My coblet died suddenly


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3 February 2009
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I do feel for you and have a good idea of what you are going through. Four years ago I found my 3 year old whom I had owned since a foal dead in her field. Like yours it looked as though she had died suddenly - the ground around her was not disturbed and she even had some grass in her mouth.

I was able to console myself that she probably knew nothing about it and that for her short life she had been much loved and well looked after.

In time I am sure you will be able to consider having another horse.


Well-Known Member
15 November 2011
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Im so sorry to read this...

Completely know how your feeling, I lost my horse two weeks ago after he got colic then had heart failure.

Hugs xx


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10 May 2012
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Really feel for you, most of us on here have been through this so understand your pain. When I lost my old boy after having shared our lives for 25 years, I couldnt even go to the stables for several weeks, but eventually you know its time to get another horse. Its not a replacement , but more a new start as each and every one of them is different, and at some point you will know if it is the right time to start again. It may be weeks, months or even years, but do what is right for you.
Remember the good times, that is what counts


Well-Known Member
13 June 2012
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Oh you poor thing, what an awful thing to happen.

You're in the early stages of grief at the moment and you should let yourself go with it - cry all you need to and talk when you need to.

It takes time to grieve, especially when you've had such a shock, so don't worry about making any decisions about getting a new horse yet; that can wait. There's no rush, you just need to look after yourself.

Big hugs, take care x


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13 January 2008
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Thank you so much everyone. It means a lot to read all your kind words and to be able to share it with people who know how much a horse can mean to you and also hear from people who have sadly had to cope with similar situations .


Well-Known Member
25 October 2007
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So sorry for your loss & totally understand you being in turmoil. Sounds like she had a peaceful end although no consolation. Maybe have a month r so to mourn your coblet then see how you feel. (((hugs)))


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28 August 2012
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I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a huge shock when they pass so suddenly.

The exact same thing happened to my cob back in January. He had a massive heart attack and just dropped in the field. It took a long time to sink in what had happened but I found it comforting to know that he was in no pain and probably didn't know anything about it.

My thoughts are with you.

Rip coblet xx


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
I very much feel for you. Your horse looked absolutely lovely and it must have been such a shock for you. It will take time to get over the loss of your horse but you will have very happy memories of her to remember her by. You will know when the time comes to start looking for a new horse.


Over the hill and far awa
14 September 2006
West Yorkshire
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I am so sorry for your loss. The only thing I will say about getting another, is that taking on another horse does not lessen what you felt for the first one. It does not mean that you are replacing your cob, just that you can put all the lessons you learnt with her into another horse and give him or her a good life.


Well-Known Member
17 June 2012
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I'm so very sorry for your loss; sincere condolences. I lost my beloved horse a lifetime on 17th November 2010. I had owned him for 15 years. It was horribly unexpected. He passed away peacefully. On 2nd November 2010 I had rescued a very ill and neglected young horse, unsure if he would survive. He was the absolute opposite to my other horse in every respect. I continued on auto pilot with the youngster. I still miss my old horse every day. I had made a commitment to the youngster and he has survived and thrived and is a spectacular horse. It is only now that I have any of the fierce protective love, enjoyment and pride in him similiar to that which I still hold for his predecessor.
Hang on in there, Caramac. You are not going mad - this is grief and will ebb and flow as time passes. Check out the stages of grieving on the internet to aquire knowledge on its' likely progress. You will know when or if to have another horse. You would not be disloyal to coblet if you did. You would be honouring her memory and building on the lessons you learnt together, for the benefit of another horse. H/She will never be coblet, but you could build another future for both of you. Much love and supportive thoughts coming your way.
RIP dear coblet.


Well-Known Member
26 November 2004
I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful girl. What a dreadful shock for you. It does seem like it was quick, and she didn't suffer, though that is small comfort to you at the moment. I know only too well, how much you are hurting at the moment, but as time passes it does get easier, though saying that I still miss my old lad, and still have days when I cry for him. But she will always be with you, in your heart and mind, wherever and whatever you do. I had another horse at the same time as my boy. He was an ex-racehorse, and my other is a cob. As different as chalk and cheese! But my cob has proved a rock for me in my grieving for Bob. But don't feel you are betraying your lovely little mare if you feel you want another. She knew you loved her, and that's all that matters. So take your time, grieve for her, but smile too, for having her in your life, and giving you so much pleasure and joy. My thoughts are with you at such a difficult time for you. You are not alone. Many on here have lost horses and know exactly how you feel. Take care xx


Well-Known Member
30 June 2012
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So sorry, she was beautiful.

Give yourself time to grieve. You will have good days and bad days - don't let anyone tell you you should be over it at any point - that's not how it works. Over time you remember the good times more and the sadness fades.

Don't feel like you have to do, or not do anything in terms of having another horse. If the right one turns up don't feel guilty for having it, but also don't feel pressured into looking if you want time or space.




