Naive mother seeking advice on show jumping kit...


Well-Known Member
21 October 2013
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I agree with this . . . and eventing requires FAR more kit . . . you can't go cross country in the jacket you wear for stressage, and some people have a different jacket again for SJ'ing. You need a different hat for stressage . . . can't wear a crash hat . . . and you can't wear your velvet hat to go across country. You need a BP, a medical armband and, if you feel really adventurous actual cross country colours (that may, or may not match the saddle pad/boots/breastplate, etc., your horse is wearing). Then there's the kit for the horse. At least two saddles - one dressage and one jump - and if you're really minted a XC saddle as well ;). Probably two bridles - a plain cavesson with or without flash for dressage and probably a grackel for jumping and XC. Possibly three different numnahs - a posh dressage square, a smart SJ'ing saddle cloth and then something in the XC colours for the final phase . . . throw in a dead sheep half pad for the SJ'ing phase as well. Two sets of boots - tendon and fetlock boots for SJ'ing, and brushing or eventing boots all round for XC - overreach boots for both, but you MUST have fluffy ones for SJ'ing and more hardwearing neoprene (or Dalmar) for XC.

Then there are studs - different sets for SJ and XC, warm-up wraps for dressage, quarter sheets, ear bonnets . . . ;).


My little darling desperatly wants to do eventing with her new TB (still some schooling to go yet he isnt sure what exactly to do with legs in canter but jumps like a stag and brave too) but I am worried sick about all the new stuff they will need. She has all the SJ bling and all the tweed from when she was jumping and showing her pony but she has grown out of pony (not the Clothes) and moved onto a horse but he has a gp saddle and snaffle bridle and thats it for the mo....


Well-Known Member
11 October 2006
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Ah, showjumping.....v handy hobby for those who have neither the skill for dressage, nor the balls for xc.

Signed, A Confirmed Eventer.

I think its fair to say I had the danglies, skill you're probably right about!
Horse was 16.1 to give reference to jump size.


Well-Known Member
17 May 2012
South of Scotland
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Thats all I used for eventing plus an old rugby shirt for XC.

With my old horse, I had a GP saddle, a different bit for sj and xc but same bridle and a set of brushing boots. I rode in my tweed for sj and dr, and a rugby shirt and bp for xc, both using a skull cap with a black cover. I had a three point hunter breastplate and an over girth and a bit of insulating tape for xc, but otherwise nothing 'fancy'.

To this day I've never owned 'proper' xc colours, a 5-point breastplate, or a change of outfit between dr and sj - and I've only ever owned one hat! Eventing is expensive enough in my opinion.... whereas in SJ, the more you win the more bling you can afford, right? :p


Well-Known Member
21 October 2013
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Thanks Khalswitz and PaddyMonty maybe I will let her try seeing as its something she has set her sights on. Totally naive at this though just don't know where to start....


Well-Known Member
17 May 2012
South of Scotland
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Thanks Khalswitz and PaddyMonty maybe I will let her try seeing as its something she has set her sights on. Totally naive at this though just don't know where to start....

For newbies to BE, try the 'Eventing Explained' book by Liza Randall - gives a really good breakdown of how to prepare, what you'll need, how the day runs, and what is expected at BE80T - BE100 levels.


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13 September 2007
London (but Swedish)
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I have seen adults jumping at 1.30+ level in matchy matchy mint green & diamanté. And I have also seen a male rider wear Ugg boots at the British Dressage Regionals (don't think he rode in them though). Crimes of fashion are everywhere - as a Swede I didn't understand what possessed people to dress in tweed like in a 19th Century TV drama to ride horses. Later I learnt that these people are eventers. Still looks awful to my foreign eyes ;)


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2 April 2009
West Sussex
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Laura Renwick wore a sparkly samshield hat at Olympia so I guess its not solely kids that do it. At least she didn't have bling on her jacket, with all the cameras flashing she would have blinded the audience other wise ;)


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20 February 2008
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Haven't read all the replies and don't know anything about SJ kit but just wanted to say that PolarSkye's post - which may well have been tongue in cheek - isn't strictly true: miniTD did two seasons of Pony Trials and ended up as reserve for the British Pony team with ONE saddle for all three phases, ONE bridle ditto, her colours never match anything as she has green and purple shirt which she has to team with my old pale blue air jacket and now uses her hard-won union jack navy hat silk understandably. Oh yes, and she does indeed wear same crash hat for all three phases. One set of boots as no boots for SJ. One set of studs for all three phases. We do use two saddlepads as first one tends to get sweaty. Still, hardly excessive?!


Well-Known Member
18 January 2006
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I love the hilarious tongue in cheek posts on this thread....made all the funnier by those still trying to be sensible :D

Eventers....try not to be too smug those Gatehouse Conquest hats are sneaking in everywhere & they're pretty blingy ;)


Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
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I personally have always showjumped (since the age of 14) in simple white jods, black jacket, black hat, black boots and black gloves...with a hairnet.

I like to keep it traditional, simple, and smart....but that's just me


Well-Known Member
10 February 2008
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As for the red jackets, if your going to wear one you have to make sure your bl00dy good or you'll look like a right t1t!! and lets face it theres plenty of those on the sj circuit as it is :eek:

totally agree on the red jacket can only get away with one if you're bloomin good and right at the top end...if you're at the lower levels the red just draws attention to you, and if you c*ck up then you look rather silly and up yourself..hahaha

I agree that its a shame the rules have changed..I think its better if the right to wear a red jacket has to be earnt!
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