My Bank holiday - Weston Lawns and Leicester Co Report


Well-Known Member
13 June 2007
Its been a busy weekend so havent been able to write a report til now!!

It started with Weston lawns on Thursday, and i set off early so that i could jump Wester in the 90cm and then Arctic later in the 1.15. It was on and off rain, but got there ok and wester warmed up really well. I went in and let him have a sneaky look at a couple of fillers before setting off. He was a little hesitant to the first fence but i got my leg on and he jumped well, he really suprised me by being very responsive, and he jumped everything until fence 7. Came round the corner and i just wasn't right, he tried to jump it but sort of crashed into it instead
oops...came round and rode it much better and he finished the rest clear to have 4 faults, so pretty pleased.

We waited and waited and finally the 1.15 came round. I tacked arctic up and warmed up. He felt really good and as it was a speed class i planned a couple of turns. What can i say other than this horse is a legend?! He jumped clear and i even got brave and took a couple of those turns, but still didnt go as quick as some people. In the end we finished in 5th, so very very pleased. No pictures or video because Wester decided this was the best time to escape from the lorry (i have no idea how) and so my OH was otherwise occupied

I must of been feeling brave, because then i decided to try my hand at a 1.20. Ive never competed at this height and before we got arctic i hadn't jumped anything bigger than NCs in the ring. Anyway, i was VERY nervous...and as a result pushed the canter a bit too much, resultng in two fences down. Still pretty good for a first try!!



So onto a rainy bank holiday Monday!! I had a 5am start to get there in time (urgh) but boy am i glad i did. Wester was entered in the training class as he's only ever been out on grass once and Arctic in the 1.10 open and the 1.20, though my thoughts were i'd only jump the 1.20 if i wanted/needed to.

Warmed Wester up and once again he felt really good. Ive done a lot of work at home so maybe its starting to pay off. Anywho, went in and he was a little spooky, very sticky to the first fence (must ride more postive to it!) but jumped round really very nicely. He had a slight sticky moment at the eighth which was a combination, with a red brick wall going in, but i got my legs on and he popped through nicely, to finish clear. YeY! Im hoping a few more runs at 90cm like this and he can move back up to jumping discos.

Onto Arctic. Wester played up when we took Arctic off the lorry (realising there was no escape this time!!) but Arctic was very well behaved. I however, was a bit flustered. Not just because of this but also because of people constantly ringing my groom (the best friend!!) and i had no one to slap me out of my nerves. As a result the next class wasn't great! I rode like an idiot, Arctic managed round the first few but coming through the combination at number 7 he clipped a pole...luckily it didnt fall. I however, then needed shooting, as he jumped a lovely clear and i then promptly forgot the last fence!! I was so angry at myself!! I came round and jumped it but obviously 4 faults and a handful of time faults to boot.


This made me determined to get it right and so decided i was definitely going to jump the 1.20. I disappeared from everyone for 5 minutes and gathered myself together, and then my trainer warmed me up for the next class. I felt much better and off i went...

And jumped CLEAR!! I was so pleased...and also very happy that Arctic didnt mind i was an idiot in the first class!! Onto the jump off and i felt OK, it didnt look as big as i thought it should...which is a good thing i guess. Anyway, i went back in and just took things steady and we jumped clear again!!
Cant really believe it....but, we were placed 4th!!

So all in all, ive had an exhausting but brilliant few days!!

Thanks for reading...
N xx


Well-Known Member
9 August 2008
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WELL DONE! Big pats and polos for your pone! Your pony is seriously PINGING in that video!

Well done


Well-Known Member
27 March 2008
gosh you have really come together with arctic.... very pleasing to see you riding so positively.

wester looks like he is coming on too


Well-Known Member
27 October 2005
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Well done, your confidence is well up there. Gosh you have come on a long way since I last saw you. You have changed horses too. Didn`t you ride a black one? Fee-fee wasnt it?
Have you still got her?