my horses first ODE and my OH's first ever ODE


Well-Known Member
10 February 2006
I took my ex racer to his first ODE today. Only a riding club BE80 but his first time ever. His dressage was rather good, 37.5. we became disunited in his right canter and I dropped to trot in the one movement a couple of times to rebalance and pick up the correct canter. We were in the top 5 in our section. Then on to the SJ. He has never SJ on grass before and has only ever jumped about five rounds of SJ ever and is really short of mileage. He jumped the first 3 nicely - no tanking off which he was doing originally. Then jump 4 was a spread with a bad filler. We had a stop - I smacked and represented and we did it - ok it was a vertical take of but clear. Next fence a bridge/wall and another stop. Another smack and represent and over. Out of the next six fences I had about 3 vertical take offs all really unseating but at least he attempted them. So 2 stops and one down. then on to the XC and he flew = fantastic cleared everything easily and totally controllable. So I really just need to get more mileage under his belt with the SJ and I think he willbe fine.

It was also my OH's first ever ODE - he did a 70cm class as has never competed over a SJ course or a dressage test and has only competed in one HT. He only took up riding 4 years ago and rides a 17'2 11 year old horse I gave him 2 years ago. He did an ok test, a bit above the bit and not enough impulsion but competant. He then got a clear SJ. I was so proud of him as the horse is not the bravest show jumping and has got a nasty stop. Then onto the XC. he was not committed enough coming out of the start box and the horse napped and stopped at the first jump. A quick smack and he was over. And the went clear XC. Came back with a massive grin and demanded to know when he can go out again.

And what fantastic weather - a perfect way to spend a bank holiday Sunday.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2008
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Sounds like progress on all points then - well done both of you


Well-Known Member
26 April 2009
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Sounds like you both had a fab day, any pictures?
P.S. Pidge is going great guns now thanks again for all your help saddle wise
very much appreciated