Mount Ballan Intro report - Gogs 2nd and maybe last BE event!!


Well-Known Member
18 December 2005
well that maybe a little harth!!

Was lovely to have a late start so was waiting around at home as we were leaving at 11.30 ended up leaving at 11.15 after changing songs dressing (more about that later!) and arrived in plenty of time to walk the course *gulp* i thought it was massive for his 2nd one and was basically last years PN course and i would say most were over the 90cm limit!! but hey ho!!

Went back to the lorry to give him his calmer and sit around for a while!! went to put the studs in got 3 in fine and then dad was tapping the 4th one when he put his foot down on dads foot with the tap breaking the tap off in the foot so had to cope with only 3 studs so did slip around a bit!!

Got on at 3.00 for our dressage for 3.20 and again did a bit of walk and trot one canter and went in early! bless him there was a lot to look at as we were in the smaller ring so spooky banners right next to us but did a sweet test which was maybe a little tense so i thought about 45 ish and was amazed to come out withy 36!! wow and only got one 5 this week and 7s for both our canter circles!! very pleased as he wasnt great last night schooling at home but am getting used to that the night before now!!

Then went over to the SJ which was looking quite nice with the odd pole down!! so went in after warming up nicely and had 3 down but he was very clever through the double again managing to get 2 strides in!! bless he does try very hard sometimes!!

Then XC well!!! there was no one in the warm up so i thought great jump a few fences and go - but ahh, jumped the first fence and well he stopped and i went straight over his head and the fence to land on my head and then my bum!! oopps!! so got back on and jumped it again and he was a lot better this time so went over to the start and was 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 just about to go when the doctor came running over and stopped me and asked me to get off so i did and she said ok thats fine!! what!! just wanted to see i wasnt concussed and apparently if you fall off in the warm up you have to see the doctor otherwise you get eliminated if you go XC! well set off the 2nd time and was lovely over 1 and then stopped at 2 popped it in his own style the 2nd time and then on to 3 and he wasnt really taking me as he has done before so went to 3 and stopped so went round again and stopped again so i retired!! so what a way to end the season but im going to take him hunter trialing over the winter and i dont no about hunting him - one of the jockeys from the yard asked if he could so might take him up on his offer!! Lol

Soo songs knee - well it seems to be getting worse not better as went over this morning and it had bled overnight i think he must have bashed it when hes rolled as hes not keen on rolling now
so not very nice uggh so its got a lovely about 4cm diameter hole in his knee so is now on his honey dressing after the aloe vera one and and the special green cream!! lol


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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Ouch - hope you are OK honey
Sounds as though Gogs is still not sure whether he rates this BE lark or not, may just be too much on one day ATM, so HTing is a very good idea. Well done for the dressage

So sorry to hear about Song
Sounds like my mother's leg TBH. Fingers Xed it starts coming right soon x


Well-Known Member
20 July 2005
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Sorry to hear Song's knee not improving as you would like.

Sounds like a bit of hunting this winter might do Gogs the world of good. Don't despair I am sure things will be much improved next season.


Well-Known Member
18 September 2006
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sounds bout the same as my mount ballan intro today!!

course was not nice!! i only got to fence 2!!! ... big big babyish moment!!!

so many had problems dont feel to disheartened!!!


Well-Known Member
20 June 2004

i thought when i walked the intro yest i wouldn't of wanted to do it on jack wasnt an easy course but then neither was the PN so many of our jumps were novice like after the water, rails to a drop to a huge table type thing everyone complained and they sed at the start it was too big for novice let a lone Pn i thought the intro wasn't too nice.... u should see our vid number 2 was so funny nearly fell off lol i think or he scared me shitless lol


Well-Known Member
23 October 2003
Devon UK
Bad luck, our box was right opposite number two XC all day yesterday so every time I sat down I could see horses refusing it.
I am sure those fences were over height, and I wasn't impressed with the course builder for causing problems so early in the course. Surely the idea is get Intro and PN horse s going before asking bigger questions? Number two was from light into dark and not that many horses jumped it fluently, most either did a Chocolate and jumped huge, or refused.
I think HT is a great solution, we plan on that with Jacques as it gives you a chance to do BE courses without an pressure, many of the PC allow you to carry on round the course after refusals which helps too.
If you are using the honey tulles, I don't think they work as well with other ingredients, Layla's knees looked b****y terrible at first (Ill pm you a pic if you email me yours) but eventually they started healing from inside, once that happens it is much quicker.
We put boots on her all the time to stop her damaging them again as they healed, as she removed the badages, boots and all...
Her knees now look fine and ae virtually covered in hair again..