My 2010 round up video! :)


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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Description is under the video.

CC away, please! :)

P.S. the watermark does go after a minute, then comes back towards the end.

Home made tuffles for all :



Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
North Leicstershire
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My X@**ing machine is @~?? poor playing vids so only watched a few secs. Two months ago would be begging for those ruffles, but sadly am banned!!!!! Good effort for putting this together hope others can watch it!!


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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ooh pooo! Not on a diet are you oldgit?!

Juliap -
PC SJ on the 30th, 3'3 (yay - havent competed since PC champs :D)
Hopefully going to do the Hartpury(1) JAS, end of Jan - probably Novice i think.
Phoebe clinic 20th Feb
Then try and find an unaff ODE sometime in March
Then our first BE will hopefully be Larkhill (either BE90 or BE100, not sure which yet!)
And then we will go from there! I would love to get him going novice within 3/4 events, but it all depends on how he goes for the first few events :) :)

What are your plans? :)

eta - crossposted with last 2 comments, thank you! :)


Well-Known Member
31 March 2008
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you and rocky look fabulous :D he's such a nice horse with a really nice way of going. who are the other two horses?
(they are nice as well! :D)

Truffles look AMAZING!


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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other horses explained in the vid description underneath it, but will copy and paste it here for everyone else too :) (+and thankyou, love my Rockstar!)

"P.S. Excuse the video qulaity and watermark fro bits of the video... My movie maker went bust so had to use this one which requires you to pay if you want to get rid of it, and i dont fancy paying just to make one video :)

Not the best year! Very little money so havent been able compete much at all :( But have been riding loads of different horses for people, and here are a few of them!!

The first horse is David (bay horse). I had him on loan for a while with the intention of buying him in a couple of years time, seeing as we didnt have Rocky at that point (He was away SJ with someone else... more to come on that a bit further down!!). Anyway, David was a very talented horse, lovely to look at. 16.1 6yo, well bred etc etc... However, had a very nasty streak to him!! After a couple of months perservering with him, we realised how awful he was and swiftly took him back to his owner! In the few months we had him he managed to have me on the floor numerous times, tearing my ankle ligaments (crutches for 3 weeks, part of that spent camping at Badminton!!), trying to kill 3 of us several times trying to load him (he would rear and read and rear, and try and come down ontop of you, kick you etc etc..) you get the picture. Dangerous horse, and one that I wasnt glad to see the back of tbh!

Next is my star Rocky :D a collectionof videos from a couple of months after he'd come back for SJ with a guy (who i wont name!). That didnt go down particularly well, went to see him at B&W and decided to have him back because he wasnt really performing like he did with us, and turned out when we got him back, his pelvis was out (buy quite alot!) and all of his flatwork had been undone!

Within a couple of months his pelvis was sorted and he remembered how to go on the flat (well, what he knew before... we've both still got alot to learn!) and his jumping imporved aswell... Here are some vids of him schooling on the flat before area DR (we did the open and he did an okay test for 64.something%, which i was very pleased with considering he doesnt move very well, and i hadnt had him back that long).. Anyway, next is the PC SJ. Clips are from area and the champs. We were 5th indivually at area with a lovely DC, and the team were 2nd. And at the champs our team came 5th! We had the 1st fence down inthe 1st round, but then jumped 2 lovely clears... good boy :) He then had an absess which put him out of action for a while, and we now cant wait for the 2011 season :D

The grey is Blue, another horse i had on loan. He too came with problems! he was always ridden in a market harborough before we got him, and as a consequence, his back was too good! Plevis out, very tight and sore etc... So the aim really was just to get him relaxing with no gadgets! That we acheived, before he had to go back because Rocky came home and we couldn't afford to have them both :( He was one i wasnt glad to see the back of, as he was a lovely chap, and he is now back with the rider he came from, in a running martingale, jumping foxhunter sucessfully! So i think the realxing period he had with us did him good, even if we didnt get to see the benefits ourselves :)

Next are 3 horses who i am/have been riding for other people... all lovely DR horses! :)

So, have gained some experience with different types of horses, but.... ROLL ON 2011!!!! Have missed competing sooo much, so hopefully i'll be BE'ing again with Rocky next year. Either start off with a few intro's or PN's, then see what happens! Would love to take him novice next year, but who knows, it may all go tits up again!!

