More bad press for hunting


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
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N Ireland - USPCA & PSNI seized 2 stags, trailer & vehicle that they believe were about to be released for hunting. Looks like there would be little doubt that this was the case.

I am suprised nobody else has answered your post TJP. Yes, it is more bad press for hunting. Sadly, hunts have always used these methods for providing sport for those who have payed the days cap and expect action. How many times have the field not noticed the terrierman lying in cover ready to release the bagged fox just ahead of the hounds?


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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N Ireland - USPCA & PSNI seized 2 stags, trailer & vehicle that they believe were about to be released for hunting. Looks like there would be little doubt that this was the case.

Ignoring the idiotic comments of the two rabbits (B&F) above...

I'm sure the relevant bodies and police will ascertain the true facts of this case

But for for everyones information, this is the current situation: There are no staghound packs in Northern Ireland. Fox hounds are not trained to hunt deer. They are conditioned when young to follow the line for foxes only

Fox hounds knew when they are on the wrong scent and will be called off by hunt staf if they start to go wrong.

Remember not all "hunting" is by mounted hunts...just as not all motorists are hoody wearing joyriders...


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
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They have changed their name. The issue is the fact that the deer may have been transported with the intent to hunt. Not that there is a staghound pack.


Well-Known Member
28 June 2010
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I am suprised nobody else has answered your post TJP. Yes, it is more bad press for hunting. Sadly, hunts have always used these methods for providing sport for those who have payed the days cap and expect action. How many times have the field not noticed the terrierman lying in cover ready to release the bagged fox just ahead of the hounds?

Mmm I think a live fox in a bag would be noticable... The noise the struggling and quite frankly I am buggared if I would be the one holding the bag so can't see any other poor sod wanting to! Terriermen also tend to be in the thick of it and not hiding behind hedges... Thats the Antis job and yes I have seen anti's sneak strange foxes into territories and do all sorts of other nasty things that do nothing for animal rights or are remotely kind to any animals!

This sounds like an extract from a LACS leaflet!


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20 April 2009
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My great uncle was a terrierman, and I'm damn sure he never had a bag of foxes tucked under one arm... he wasn't one for hiding either, unless he needed to make use of a handy bit of cover for personal reasons;)

rosie fronfelen

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5 February 2009
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I am suprised nobody else has answered your post TJP. Yes, it is more bad press for hunting. Sadly, hunts have always used these methods for providing sport for those who have payed the days cap and expect action. How many times have the field not noticed the terrierman lying in cover ready to release the bagged fox just ahead of the hounds?

Christ, another load of twaddle, you are wildly misinformed here and are starting to write serious nonsense,what are you trying to do -give every hunt a bad name, if so i think you'd better stop now?


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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Fiagai,dont you find this thread highly frustrating dealing with monitors and other miscreants?

Agreed although I dont think "monitors" is an apt term - nazis might be more suitable.

...This sounds like an extract from a LACS leaflet!

I was just thinking the same thing...funny these idiotic comments come from an individual who although doesn't hunt on horseback, "Supports their local Foxhound Pack", "is happy with the 2004 Hunting Act" (even though it allows for foxes to be shot etc) and has no problem with "foxes being hunted by dogs" (sic) as long as the dogs don't kill!. They have also stated that they believe that LACS dont know their "arse from the elbow"!.

Does all of this add up - the answer is no. If he doesn't hunt but doesn't suscibe to the universe accordings to LACS, then where are they getting the misinformation for the little verbal rant about bagged foxes and terriermen?

They must think everyone on here is completely naive and unable to see what they are really up to...
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Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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What happened over-the-water is indeed bad for hunting, it shouldn't happen, it's not either under the ban or not, 'sport'.
On the subject of removing an animal from one habitat to another, caring individuals who remove an urban fox and put it back in the country where it belongs should also be aware that their instincts have changed and they will sometimes run in to a pack of hounds not away from, which can lead to it being killed, but also the potential if a LACS monitor had this on film, for packs that were hunting legally to be open to prosecution.
We shouldn't deliberately put quarry in the line of the hounds, but people through their own stupidity shouldn't either!


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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What bad press?

I watched the clip and all I saw was a couple of reared deer from a deer farm, stags or hinds - difficult to see. In the back of a trailer being taken to market, to be culled or moved from one deer park to another.

I did not see any evidence of any hounds, hunting, horses or anything remotely connected with hunting.

