Napping when being led - advice please


Well-Known Member
27 January 2008
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I moved my horse to a much bigger yard on Tuesday and I think he's feeling a bit insecure. He's a bit nappy anyway, when I'm riding him I'm patient and he's fine, however he's also nappy on the ground and obviously I have less control than when I'm riding him. A crop doesn't work - tapping him on the back end makes him go backwards even more. I've tried being patient but it doesn't work so well as when I'm riding him. If someone else gets behind him he goes forward, but there aren't always people around and I don't think that is the best solution to be honest.
He will do it if he's scared or simply unwilling to go forward, ocassionally it is difficult to tell which one. Yesterday coming back from the field when all the strange horses were staring at him, like they would at a new boy he stopped and reversed like he didn't want to leave the field, however he was fine to catch and he's happy in is stable. Eventually he walked forward when another horse came up behind him and we walked back together.
I think he'll settle in time but I'd like to have more control over him on the ground and be able to make him walk forward properly. He was good at the last yard, but would nap on the ground sometimes there as well, but its much worse at the new yard as he needs to settle.
Any advice would be much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
21 January 2007
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I came across a headcollar type training aid in the shires catalogue the other day and it can apparently help horses with issues on the ground/loading if the go backwards it puts pressure onto their neck to encourage them to go forwards. Unsure if it works but you could always gets one and lead him in that to try and encourage him to keep walking forwards.

I would personally try and lead him out as much as possible , at first try and do it when the yard is quiet and make it a small walk and slowly build it up to try and gain his confidence.
You could also try long reining him so you are behind him pushing him forwards then eventually try and make your way round his side so you are walking next to him then leading him to see if this helps.
It will take time but good luck.

Sorry if I have talked a load of nonsense.


Well-Known Member
8 January 2006
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Get a 'Be Nice' halter, & stop making excuses for his behavior !! That he went forwards happily when another horse came along just means that he's dictating when he's going to let you lead him in, & you really need to nip that kind of behavior in the bud as quickly as possible.


Well-Known Member
1 April 2008
Newmarket, Uk
We had this problen last night, Slim noticed that the muck heap was missing and theres a big space. OMG how scary. He totally put the anchors on and refused to move even though he still had a bridle on. So, I asked son to fetch the lunge whip and just trailed it on the floor behind. I never even had to lift it off the ground. (He lunges really well and instantly knew to move forward.) with plenty of loud encouragement and 'good boy!'s' He did go past, I then walked him round and round past in all different ways and in circles till he was better and calm. (PS he also gets encouragement and confidence from other horses, he is a wimp!)
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
31 March 2008
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Also, if he balks going forward, circle him or turn him to the side and lead a few step steps sideways.

That always worked for me and he was a super difficult boy!


Well-Known Member
19 May 2008
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Not a NH fan, but I have found a pressure halter very good for loading and that is the same principal.

The other trick from Jonna Days book is to keep the feet moving, so try a long rope and make him walk around you, then try forward if forward does not walk then circles, he then has the choice but standing still is not an option!

If it is lack of confidence then be patient and kind with him while he settles.