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2 January 2008
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I need some level-headed advice - I have an 8 year old Oriental girl who has been diagnosed with progressive kidney problems. She has lost a load of weight in the last two weeks, but I know (and it's now been confirmed by the vet) that her teeth are awful so I guess eating is painful. She's booked in to have her teeth looked at under GA next Monday but because of the kidney problems there is a risk she might not come round from the anasthestic. She has already had two operations for cancer and I'd been told 5 years ago that I might not have her for more than 6 months so she's really outlived all expectations. Kidneys are covered on insurance and I would do teeth if I really knew she would have a good quality of life once done. So not sure what to do. Do I let her go gracefully - I have vet coming to do horses next Monday so I could have her put to sleep in a happy environment next week, or do I put her through another op and no guarantee. This has nothing to do with cost at all, more the thought of putting her through more operations.

Please give advice.


Well-Known Member
25 February 2013
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My childhood cat was exactly as you describe your girl, about this time last year. She was almost 13. The options were attempt to treat the kidney problem (her teeth were ok), or PTS. She had lost a lot of weight in only about two weeks, and became 'not herself' at the same time. She was PTS as we felt her quality of life would never be great. She was very active until the last couple of weeks and we wanted to let her go having been happy and healthy until almost the end of her life.

Treatment in her case would only have delayed the inevitable for a relatively short time and she was already becoming advanced in years.

pines of rome

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11 December 2010
West Sussex
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Its very hard to know when is the right time to pts, my little black cat with renal failure has recently gone down hill and I do not think he has much longer, while he is still eating and reasonably happy I shall hang on!
Its harder for you when your cat is only 8yrs old to have to make a choice of pts or not!
Do you have a good vet that you trust and is not trying to make money out of you by keep treating and if you do ask them to give you an honest answer as to what would be the best for your cat?

I am sorry that you are faced with this


Well-Known Member
27 April 2004
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Progressive kidney problems are just that and if she's lost lots of weight suddenly, then she's probably in late stage renal failure. It's so hard. I would have the vet look at her teeth when he comes to do the horses (or take her to the vet sooner, just for a look and opinion), then consider having her pts at home, as you describe. Sorry you're having to make this decision. I had the love of my life pts last week, so know how hard it is. xx


Well-Known Member
15 October 2009
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I know what I would do under those circumstances. So lovely that you have the opportunity to let her go to sleep at home where she is loved and relaxed. Couldn’t do that for my last boy as he was already hospitalised but I went in for cuddles and he was done in my arms.

Whatever you decide you’ve done amazingly well to get her to 8 by the sounds of it.


Well-Known Member
2 January 2008
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Thank you everyone for your good wishes and advice. I know that she's been living on "borrowed time" since the age of 3 so I've had all that time with her that really according to my vet I shouldnt have had. I think in my heart of hearts I know what I must do but it's bloody hard to make that decision. I keep thinking what if I just give her that extra chance, but there are no guarantees and I really dont want to put her through anything more. I'd rather know that I allowed her to go with dignity and at home. She has a twin sister who will be totally devastated I guess, but I know cats are adaptable and she'll be fine I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Hard decision but as she is relatively young I personally would seriously think about getting her teeth seen to if you think that could be a reason for her losing weight separate to the kidney issues. If she dies under the anaesthetic then in a sense you have lost nothing but might give her a new lease of life.

You know her best though and it certainly wouldn't be the wrong decision to pts sooner rather than later.