My horse has strangles :(


Well-Known Member
13 May 2013
Ceredigion, South Wales
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As title really. Could do with some positive vibes and stories from people that have gone through the same. We have had a strangles outbreak on the yard after a sick horse was brought in from Ireland. Originally it was contained to one barn and nothing was allowed o move. My horse has now developed it. Unsure how she has caught it, she hasn't been in contact with anything sick and we have been very careful with quarantine procedures but we think there is a carrier mare that she may have caught it from. Either way she has it. She has a high temp and her gutteral pouches are filling. Prescribed bute by the vet and for now is out. Shes quieter than het normal self but generally seems fairly happy. Eating ok. If I could have some positive vibes and experiences I'd appreciate it a lot! She is a three year old mare who wad in good health prior to this so hopefully not hugely at risk.
We have made people in the area aware that we have it on the yard :)


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Sorry to hear this. There seems to be a lot of it about in S. Wales at the moment, although I am further South and East than you. She's probably a good age to get it - old enough to be strong and have reserves of energy but young enough to bounce back quickly. Hope that proves to be the case.


Well-Known Member
18 April 2007
West Wales
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I'm quite close to you .. we have a couple of further outbreaks near Cardigan. I'm just trying to keep a very low profile at the moment.

Hope your horse gets well soon.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2005
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Both mine got it September 2014. We bought a new horse & moved to a new yard at the same time. About 2 weeks after we bought him new horse had a little bit of snot when ridden and a couple of days later had a mild cough. Vet thought it was a straightforward respiratory infection but as he was swabbed and it turned out to be strangles. By the time we got the results back he was fine. We were worried about my other horse as he was recovering from atypical antipathy (it was not a good year!) But although he ended up swabbing positive he was completely asymptomatic, not even a raised temp. Both recovered completely but it was a pain for us. They're quite happy just out in a paddock away from all the other horses while we were periodically disinfecting everything that went near them and it was months before bleach, antibacterial hand gel and disinfectant stopped coming up as "you may have forgotten" when I did an internet grocery shop.