

Well-Known Member
8 July 2008
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my wb has been diagnosed with navicular
has anyone had a horse with navicular
how long did it take them to come sound and what work can they do


Well-Known Member
25 January 2006
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It's a very broad term, and may be either navicular disease involving deterioration in the navicular bone, or navicular syndrome, which covers a spectrum of soft tissue injuries within the heel. Have you had an MRI scan? Petplan cover the cost of this. NFU cover half. It helps to know what you're dealing with.

There are conventional farriery approaches involving remedial shoeing, but with my horse I chose to take her barefoot. I used an DAEP qualified in the KC LaPierre trim. It was a turning point for my horse after nearly a year of lameness and she steadily recovered to full soundness over 6 months to a year - and without shoes! How many shod horses would be immediately sound if their shoes were taken off?

The conditioning period involved in barefoot podiatry suited the gradual rehabilitation period for the soft tissues involved in her condition, which was mild boney changes, but also soft tissue damage. Barefoot stimulates circulation to the foot to encourage healing, and it is very much about foot balance.

Pete Ramey has written articles on the subject of navicular horses returning to soundness. Scroll down this page:


New User
29 August 2008
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my tb was diagnoised with navicular 2 almost 2 years ago now, she3 is now a happy hacker an hasnt been lame since but when i still had her we still went hunting, jus avoided jumps an you jus have to be abit careful of ground conditions. she came sound more oe less staright away its just a case of decreasing workload slightly, if she had been a really good jumper an really enjoyed it i would of proberly kept her on a bute a day an carried on with a little bit of jumping.