My horse doesn't respect boundaries

Hronn Vale

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24 October 2021
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Hello my name is Hronn and I'm a new member
I'm 47 years old and I started my horse journey a year ago when my hobby came home with two ponies that he saved from starvation. I thought he was crazy as I have always been extremely afraid of horses. One year later we have 4 horses and I love them ❤
My problem is with one of my horse/pony
She is so social that she is not afraid of anything! Nothing spooks her and she does not respect my personal space. I have tried the wip, shaking the halter, she will not move. She always prefers the company of humans then being with the herd. She will even give up eaten to be close to humans.
I have to say that I really love that she likes to be with me but how can I make boundaries more clear without punishment?


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25 October 2010
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Look up YouTube or similar to get some ideas for groundwork, there are plenty of videos. Watch a few and see which you think will work and stick at it (don’t do several different things at once as you can confuse the pony)

Patience and consistency is key.

Are there any trainers in your area that you could ask for advice from?

Hronn Vale

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24 October 2021
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Look up YouTube or similar to get some ideas for groundwork, there are plenty of videos. Watch a few and see which you think will work and stick at it (don’t do several different things at once as you can confuse the pony)

Patience and consistency is key.

Are there any trainers in your area that you could ask for advice from?
Thank you
Yes I'm taking riding lessons. Where I live in Portugal they are more aggressive with there ways that I don't agree with. I'm looking for respect without using punishment. I have a mare that has been bullied by humans and horses and I'm finally after a year of patience getting through to her. I have to say that I'm so emotional of seeing her leaning towards me when I touch her instead of turning her head and walk away from me.


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27 October 2020
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A basic thing teaching horses about space is backing up, asking them to step backwards away from you. Teach her by pressure with your hand on her chest or using the headcollar and use your body language to make yourself look 'big'.
To begin with it may be a small step back not all four feet, praise her when she gets it or is trying to figure it out.
Have your own word or gesture/sign that she will learn to understand. When she gets too close, you ask her to move back out of your space. Do not use force. Most horses understand this as a polite request and obey unless the problem is that she does not respect you (not the same as fear). Asking a horse to go backwards also reinforces in her mind that you are her leader.

Is the horse that is too social the same one that has been bullied by humans or a different one? Horses that have been brought up by humans can be hard (sometimes impossible) to teach about personal space. It will be good for you to learn about how horses behave with each other, so you can understand her behaviour.


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16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Have a look at the Michael Peace material which you might find helpful.

Basically your horse needs to respect your personal space; it is dangerous if horses don't!!

I would recommend you ask a professional who is experienced at working on groundwork to help you. I would suggest someone of the Kelly Marks affiliation. Timing is an essential component of successful groundwork and if you're not sure this is where a professional can help you.