brown tack

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24 February 2011
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Basically she went to pub/night out/stay over at b and b. Everyone was really friendly and she said that most people already knew each other fairly well. Went out all ok, she said a few were getting it on but most of the group was just drinking and dancing.

Got back to the b and b and everyone went to bar for a nightcap. Well she said pretty much as soon as started the drinks lots of clothes were being removed and a fair amount if action was happening in the group situation.

She, bless her, is quite a prude and she quickly went to her room. But it was shared with another girl who a few hours later brought back 2 blokes to the room, woke my mate up who went and slept on the sofa in the sitting room. While the girl was a lovely time up stairs.

It felt really bad as she wanted me to go with her, but I had a partner at the time so didn't want to go as working though a rough patch and she went on her own.

She text me the next morning jokingly saying I'm a cow for letting her go on her own.

Turns out as well at certain places they are purly are just for hooking up- heard the ski trips are the same.

A lot are good to go to though, a livery used to go to some and it was a different group of people, much more normal behaviour at the ones she went too. Think it's the luck of the draw of the group


Well-Known Member
11 August 2011
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It is how I met my husband!!

I went out with a bloke off there first who turned out to be abusive so I re-registered, started speaking with hubby 3 days later and I have never looked back.

Not one day has passed that I havent seen him since the day we first met in person, he is the nicest, funniest, kindest person ever and we have so much in common but he is shy and I was working all hours so only met people at work. It was perfect. The only advice I would give anyone is to take their time and email for a little while to make sure that person is not a freak!! lol


Well-Known Member
8 June 2008
It is how I met my husband!!

I went out with a bloke off there first who turned out to be abusive so I re-registered, started speaking with hubby 3 days later and I have never looked back.

Not one day has passed that I havent seen him since the day we first met in person, he is the nicest, funniest, kindest person ever and we have so much in common but he is shy and I was working all hours so only met people at work. It was perfect. The only advice I would give anyone is to take their time and email for a little while to make sure that person is not a freak!! lol

Aww that is a lovely story :D

brown tack

Well-Known Member
24 February 2011
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It is how I met my husband!!

I went out with a bloke off there first who turned out to be abusive so I re-registered, started speaking with hubby 3 days later and I have never looked back.

Not one day has passed that I havent seen him since the day we first met in person, he is the nicest, funniest, kindest person ever and we have so much in common but he is shy and I was working all hours so only met people at work. It was perfect. The only advice I would give anyone is to take their time and email for a little while to make sure that person is not a freak!! lol

Ahh that's lovely!


Well-Known Member
30 June 2011
East Sussex
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Not heard of that site, but I did meet my wife through

We dated for just over a year and have now been married for 18 thing I ever did :D

In fact without meeting her, I don't think either of us would have horses or do so many other things that we share together


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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Ive had a go, but not paid up so just a lurker at the moment , there seems to be a better type of people on there compared to other sites , however you dont know if someone has paid and is able to get messages which is a major fault if like me you only would try to contact one person at a time .....


Well-Known Member
11 August 2011
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Ive had a go, but not paid up so just a lurker at the moment , there seems to be a better type of people on there compared to other sites , however you dont know if someone has paid and is able to get messages which is a major fault if like me you only would try to contact one person at a time .....

perfect11s, only one person at a time?! lol Now I am no floozy and nothing special looking, just normal and I can promise you that the ego boost from having 4 or 5 men emailing you is fabulous!! By having all these lovely men interested in you, you feel like a princess it is lovely. And I can say this as hubby doesnt come on here, but whilst he was emailing me, I was in fact trying to chase someone else hee hee!! The other bloke, it became clear was only interested in one thing so I started talking more to hubby and then I realised that he was far more interesting and educated than bedmad man...and look where it got me! we have been together for 2 years, married 5 months and I am 18 weeks pregnant - thanks muddy!!! lol


Well-Known Member
13 May 2010
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I met my fiancé on there! I loved being on there! I met up with about 3 or 4 guys before him. The first couple were just not for me. One was really nice. He lived about 2 hours away so we met half way twice. He seemed really nice and for date number 3, he was most insistent that I went to his house. If it had been more local I may have considered it but I said no, I would rather meet someone communal again a few more times (I just thought it was a long way to be from friends and family if you got into trouble) and I never heard from him again!

