My very long weekend (long post)


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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Okay I know its Tuesday, but as yet the weekend hasnt finished!!

On saturday mum and I went off to watch the Novice champs at Gatcombe which was wicked, spent far too much and saw Jiffy too

Saturday evening, YO son returned from B&F show where he had one fence down in both the 1.30m and 1.40m classes. He then gave me a lesson on winston around 9pm where winston jumped brilliantly.

Sunday dawned and both YO's son and I loaded up and left for my first BSJA show, where i was entered for the BN and Disco. Richard (YO son) was in the IT, Young Rider and Accumilater).
So the day begun, Rich walked the course with me and I got on and warmed up, then R had to zip off to walk the IT course so his mum continued to help warm me up. Winston and i went into the class - which was two phase - i have enough problems with trying to remember 8 fences let alone 14! well apart from a sticky moment at the first he jumped a smashing clear round

Rich was up next, the classes was massive! but he didnt let us down and just tapped out two poles, which he was happy with.

Winston up next, but unfortunately he looked slightly unlevel
so we took him home to poultice and attend to him.

I zipped back to help Rich who jumped a lovely double clear in the YR trial and finished 3rd and followed by two down in the accumilator.

Back at the yard around 6pm, we all went round YO house and had supper and a swim, before retiring to bed at 1130!

Monday dawned and winston had obviously still got some puss in his hoof as he was sound and happy
with a very smelly dirty poultice

I popped winston on the walker and attended to him, before driving to Windsor to walk the course at Smiths Lawn. Although the dressage arena warm up was rather hard the xc course was on sand. The SJ wasnt too bad either although seemed to be causing some problems? Met T_Eye there and we walked the course.

Back to the yard and pottered around cleaning tack etc. Eventually getting home by 9pm with young Beanyowner in tow

This morning at 4AM OMG! we dragged ourselves from our beds to get to the yard for 5am to leave with winston at 6.
We left just before and arrived at SL for just after 7:15.

In the SJ warm up, Lucinda Fredricks came over to ask me about the dressage test - neither of us had looked at it until the night before lol and we continued to bump into and ride around together which was rather cool!

The dressage went well but unfortunately was marked with a 39
so a quick changed for SJing and although the round wasnt pretty, pony club springs to mind! it was affective and we jumped the first clear round of the day.

On to the xc - a marathon hack! and we were 3rd to go on the course, he was awesome and really tried - unfortunately the tight turns etc didnt suit him but he was a good boy and came home with 11 time

He finished well and we loaded up and came home.

Well now, since 3pm Beany and I have been fast asleep, but i must go as Pizza and Chips is calling
I can honestly say I have never felt so KNACKERED!! 4am is fine for getting home but not for going out!

ATM, I am toying with the idea of calling eventing a day for this year and concentrate with dressage and SJing and then hunt all winter.
After reading about Rambo's horse Bo, I do wonder if winston is suffering with his feet. Richards IT horse has come back from the vets this morning with corns all round which is what has been causing him to be lame on and off recently too. Gahh this ground this year has been crap.

Right Im off - sorry for the ramble.

Thanks for reading



Well-Known Member
15 February 2004
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Well done V and Winnie!!! Can totally sympathise about the ground - we've called it a day until Mid-September and will do a few more only if the ground is suitable. P's fetlocks have been swelling up a bit, but going down with exercise and I'm just putting it down to concussion aggravating his windgalls. Anyways, hope yr well xxx


Well-Known Member
6 December 2004
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Well doen Winnie. I wonder, surely the repeated pussy hooves are not normal? Maybe there is an under lying problem?? I dunno, I wouldn't be jumping at all if he was even vaguely unlevel after all your ring bone probs etc. without a full vet work up tbh. Not knocking you, just my opinion!


Opinions are like bum holes, everyone has one.
22 July 2005
Well done - sounds like a long couple of days. How was the BSJA? Was there much waiting around? Did you enjoy it? The ground is rubbish at the moment I keep hoping for proper rain. Maybe do Aldon or some other later events as usually have some rain by then?


Well-Known Member
6 November 2003
The Sodden Cotswolds
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SLEEPING ALL AFTERNOON! WEll that will be why I couldnt get hold of you lol!!

Well done mate - forget the time faults you had a super DC and being first in in the dressage is always a pain in the derriere

I will look forward to seeing you on the BSJA circuit over the coming months I feel


Well-Known Member
7 February 2006
Hoeilaart, Belgium
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Well done hun, thought he looked well and really quite skinny!
Glad he jumped well, I found everything rode better than thought. You left at the right time - later on the wind changed and the dust from the sj warm up just got worse and worse and poured into the lorries
Will do separate report when I've finished my dinner!


Well-Known Member
11 November 2005
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well done sounds like you have had a good long weekend and hope winstons feet recover soon.
sisters horse is also suffering, was badly shod, heels collapsed and went lame so farrier put on NB shoes, came sound a week later and so was preparing for aston on thursday but then on sunday horse went lame again. this time we got vet and horse is on bute and needing either pads or someother shoe, will find out tomorrow. so looks like sister season is over early again

well done on DC thats fab.


Well-Known Member
30 July 2005
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Now now Weezy I dont want to hear of BB's getting stolen by the showjumping fratenity!! Lol..

The ground is a real pain, I think a lot of people are finding that they are being forced to have a break from the eventing at the mo.. but I hope that you will be back on the circuit in Sept/Oct time! Thats fantastic to have a double clear today...your both so ultra consistent with the clear rounds I do admire you!!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2005
Parisienne Dressage
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well done hun, great results all round! i hope winstons foot is better now, sounds like it should be ok tho!! I want to start hunting again soon (first cub hunt is on 1st september) but unfortunately i have no horse to hunt


Well-Known Member
4 January 2006
North Yorkshire
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Well done - a double clear is a brilliant result however you look at it and time faults are nothing to worry about!

As you know, Lexi is not eventing at the moment because I am worried about the ground. Last outing was Buckminster at the beginning of July, next one is Berkshire College in late September (hope we have had some rain by then). She is just walking out at the moment - very chubby and chilled (by her standards).

My strategy is a busy spring, a break in the summer and then a few more events right at the end. Planning to stick to that one next year too.

Why does the best part of the eventing season have to run right through the horrible ground?


Well-Known Member
30 September 2005
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Sounds like you had a great time
Well done with the SJ'ing, and the DC at SL. We look forward to welcoming you onto the BSJA circuit in the not too distant then

At least with BSJA you can pick and choose your surfaces...even if it does mean travelling a bit further afield, and if Winnie is susceptible to problems in the hoof area, that might just be a solution

I can't see the ground softenning noticeably before the end of September at the earliest tbh...