Well-Known Member
13 January 2008
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Well I feel a bit better after a nights sleep. I really felt as if I was going mad yesterday! At the minute I feel quite rational, and I am just going to let things happen if that makes sense. A couple of my friends have offered me their ponies to ride, so I can carry on with my riding lessons. And that was one of my worries that if I was out of it too long my confidence would start to go again when it had taken me so long to get it. People like my farrier, saddler, riding instructor, other horsey friends all know what has happened and that I may be looking in the future so they are keeping their eyes and ears open for me. I know this probably sounds completely bonkers but I just have a very strong feeling that I may not necessarily have to look too hard and that the right horse will find me at the right time.

In the meantime we moved house 3 days before coblet died so I have quite a lot to be getting on with to try and take my mind off things. So I am just going to try and stop panicking, take it easy and perhaps even post on here a bit more as you have all been so nice to me lol. And of course if anyone knows of something bombproof, confidence giving in the East Anglia area .................

But seriously I know it is going to take time and I will never forget her and nothing will ever replace her, but your stories and kind wishes have all been a great comfort. Thank you x


Well-Known Member
28 December 2008
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That's awful sorry to hear that.
It is very rare though so the chances of you buying another horse and that happening again are very very small.
I'd give your self time, I lost my cob 6 years ago from laminitis, he was 13 and I'd had him for 10 yrs with no issues. I did have another horse at the time I was breaking in but I've never had the same bond with him. I've wanted another cob for ages and this year I got one, he reminds me alot of the one I lost and I've got a strong bond with him.
Your decide what's right for you but you do need more time.


Well-Known Member
1 May 2009
Sunny Surrey
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Im so sorry to hear of the sudden loss of your Coblet :( :(
Sending big hugs to you though, I understand the pain your going through also.

One of my friends also lost her cob through a heart attack suddenly sadly she didn't suffer and went quickly, I guess out of the whole tragic situation is that she didn't suffer and was quick.

Your pain will ease with time, you must allow yourself time to grieve too, up to you if you feel a new horse will help with the pain.

I too lost my lad suddenly and had another horse to carry on doing at the time which helped as she was also mourning the loss, but I soon cracked after a while, I took time out for a couple of years to get head sorted, the loss hit me badly he was my horse of a lifetime.

I now have a wonderful new boy who I adore so much, we are still getting to know each other but can say for certain now that he really really has helped me overcome my loss that was 3 yrs ago and I feel good being back around horses, but everyone is different.

((( HUGS )))


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2 October 2009
Chester, Cheshire
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I lost my old tb in April to a heart attack, he also went instantly.

He's not the first horse I've lost so have been thru the grief process before so I know how I deal/ cope now. It' so hard in the beginning, just miss them so much.

But I love animals and will have them all my life, they make me so happy and all the good times far, far outweigh the sadness you feel when you say goodbye.

I knew within days I'd get another, for me and for my other mare who was pretty down about it.

I always say I have enough love in my heart to give another, while I still grieve for the one lost.

Having another helps me no end and the new one is a carbon copy of my old one so felt like fate really

Hope you feel better soon

Ambers mum

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2 October 2012
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I am so sorry to read you post. It's so sad when we loose a horse or pony. I lost my two veterans in the space of 14 months it broke my heart. My sisters warm blood died in August as well so it we had to go through it again which was so hard for my whole family.

I never thought about another pony until 8 months after my first mare was pts, basically it was more because I had 3 others and they got me through it. I realised I needed a friend for myself when my two daughters were able to ride out and I ended up walking all of the time. I suddenly realised I missed the riding side and my hubby found a 24 year old ploddy section D for me to ride and bought her. I was so relieved to have have her earlier this year when my long term childhood pony died (31 years old and with me since she was 2), I think I would have given up altogether without Amber to play with xx

It has got easier as time has gone on, and I think getting another horse depends on you and how you feel. Xxx


Just passing through...
27 June 2008
Not where I should be...
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So very sorry hunny. Hugs and thoughts to you.

It does get easier to cope with, but it will take time. I cried so much when I lost Tigs. My face permenantly looked swollen and blotchy. That was four years ago this month. Now I can look at pictures of her and smile. She was only four when I had to have her pts, something I'd never expected to do. I still remember the phone call from the vet saying that there was nothing they could do to help or fix her.

Rest in peace Coblet, wait patiently by the bridge.


Well-Known Member
23 September 2004
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I'm so sorry for your loss. What a terrible shock. Its incredible how powerful the feelings of grief are, I'm glad you have friends who are supportive and understanding.

I remember feeling as you do when my beautiful mare died and felt like giving up altogether. However, after being roped in to exercising my YO's fantastic mare, I decided to buy a new horse. As I was preparing the stable which belonged to my previous horse, I suddenly felt a strange sensation, the stable seemed to fill with the presence of her, there was an overwhelming sense of love and the thought from her that came into my head, was 'love the new horse as you loved me and the lessons I taught you, use to make her life a good one'.

Your coblet and my girl, will never be replaced but neither will they be forgotten.
When the time is right, make life for another horse as lovely as it was for your much loved horse.