Moving to Wales - an up date


Well-Known Member
18 February 2015
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Agree about the tradesmen! Had roofers and electricians here do exactly that, measure up and never seen again and the loads who have said yes, I will come round Thursday and measure up never even arrive and I am not sure whether they mean Thursday this week, next week, next month, next year or next millenium. It has been known for a tradesman who did the same to one of my friends and who said"I will be back on Wednesday" turned up 5 months later, when my friend protested at the length of time it took for them to return he said"WELL I DID say I would be back on Wednesday" and yes, it WAS on a Wednesday he returned!

Only in Wales, Oz

My ex-farrier used to be famous for that! 'I'll be there 9am on Monday' - Monday comes and goes with no sign and farrier ignores his phone. 2pm next Thursday farrier turns up with no warning and is annoyed that the horse is out and I'm in work. Apparently you need to be telepathic to have a good farrier :eyeroll:.

I know a very good tradesman for general ground, building, and interior work, he's based in Ammanford but will travel. He's also not the type to disappear! He's done a cracking job on various parts of our house - it could do with gutting tbh but he seems to always manage to make it look so much better. PM me if you want his number :).

Oz - I understand what you mean about getting the access lady to actually pay attention. Give me 2 weeks and I'll let you know if I've made some progress :).


Well-Known Member
9 December 2014
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Agree about the tradesmen! Had roofers and electricians here do exactly that, measure up and never seen again and the loads who have said yes, I will come round Thursday and measure up never even arrive and I am not sure whether they mean Thursday this week, next week, next month, next year or next millenium. It has been known for a tradesman who did the same to one of my friends and who said"I will be back on Wednesday" turned up 5 months later, when my friend protested at the length of time it took for them to return he said"WELL I DID say I would be back on Wednesday" and yes, it WAS on a Wednesday he returned!
I am sure there is some sort of Bermuda Triangle effect going on in Wales as they just seem to vanish.
Another thing, SO many cows in the same field, all munching away as you drive past and NOT one pile of *****, do they colonic irrigate them before turfing them out?

Only in Wales, Oz

Maybe your geography isn't great and you actually live in Milton Keynes - home of the concrete cows :)


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Glad you're all loving Wales - we're not a bad bunch really. I'm a lot further east and really surpised at your lack of hacking Oz, you always imagine more rural areas will be really good. We don't have a huge amount round our way but we do have a supportive council. They cleared a blocked bridleway for us to use for a charity fund ride a few weeks ago. I know Swansea are really good too as I've been to the Gower withthe horses quite a lot. That's got to be amongst the best riding in Wales.

Keep going wih the Welsh Oz, take baby steps and you'll get there in time. There's a perfect Welsh proverb for this "dyfal donc a dyr y garreg" - persistent blows break the stone. Daliwch ati!


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I'll update too.

This is our fourth year. And we love it. I've started my own dog and pet care business which is going really well and OH continues our renovations (no need for tradesman thankfully- although our newly formed network of friends does include one which is useful).

I walk several miles a day, usually on the coast path or by the river.

Still haven't met up with Gala or Oz!


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Was Caterham on the Hill, Surrey now Wales
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Another update in 2022
My dear Mum passed away in 2020, she had the signs of covid but as it was early on we really don't know if it was that or not. I now live on my own, my girlfriend and I split up about 9 months ago. She never accepted the fact I have female friends/customers and liked to talk to them.
Most of the people in the equestrian sport are....women, all my customers are women, I trained in saddlery college in 1987 and yes, most students were women, I simply can't get away from the fact that I have female friends as well as male friends.
I don't see most of my friends as they are dotted all round the UK. I mostly saw them on facebook but I have come off facebook now as it caused me so much grief if I talked to anyone. I don't miss it really as I have so much I can be doing round the house.

I still do my saddlery but I now work part time in a care home for people with learning disabilities and challenging (violent) behaviour and yes, all the other staff are women!
So, again, surrounded by them.
Life goes on.
Still prefer to be here than back up in Surrey, just have to adjust a bit more, hope you are all well and safe and sound, Oz


Well-Known Member
2 May 2011
Made it to Wales
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Sorry to hear about your mum and your break up Oz. The part time job sounds quite challenging and you must get job satisfaction for doing such worthwhile work. We have now been in Wales 2 1/2 years, I can't believe how quickly it's gone. My only disappointment is that although I have my dream of the horses at home, I've completely lost my nerve and not ridden once! I love it here though - the people, the countryside and the slower pace of life have just been brill.


Well-Known Member
9 March 2011
Was Caterham on the Hill, Surrey now Wales
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Sorry to hear about your mum and your break up Oz. The part time job sounds quite challenging and you must get job satisfaction for doing such worthwhile work. We have now been in Wales 2 1/2 years, I can't believe how quickly it's gone. My only disappointment is that although I have my dream of the horses at home, I've completely lost my nerve and not ridden once! I love it here though - the people, the countryside and the slower pace of life have just been brill.

Sorry you lost your nerve. I haven't ridden horses for years so would be the same. I haven't ridden motorbikes for about 15 years and treated myself to one last year, ONLY just ridden it as the sun was out!
I thought I had lost my nerve on my bike too but I had a go, I wobbled about a bit but was ok, just went 1 mile round the block and by the time I got back past my ex's house in the village my nerve was coming back and I enjoyed it.
I used to ride thousands of miles a year on 1100 cc superbikes as a despatch rider in all weathers, a real through and though biker so losing your nerve can happen to any of us.
Maybe start again and build up slowly, just walk with someone leading you?
I'd love to get on a horse again, maybe oneday I will, who knows!


Well-Known Member
26 November 2018
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I'm so sorry to hear about your mum Oz.

I get where you are coming from regarding working with females - the vast majority of my DH's customers are female too! It doesn't bother me in the slightest, but your ex obviously had a problem accepting it.

I'm glad the move has been a positive one for you - and please be careful on your motorbike!