more on hair loss?


Well-Known Member
24 January 2006
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Hi all,
i know someone has posted something very similar but i though id ask again as you lot usually have great advice.
my pony, who is in good health is loosing his hair at a very fast rate. he almost looks like he's sweaty as you can see all his balck skin where it is thinning.
its falling out like normal summer shedding but in huge quantities?
everything else is normal but he is now almost bald!
he has recently lost his field friend so do you think it could be stress?

thanks all x

Moggy in Manolos

Well-Known Member
8 March 2006
South Glos
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I am not sure if stress affects horses that way,its quite possible though i would have thought. but a skin condition of some sort could do this so i would maybe phone the vets and ask what she/he says and get them out if he thinks its a skin condition, as they can get very nasty if not treated, good luck with it