I think there is an agent provocateur at work in this rather silly report.
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Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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Please note it is not illegal to hunt stags in Northern Ireland.

Bearing in mind my last post and the fact no hunting anywhere in Ireland - The Republic or Nothern Ireland is banned or illegal, what is all the fuss about.

Sorry folks don't see the point of this post.

Indeed it just goes to show how those opposed to a very necessary function, will twist and spin the facts.


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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I also find it very perculiar that the two stags which were reported to be farmed animals were then released into the wild! This is akin to seizing a cow on its way to market and realeasing it to run wild on a mountain

...something smells here and its not the stags!
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Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
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Agreed although I dont think "monitors" is an apt term - nazis might be more suitable.

I was just thinking the same thing...funny these idiotic comments come from an individual who although doesn't hunt on horseback, "Supports their local Foxhound Pack", "is happy with the 2004 Hunting Act" (even though it allows for foxes to be shot etc) and has no problem with "foxes being hunted by dogs" (sic) as long as the dogs don't kill!. They have also stated that they believe that LACS dont know their "arse from the elbow"!.

Does all of this add up - the answer is no. If he doesn't hunt but doesn't suscibe to the universe accordings to LACS, then where are they getting the misinformation for the little verbal rant about bagged foxes and terriermen?

They must think everyone on here is completely naive and unable to see what they are really up to...

I get it now ;) You are not allowed to support legal hunting or the Hunting Act or your local pack and friends unless you support LACS (according to you).
You cannot support your friends who shoot unless you want to also kill foxes with dogs ( according to you).
You cannot agree with flushing unless the dogs are then allowed to kill the flushed animal ( according to you).
Oh, and according to YOU I am a HE?????????! :rolleyes:


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15 September 2009
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To whomever said NI don't have staghounds. A quick google suggests they do.. County Down Staghounds....
Sounds like it has been going on for a while. EEjits really, and as for the master who says he didn't know the trailer was being used *eyeroll*. All very fishy and they deserve to be prosecuted frankly.


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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Oh do be quiet and stop pretending you have any say over what I write dear!

Noone does or should have the right to control what you write or indeed what you think, however, others should be afforded the same tolerance of their views without the need to desolve all discussions in to childish name-calling.


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2 February 2011
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Noone does or should have the right to control what you write or indeed what you think, however, others should be afforded the same tolerance of their views without the need to desolve all discussions in to childish name-calling.

I fully agree and have not once resorted to name calling despite a suprising amount of provocation VoR.


Well-Known Member
2 March 2011
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I fully agree and have not once resorted to name calling despite a suprising amount of provocation VoR.

Have anly just started looking at this forum and the tone of your posts, whether intended or not can sometimes be a little provocative, how something is written is not always how it is perceived by others, although I do see that others have a similar problem. :)


Well-Known Member
21 February 2011
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To whomever said NI don't have staghounds. A quick google suggests they do.. County Down Staghounds....
Sounds like it has been going on for a while. EEjits really, and as for the master who says he didn't know the trailer was being used *eyeroll*. All very fishy and they deserve to be prosecuted frankly.

SusieT Check your facts and dates. Co Down Staghounds have no recent listings.

As stated its not illegal to hunt stags in NI.

In the UK (including NI), horse trailers do not require registration documents like cars and other vehicles so how was the trailer "registered" to the hunt....

This story still smells very bad....


Well-Known Member
2 February 2011
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Have anly just started looking at this forum and the tone of your posts, whether intended or not can sometimes be a little provocative, how something is written is not always how it is perceived by others, although I do see that others have a similar problem. :)

:eek: :eek::eek:


Well-Known Member
21 November 2010
N Ireland
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SusieT Check your facts and dates. Co Down Staghounds have no recent listings.

As stated its not illegal to hunt stags in NI.

In the UK (including NI), horse trailers do not require registration documents like cars and other vehicles so how was the trailer "registered" to the hunt....

This story still smells very bad....

Fiagai you are correct. It is not illegal to hunt stags, it is illegal to transport them to hunt. There is no longer a hunt called Co Down staghounds. The only way I can think of a trailer being 'registered' would be via receipt or if it is chipped etc linked to an individual or organisation. Doesn't mean it hasn't been resold to someone else. I got a call re a trailer I used to own about 3 years after I sold it. Police traced me through the chasis number.