My next equine project horse


Well-Known Member
9 January 2006
Georgia, US of A
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I have just found and read all of this thread! AA I am very jealous of all your lovely horses but am more than a little smitten with "little" Ted (incidentally, how big does he have to get before that nickname disappears?!)
Keep up with the updates please!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Ted is on the naughty step tonight.

After standing nicely for a groom and having anti itch treatment on 3 of his legs without even a fidget he kicked me as I did the last leg.

It was a nervous, speed of light, kick but it caught my thumb -ouch to say the least. On reflection I was too casual with him, his hinds are still a big issue to touch and I didn't do enough on and off pressure with my stuffed hand on a stick before trying to touch him myself.

He got upset after he lashed out and gave me no choice other than to leave the back end alone. It was very tempting to get cross with him but it's totally pointless and it was a timely reminder that as sweet tempered and friendly as he has become, he is still able to panic and hurt me by accident. Never mind I will get there eventually.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Tut tut, Ted ;)

How is Ted this week, and ditto Martha?

They are fine but on the back burner at the minute. The big horse who has been on box rest for a year has been turned out and it's not gone well so all time as been given to caring for him.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2011
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I've just flicked back to the photo of him when you first got him on the first page of this thread. What a difference!
Have you measured?


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Just a bit of difference AA! You should be pleased with yourself, he's coming on loads.

How's Big Horse now?

Thank you, I dare not measure, but he wouldn't be far off 16hh now. In the main he is a good boy. Struggling with touching the right hind but can get my padded stick down to the hoof on the outside of the leg now.

Maesfen, my wonderful show horse has been in meltdown since Sunday, temp of 104, gut pain and a racing heart. He didn't cope with being turned out after a year inside, despite being introduced to freedom very carefully. I thought it was all over on Monday but my vet is simply the best and he is having the best possible care. I cried on the horse and the vet ! why do we get so attached and emotional.

This morning he was brighter and his 28 year old girlfriend is helping keep him going. I am not sure we are out of the woods just yet. He will never be ridden again but I just hope he can enjoy a peaceful retirement.


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i cant believe how much "little ted" has grown, he looks very well.....sorry your other boy is not yet out of the wood but he looks like he is enjoying himself in the last picture.....


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Thank you Maesfen,

Big horse is out in his little paddock and has got over his chill, tummy ache, 2 septic feet - together, ever tried poulticing 2 feet, why has no one taught horses to stand on 2 feet instead of 3 !, and a nasty bout of mud rash.

I have forgiven him kicking me, he was in a lot of pain, so he thought he would share it. The bill has yet to arrive, but I have a bottle of damson gin on standby so all will be fine.

He is looking much better, is back to his cheeky self and the filling over the sight of the damaged check ligament is firm and cool. Vets haven't ruled out him being sound in the spring, but I am just taking one day at a time at the moment.


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20 August 2007
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Thank you, I dare not measure, but he wouldn't be far off 16hh now. In the main he is a good boy. Struggling with touching the right hind but can get my padded stick down to the hoof on the outside of the leg now.

Maesfen, my wonderful show horse has been in meltdown since Sunday, temp of 104, gut pain and a racing heart. He didn't cope with being turned out after a year inside, despite being introduced to freedom very carefully. I thought it was all over on Monday but my vet is simply the best and he is having the best possible care. I cried on the horse and the vet ! why do we get so attached and emotional.

This morning he was brighter and his 28 year old girlfriend is helping keep him going. I am not sure we are out of the woods just yet. He will never be ridden again but I just hope he can enjoy a peaceful retirement.

thats a beautiful pic, I sincerely hope he makes it xxx everything crossed xxx


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Thank you, that is kind.

Big Ted is a clown, I have taught him not to invade my space, which he fully understands, but he is so gangly he just topples into me, he is like a teenager on alcopops.

When he is not being a nuisance he is asleep, flat out snoring like a trooper. Yesterday I had the clippers out and showed him the small trimmer clippers, thinking he would be nervous, but no, he was fascinated by them and loved the vibration on his neck. I clipped a patch and the only thing that bothered him was the hair falling down, I think he thought his stuffing was coming out !

God knows how big he is going to be, I can see him ending up a gentle giant which an even bigger character.


Well-Known Member
26 July 2012
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Aaah, an Adorable Alice update- my absolute favorite. Been missing Little Ted!
Good to see him looking so well - love his innocent face, I can't believe that he is ever naughty or annoying or anything remotely bad.
Glad to hear you big boy is doing well, he is gorgeous - you have some lovely horses.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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My other half is, him indoors who must be obeyed. In reality a wonderful kind man, totally un horsey, who poo picks, mends things, never forgets to buy carrots for the tribe and never questions what I spend or how long I vanish for a the weekends.

Little Ted is officially Big Ted now, totally gormless and with the co-ordination of a baby elephant.

At the moment he is having a crush on next doors little mare, he stands at the hunting gate blowing kisses but she is having none of it. Tiredness got the better of him yesterday and he lay down in the gateway which is a footpath. Walkers would have to step over him because when he is asleep nothing wakes him up !


Well-Known Member
14 November 2007
Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK
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When he is not being a nuisance he is asleep, flat out snoring like a trooper. Yesterday I had the clippers out and showed him the small trimmer clippers, thinking he would be nervous, but no, he was fascinated by them and loved the vibration on his neck. I clipped a patch and the only thing that bothered him was the hair falling down, I think he thought his stuffing was coming out !

God knows how big he is going to be, I can see him ending up a gentle giant which an even bigger character.

how cute! Our Tom loves loves loves being clipped. He'll do anything to persuade you to clip his face, or belly! He grooms whatever gets in the way of his nose while you're clipping. He's the only horse I've ever met who Wants you to clip inside his ears! :confused::confused:

At the moment he is having a crush on next doors little mare, he stands at the hunting gate blowing kisses but she is having none of it. Tiredness got the better of him yesterday and he lay down in the gateway which is a footpath. Walkers would have to step over him because when he is asleep nothing wakes him up !



Well-Known Member
24 October 2011
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Well, Spring arrived and so did Little Ted. Very gentle handling through the summer and a bit of grub saw Little Ted morph into Big Ted. The only thing that stayed consistent was Scaredy Ted. Nervous and suspicious of everything until this week that is.

At last I managed to handle his hind feet with no panicky kicking, fantastic I was so pleased with him. This evening Scaredy Ted become Big Bold Brave Ted.......................

