My Boy DId Good!


Well-Known Member
12 August 2008
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My trainer had an open day yesterday...about 60 people turned up at noon and she did 5 hour long sessions demonstrating Freework, groundwork, double lunge and long reining, obstable training and freestyle riding.

I went out of interest and surprised but very pleased to see her using the horses she currently has in for training at the moment in the demo's especially when she has a paddock of very experienced horses that she uses to train the humans with.

She used my boy in the double lunge and long reining demonstration and I was so very proud of him, it was as windy as hell, she was using a cordless headset which was being amplified through two loud speakers and people were leaning over the rail of the school one of whom decided to crush a plastic cup at one point.

Apart from an initial quizzical look of "why are you talking so loudly at me" he just got on with the job....woman next to me asked if I was having him broken late and refused to believe me when I told her he was only just four.

Obstacle demo was really interesting, she set up a tarp between two poles on the floor, a wooden platform between two jump stands with a pole under it so it rocked, an arch covered with very scary flapping plastic strands, a trailer, a pole maze cones and assorted highly coloured horse footballs (which were happily blowing around) and took a horse in and showed how to lead past and deal with the shying in hand once he had successfully looked at and walked over everything she then long reined him over then finished up with riding him over all the obstacles (with the obvious exception of the trailer!).

She told me afterwards that she was going to use Vardi for the first and second parts of the demo as she thought using a young horse would be interesting however having set up the course during the week she took him in and he calmly walked over everything first time, she then long reigned and he just plodded round and actively ran into the trailer as it had a hay net up......she said in the nicest possible way she needed a little bit of theatre

I have got lots of photos and will download them later and put up a thread on the obstacle training it was I thought the most interesting part of the day.


Well-Known Member
21 February 2008
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WoW!!!! That's fabulous, can't wait to see photos!!

You must be a very proud Mummy! I know I would if one of mine did all that! So glad you've got him somewhere where you are happy, and sounds like he loves it there too!!!