Thanks for watching :)"


Well-Known Member
3 September 2009
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Sorry to hear you have not had the best time with horses, hope 2011 is much better. Rocky is very pretty :) and it's a lovely video. I...want....those.....truffles........... :D


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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Love the video- very nice!

Can I have the recipes for the truffles? I have a chocoholic friend who would adore them as an xmas present!!


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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Love the video- very nice!

Can I have the recipes for the truffles? I have a chocoholic friend who would adore them as an xmas present!!

All those truffles are for xmas pressies :D Have boxes spray painted in gold + silver all made up ready, and lots of lovely ribbon - credit crunch is hitting :p

225g choc (a little bit less if useing white as lower cocoa content to wont set so well)
175g double cream
cocoa powder + icing sugar to roll in

Melt the choc
Heat the cream in a pan and whisk it until it boils (will double in size when ready!). Then take off the heat and mix in melted choc. Once all mixed in, put in the fridge to set for at least an hour and a half (best if left over night) Then scoop out and roll into balls, then roll in a mix of cocoa powder and icing sugar to coat.


As you can see we used several diff substitutes to cocoa powder+icing sugar, ground almonds, pink sugar etc! :)


Well-Known Member
26 January 2010
N E Lincs
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What a lovely video you have put together to remind you of 2010 :)

I always admire you riding position in your siggy & it looks just as good in the video.

As for the truffles, yummy yummy yummy, :D:D


Well-Known Member
8 May 2008
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Good Vid!

I love your riding, so quiet and neat, v jealous! Rocky is gorgeous, good luck for next yr. That David sounds horrid, not surprised you sent him back. Shame as he looked a nice horse but not your job to pick up the pieces. I won't ride a horse that deliberately puts me on the floor.. Dont mind sharp as long as they are willing but being wimpy falling off one horse regularly would be a complete no no for me! So do not blame you there!

Lush choccies! :)


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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aww thanks everyone :) Yeh David was nasty... shame, because he was very talented, but like you say firewell, no point having a horse that wants you on the floor! Ive never met a horse like it tbh.. i think there are very few and far between! Like you, dont mind sharp horses (fav horse at work is very sharp although getting better with age!) so long as thier intention isnt to hurt you!

Merry christmas everyone, good luck for 2011 :D


Well-Known Member
6 July 2008
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Really enjoyed watching that, thanks for posting.

Nice to see blue skies and you wearing T shirts after all this cold weather, a reminder of why all the hard work atm is worth it:)


Well-Known Member
2 November 2007
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thanks for posting that was great to see a natural progression, i have a young horse too and wished i had a vid aswell would be brilliant to look back on!! Love your bay chap he is stunning!! A brilliant well done for all your hard work and very best of luck for 2011<> and i really hope we will be getting some JAS reports from you soon!!

PS OMG!! Those truffles look amazing!! nomnomnom!!!!!! i dont know if i should>< How calorific are they!!!?? !!!!!! O well its xmas down the hatch!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
18 October 2010
West Sussex
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Great video and lovely horses!

PS: I have you to blame for making me feel ill. I made a load of truffles yesterday after seeing your recipe and well most of them didn't survive today. They are SOOOO morish!!!


Well-Known Member
2 April 2009
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Great video! Rocky looks like he has a lovely jump, at least it's been good riding lots of different horses, I'm sure it'll prove very helpful next year when you can get going a bit again. I put out that course at the area showjumping! ;) xxx


Well-Known Member
6 April 2008
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Ooh no im sorry Charem! They are very morish, although I dont think i could stomach too many! :p

Pinktiger - if you scroll right down to my first few youtube videos, that was after i'd had him about a year and a half... its so nice to have those videos as it shows we've grown so much as a partnership, and both improved in so many ways :)