing others dont but on a public forum we are still able to reply you cant just pick the replies you like . Just ignore the ones you dont rather than criticise those who make them.

This was supposed to be a fun and light hearted question/chat nearly every single comment you have replied has been incredibly rude.... I honestly don’t no why you keep replying when you’re clearly not interested in it and again thats fine but why ruin something for everyone else

There was no back handed comment.... I wasnt rude at all and said very nicely
I’m happy to hear negative comments but from people that have actually had the boxes
And I asked What ones have you used and are they worth it?
I was asking people that have had them before and what there thoughts on it
It’s also nice for people that might be interested in it to see people’s reviews