My first ODE report (well my first ever report...)


Well-Known Member
31 December 2008
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Well I enjoy reading all of yours so much I thought I'd do one of my own

So off to Gt. Witchingham for a PC ODE to do our first intro class. Hacked down with a few excitments (people cantering past hedges, people from the yard being late so had to trot straight past poor Finn who thought it was time for his tigger impression

So we get there and start warming up and hes lovely! What a surprise for Mr. Giraffe! So after getting used to his new stilettos (his new 'hard ground' studs!) we went in the ring.
He did the best test hes ever done
(sorry about the quality of the pic- their from a video!)



So pats and carrots

So onto the showjumping. Not usually our best phase but he was doing well today so i had a good feeling
Gave myself 10 mins to warm up , got down there trotted round a couple of times, went into canter and the steward said your in next!! I asked if i can have a jump and they said if your quick, the person in the rings going over the last fence!! So had 1 jump and went in. Saw a friend when we were walking the course yesterday and she told me , as he often gets too fast and flat in showjumping, to come back to trot at least twice in the round. I did it and got a lovely clear!



Finn obviously also thought hed done well (or just knew what was coming up next!) as he came out of the ring as he started whinnying and prancing around!

So onto the 'Good Bit'! He was really going forwards in the warm up (which he never does) and there was a wide range of fences to warm up over so got to jump a drop, a ditch and a few fences strung together to get hs mind on the job.

So left the start box all excited and flew the first (a nice palisaided brush) , 2 (steeplechase fence) and 3 (chair). Came to number 4( tiger trap going into a wood) and he flew even though it was very shadowy and dark. Lost all my reins over the log pile to rails combo but he stayed straight as a die! Flew over the scary roll top (which i hate!)


and jumped the drop like a pro and just popped over the coffin


and then over the scary viaduct with horse-eating flowers (which , luckily, he forgot about today!)

over the biggest trakhener (which I hate!) and through the 1st water. As it wasnt timed I let him trot between the 2 waters as it was very hot out there today. Straight through the water and over the jetty


then the 1/2 coffin

lovely jump over the arrowhead, think they forgot to put 2nd sleeper on pipes as it was tiny! Through the sheep fold and over the last. I was so happy cause I wasnt expecting a double clear at our 1st try at this level!

Took him home for a sleep and went back up. Met NoSurrender and had a nice chat and saw one_in_a_million (but i dont think you recognised me!!)
Got my sheet and I'd got 41.79 for dressage
. I was expecting sub-40 and every time he opened his mouth the judge gave me a 5 however good or bad the movement was

But I'd come 8th out of 24. I am over the moon with my little 13.3 rescue pony!!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2008
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You looked fab, and as I said, can't believe it's the same pony that demolished the WH at the CRC show a year ago! Alice had the same judge, and I don't really do sour grapes but she was very inconsistent- she gave 6's for 4 movement in a row and in the first she wrote "needs to be rounder", then "much rounder"- maybe a 7, then?

He flew round- you mus be v. proud of your pingy pony!


Well-Known Member
1 August 2008
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I did recognise you I was just having a lot of problems and not in a great mood with him after I was having to hang on to his ears (nearly) lol