Video My young Cob Ruari's first spook at the


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1 November 2005
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I set off on Saturday to ride bridleways in the next village along, to do this you have to ride down and back up a very narrow, sandstone and mud bridleway (thanks, lockdown walkers and mountain bikers!) so it has only just dried up enough to be passable.
If you want to be scared I'll post a video link of the 30ft drop at the side of the bridleway (no barrier, they're for wimps lol)

I usually have a couple of canters in the woods and tracks but there's one track I hadn't tried so just on the spur of the moment gave it a go tbh I'm relatively cautious out hacking, my confidence isn't great having piled on weight (again!) so I thought I'd just trot but then thought what the heck we'll canter, was thinking must sit up as there might be .....WHOOPS birds in the hedge!
He was so good! Although 7 now he wasn't broken in till 5 then I was ill and lockdown etc etc..he just shot forward, and carried on cantering! Good boy! So proud of my unseen unbroken purchase of a pretty much untouched feral cob! :)

Excuse me sounding like i need an inhaler - this camera picks up your breathing for some reason! And my wittering to him *blush*


Lois Lame

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11 May 2018
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I was expecting something rather different :D which would make me glad I was on my chair.

What a lovely looking fellow.
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Well-Known Member
1 November 2005
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Baby steps for me cantering the bit we did - on my previous cob though we showed at county level and galloped in the ring with 30 other cobs, I would never really canter especially in the open, that tiny rope gave me confidence we couldn't go anywhere, which is mad really.

Open spaces have always worried me but Ruari gives me confidence and he trusts me and listens to me - I didn't realise till I watched it back the verbal cues I give him & you can see his ears listening! He's such a dude.
If you'd have told me 3 years ago I'd be cantering in an open field on him when at the time I had a barely halter broken cob who had only been led on the road once, and I was waiting for my thyroidectomy, and I didn't know if it was cancerous or not, I wouldn't have believed you!
Buying him from a video felt a bit mad, but somehow right - haven't regretted it for a second!


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8 August 2014
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I barely saw a spook and may I compliment you on your straight and steady head carriage (unless you were toting state of the art gamble on your head lol!). Lovely vid
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