I had one called Useless, and a little palomino called Applepie. Oh, and I forgot the best one, a SJ'er I had at Pony Club called Heat. (Here's Abbi on Heat!
A friend had a mare called Tilly, nothing special about that until you realised she was a Trotter!
Mine's called Maiden... don't particularly like it, but nothing else suits!
I was at West Wilts HT last year when we heard over the tannoy, "and now on the XC, Tottering By Gently" - would have loved to have seen just how fast this horse was going!
I know a little palomino mare called Clarity, gorgeous pony and I think that is the most gorgeous name for her. I could never have thought of something like that!
I know of one called Frog! and just remembered a shire we used to have at the farm when I was small called Dainty, haven't thought about her for years.
My mates horse is called Pocket!!!
A woman up my old yard had two ponies called Willie and Fantasia, she used to go across the field calling Willie and Fanny, all us young un's at the time used to find it highly amusing (we were only 7 or 8).
I know someone who called theirs Bayoss. They brought him from Donny sales and went to ask the lad (old irish type) about him, he said 'bayoss or chestnutoss?'
I used to ride a cob call Haggis, lovely little pony and my current horse is called Acolyte i think thats a little different, a lady i know has one called Strudle.
PF's Weatherby's name is.... Charlie Big Potato...
I new a horse called Mayonesa (means Mayonaise) and there's a horse jumping here called Diazepam (sp?) and a NZ eventer bought a horse out here and called it Bludo which is rather a rude but commonly used word out here.
My sister's pony is called spaz, well he;s actually called sparrow but no-one calls him that. His previous owners called him spaz or spazzy and despite us thinking it was awful at the time it stuck.