Naive mother seeking advice on show jumping kit...


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16 February 2008
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Right, a big disclaimer - I fully get and understand Pony Club, hunting and eventing from years ago and more recently with my daughter and her fab 13.2. I know (hopefully) what she should wear, what to avoid and how not to look a complete "all the gear, no idea type". But we are now entering pastures new with daughter (13) increasingly enjoying SJ and trying to persuade me to register her and 14.2 pony (who is new to us but SJ lots in the past).

What is the accepted / normal / preferred dress code?

Daughter is trying to convince me that tweed is taboo, while Animo and white jods is the only way to go??

Fully prepared to accept this as found very affordable and good condition second hand versions, but dont want to appear with her looking a complete tit. Any advice REALLY welcome. And what do they wear else? What under the jackets? I am soooo out my comfort zone....

If relevant, pony has been jumping Foxhunters second round plus and think this is daughters long term aim. Eventing is so much less of a minefield!!

Please help! And thank you for any reassuring thoughts or guidance on pitfalls to avoid junior SJ!


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25 January 2011
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19 December 2005
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Personally if it was me, as long as all the gear fits child/pony, they'd be told they are wearing what they've already got, weather it's "in fashion" or not!

But I am mean anyway, and don't have any children, but that is what my mother would have said to me!


High upon a hillside
28 February 2008
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Personally if it was me, as long as all the gear fits child/pony, they'd be told they are wearing what they've already got, weather it's "in fashion" or not!

But I am mean anyway, and don't have any children, but that is what my mother would have said to me!

I'm with the wench on this one. She doesn't need a whole new wardrobe to compete SJ. I have one uniform for competing in all disciplines, and its not how your dressed that counts, its how you ride. Maybe if she's qualified for something big you'd want to treat her and update the wardrobe, or maybe if she grows out of current kit.

Nugget La Poneh

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28 May 2012
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Personally if it was me, as long as all the gear fits child/pony, they'd be told they are wearing what they've already got, weather it's "in fashion" or not!

But I am mean anyway, and don't have any children, but that is what my mother would have said to me!

With Wench on this one :D

You can't go wrong with a good tweed as it can be used for pretty much everything!

The trend I see on FB and at shows is red jackets which I personally well as the baby blue and pink ones. There are also more and more of those fitted jersey jogging jackets which kind of baffles me. I would maybe consider a nice navy jacket and let her bling everywhere else.

ETA: just googled the kids Animo jackets....HOW MUCH?!?!


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16 February 2008
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Thank you - as I thought a minefield! All I can see on the rare occasons we have been to watch, it looks more like a cat walk than a competition, but conversely I have got the option of a safely coloured Animo plus white jods with a bit of sparkle (even me, hating all things bling dont think it is over the top) for an exremely reasonable price (under £50) which is the only reason I am even considering it. Then I would titivate her old, slightly ragged but good quality hunting coat to do for PC, eventing etc until she has outgrown that one?
Does that sound as appropiate clothes for all occasions? I am going to have to sort something out jacket wise but in total qundry!

Thank you for all the word of wisdom


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19 August 2008
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Sounds nice- make sure she does have bling-free alternatives for PC stuff though, as if she does teams and things they are very strict on all that!


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14 January 2011
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If she tries to talk you into an Animo jacket, have a look at Spooks instead. Mine actually prefered them to Animo & my purse didn't complain ;) x


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28 May 2009
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she is happy with what she chooses ,let her get on with it. She is the one who will look at the old photos and go OMG why did I think that was cool.:D Hell ,I once thought that long hair, flairs and a kipper tie were where it was at:eek::eek::eek: IT DOESNT MATTER.


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31 March 2009
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I always remember turing up to my first BSJA Junior show and feeling very out of place in cream jods and a skull cap. I then persuaded my mum to buy me a fancy hat and white jods for christmas.
Since my time in Juniors, kids have now also adopted a rising canter and jackets that are two sizes too small and a LOT of bling.


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7 July 2010
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Buy her the basics and tell her that if she wants blingy stuff she buy it with her winnings. :)

I agree with this . . . and eventing requires FAR more kit . . . you can't go cross country in the jacket you wear for stressage, and some people have a different jacket again for SJ'ing. You need a different hat for stressage . . . can't wear a crash hat . . . and you can't wear your velvet hat to go across country. You need a BP, a medical armband and, if you feel really adventurous actual cross country colours (that may, or may not match the saddle pad/boots/breastplate, etc., your horse is wearing). Then there's the kit for the horse. At least two saddles - one dressage and one jump - and if you're really minted a XC saddle as well ;). Probably two bridles - a plain cavesson with or without flash for dressage and probably a grackel for jumping and XC. Possibly three different numnahs - a posh dressage square, a smart SJ'ing saddle cloth and then something in the XC colours for the final phase . . . throw in a dead sheep half pad for the SJ'ing phase as well. Two sets of boots - tendon and fetlock boots for SJ'ing, and brushing or eventing boots all round for XC - overreach boots for both, but you MUST have fluffy ones for SJ'ing and more hardwearing neoprene (or Dalmar) for XC.

Then there are studs - different sets for SJ and XC, warm-up wraps for dressage, quarter sheets, ear bonnets . . . ;).