I messaged my other half the day he came on. I thought he had a nice smile, a pic of a lovely black lab and his profile said his religion was 'Yorkshire' which made me laugh. I nearly didn't message him as he had a cat and ferrets (both of which I hate!). We joke about this now!

To anyone considering it…go for it! But my advise would be not to rush anything. We emailed loads and spoke on the phone for about a month before meeting. When I did meet him, my friends knew exactly where I was, times and relevant phone numbers. I also had an agreement with my friend that if she got a blank text or I rang once, she would ring back with some fake emergency that meant I had to leave ASAP.


Well-Known Member
25 November 2005
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I was encouraging my daughter to have a look on that site when she started work away from home and I thought there were one or two men with potential for her. The idea is a good one.


Well-Known Member
1 June 2007
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All the men on Muddy Matches seem to have been on there for ever and not loads of new ones coming on. I found my man on Kissing but on any of these sites you have to be careful as teh majority of blokes are after one thing or are married!!!


Well-Known Member
20 April 2009
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I was on there, but am not any more.... cos that's where I met my lovely bloke (he's not on there any more either!):) They seem to just leave all profiles on unless you specifically remove them, so there can be loads of profiles from people who aren't actually using the site any more.

I see it as not much different from meeting in a bar or anywhere else, you could just as easily meet a nutter or a serial philanderer in person as online IMO.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
Funny farm
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I met my wonderful OH on there and I love him to bits. Yes, I had a few weird messages and one meeting that didn't work out (nice guy though) but otherwise it was obviously a huge hit for me :)


Well-Known Member
15 March 2008
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Been trying to persuade my bro to go on there, he's only 23 and still lives at home so he doesn't think he'll get anywhere! He's mad about the outdoors and loves his horses, he just isn't in to clubbing etc so finds it hard to meet people!! He'd kill me if he knew I'd put this on here he he!!


Well-Known Member
18 September 2009
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Was only on that site for one month and very quiet in terms of potential partners but then that seems to be the case on most sites if you're in your 40s or 50s! Younger and you'll be fine I would think.


Well-Known Member
1 August 2002
Beds/South Cambs
I was on there for a little while - it's very quiet compared to other dating sites as there aren't many members or new people joining. Having said that, I do think the members are of a... 'higher quality' than on other sites? I know that seems a funny thing to say, I just mean that I didn't get anyone sending me rubbish like I did on and the profiles, in general, were more comprehensive.

I had two dates from there - one bad, one good (he was really nice but I wasn't really attracted to him).

The bad date was oddly hilarious... I ended up driving bloody miles for him to turn up in cut off jeans and a checked flannel shirt, looking like he'd just rolled off a farm. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a country sort of chap or otherwise I wouldn't have been on there. It just would've been nice if he'd made a bit of effort! He looked at me like I was the first woman he'd ever seen, he let me pay for the drinks (I was on soda water, him on beer), he talked the whole time like we would get married ("I'll bring home the veg from my allotment for you to cook for my dinner!") and was generally rather weird. He went to the toilet and when he came back, he sat right up close to me so that our legs were touching. I made my excuses and bailed after that.

Anyway, I found it quite funny really and did my best to be polite to him. The good date I had from there was a really super guy, just turned out not to be my type. If I had the spare money to keep up membership then I'd definitely still be on there.


Well-Known Member
10 September 2008
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I had thought about giving it a Go, but Heard it was full of Gold Diggers and Nutters:eek: and life is so much more simple on my own;)
I think that aplies to most sites I guess there are few that are hoping to land a wealthy farmer or his son, I met a person on there had a short relationship with someone who turned out to be bit of a nut job and ive met a couple of people they were nice but no spark.. I think you just need to try and meet people for an informal coffee after a email or two and some time on the phone,as people are different in person best to meet as soon as possible see how thing go and be 100% honest about how you feel and be prepared to move on , but hey ditto on the being single can be great but lonely better that than being one of the many folks in loveless relationships , however it would be lovely to find a best friend and soul mate to share the ups and downs and to do things together and encorage and enjoy careers and hobbys .. the other thing is it takes quite a long time to get to know a stranger.... and when your in your 40s as I am the people have a fair bit of history and baggage ......