Well-Known Member
18 January 2012
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I agree with this . . . and eventing requires FAR more kit . . . you can't go cross country in the jacket you wear for stressage, and some people have a different jacket again for SJ'ing. You need a different hat for stressage . . . can't wear a crash hat . . . and you can't wear your velvet hat to go across country. You need a BP, a medical armband and, if you feel really adventurous actual cross country colours (that may, or may not match the saddle pad/boots/breastplate, etc., your horse is wearing). Then there's the kit for the horse. At least two saddles - one dressage and one jump - and if you're really minted a XC saddle as well ;). Probably two bridles - a plain cavesson with or without flash for dressage and probably a grackel for jumping and XC. Possibly three different numnahs - a posh dressage square, a smart SJ'ing saddle cloth and then something in the XC colours for the final phase . . . throw in a dead sheep half pad for the SJ'ing phase as well. Two sets of boots - tendon and fetlock boots for SJ'ing, and brushing or eventing boots all round for XC - overreach boots for both, but you MUST have fluffy ones for SJ'ing and more hardwearing neoprene (or Dalmar) for XC.

Then there are studs - different sets for SJ and XC, warm-up wraps for dressage, quarter sheets, ear bonnets . . . ;).


THIS is why I want to do more eventing. God i love all the shopping!!


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16 January 2002
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Having just had to venture into this with SD i have to say we did buy her all the gear, but i started off with a second hand Animo, cheaper white breeches and second hand boots. They also hold great value and are in high demand. When she outgrew her Animo i got the same price for it as i had paid for it. Easy to keep as you just throw it in the washing machine and it does look very smart. We have now gone onto new Animo, Kingsland and Animo breeches and DeNiro boots. But i know when she has outgrown them again they will be easy to sell.


Well-Known Member
9 July 2010
I HATE the baby coloured, technical jackets! (I hate technical jackets full stop tbh)

Nice classic navy jacket, white jods, and buy her some crystals and a glue gun and tell her to get cracking!

I love navy for everything.

And buy her a hair net, even though its DEFINITELY not fashion!


Well-Known Member
26 July 2010
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I HATE the baby coloured, technical jackets! (I hate technical jackets full stop tbh)

Nice classic navy jacket, white jods, and buy her some crystals and a glue gun and tell her to get cracking!

I love navy for everything.

And buy her a hair net, even though its DEFINITELY not fashion!

Absolutely spot on :)


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22 October 2006
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I compromised and got my daughter the Horseware fitted sort of technical jacket which has doubled up for dressage and SJ so far, i hated it at first but i must be honest it has grown on me now and coupled with a smart stock and white jods it looks very smart, it was a 'passing exam' present and i certainly wouldn't dream of paying Animo etc prices, she has also been told if she wants bling then do it herself as i refuse to pay the ridiculous prices just for a crystal here and there - LOL!
14 December 2013
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i love showjumping and wear a stock shirt, white whittaker jods, red jacket and blingy hat. its what everyone wears so you daughter is right. bsja is very blingy and crazy and defo no tweed or plain gear, you will defo get funny looks!!


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7 December 2013
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Back when I was a 15 year old that thought I was the bee's knees on my friends push button pony who made me look A LOT better than I actually was, I competed in a sensible black jacket that my non horsey parents bought me for xmas. two shows later, I went to the local haberdashery and bought a couple of packs of gems and some fabric glue. Spent 4 nights after school blinging my jacket!!! I did think it looked really cool... until I found it a couple of months ago in the loft. As a 21 year old happy hacker and wannabe cob one day eventer it is quite frankly vile!

Tell your daughter that fashion comes and goes but style and class last a lifetime! :)
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Well-Known Member
16 February 2008
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I HATE the baby coloured, technical jackets! (I hate technical jackets full stop tbh)

Nice classic navy jacket, white jods, and buy her some crystals and a glue gun and tell her to get cracking!

I love navy for everything.

And buy her a hair net, even though its DEFINITELY not fashion!

h yes Jenni - hair net is non-negotiable. Cant stand loose hair. Have to say I am a traditionalist struggling with the new ideas....


Well-Known Member
16 February 2008
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The outcome of all your helpful thoughts was a bit of a compromise...2nd hand v cheap animo from a friend, plain whits jods for SJ and normal PC/hunting jacket been tidied up and titivated to an acceptable level. I told her anything else was up to her - and she promptly got herself a weekend job at the local race yard so everything is now just a gentle shade of mud :) :) ThANK YOU


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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Right, will all eventers please leave this thread now. Its is well known eventers know less than diddly about SJ.
OP - SJ is a fashion parade but a different one to the eventers with all their 578 point breast plates and 300 different bits.
SJ is all about looking cool and sparkling. What happens in the ring is secondary.
Do not scar you child for life by making her look like an eventer trying to do showjumping.
Get her all the gear and bling. Don't forget the scrunchie with flashing lights. If her hair isn't long enough to use scrunchie then hair extensions are the way forward.
Please dont make the mistake our dressage friend make by putting the bling on the horse. Bling is for the rider only. Horse doesn't matter.
Hope this helps
A proper showjumper.


Well-Known Member
26 February 2007
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Right, will all eventers please leave this thread now. Its is well known eventers know less than diddly about SJ.
OP - SJ is a fashion parade but a different one to the eventers with all their 578 point breast plates and 300 different bits.
SJ is all about looking cool and sparkling. What happens in the ring is secondary.
Do not scar you child for life by making her look like an eventer trying to do showjumping.
Get her all the gear and bling. Don't forget the scrunchie with flashing lights. If her hair isn't long enough to use scrunchie then hair extensions are the way forward.
Please dont make the mistake our dressage friend make by putting the bling on the horse. Bling is for the rider only. Horse doesn't matter.
Hope this helps
A proper showjumper.

Should probably read the last post from wellwisher...................