Neck strap that sits in the right place


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I'm sure I've seen a neck strap or a breastplate / neck strap combo that means the neck strap actually sits further up the neck where your hands would be but I can't find one and I don't know what to search for when I google! I've found the Micklem one and it's not that. It's got another strap about 6" in front of where a breastplate neck strap would sit. It might even be an attachment you can put on a normal breastplate? Anybody have an idea where I can find one or what they're called so I can search please?


Well-Known Member
2 March 2008
upside down
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I have a strap attached to the rings on my breastplate. It stands up, so just where my hand is for a quick grab.
I made it using an old leather lead rein. Attractively attached with duct tape.

I don't use the straps back to the saddle in it.

Its my jesus handle, has saved me many times.


Well-Known Member
18 February 2015
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Henry James made one for a while but its been discontinued, this was what it looked like 1620289457241.png. There are usually a few floating round second hand on Facebook!


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1 November 2020
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I really rate the Micklem one actually. Its basically a rigid monkey strap over the breast plate rings so it stands up and is placed close to where the hands naturally are. Use it alot currently with my bareback saddle for extra security both for keeping it a bit more stable and also in the event I need to balance myself up a bit or if horsey messes around.

Sorry for crappy picture, you can barely see the strap, but it's there ?


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Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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Thanks all and apologies for the late reply, was out all day yesterday, but none of these are what I've seen. The one I'm after sits much further up the neck. I find if I use one that sits this far back my hands are in the wrong place for me to use my reins and then I feel totally out of control which, if you're using it to give you a bit more confidence, kind of defeats the object of the exercise. The Henry James one is the closest to what I remember seeing, thanks DF.


Adjusting my sails
13 May 2007
Northern Ireland
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I think I know what you mean. When I was qualifying wild point to pointers I used a standard hunting breastplate with a martingale attachment, and then added a neck strap from an ordinary martingale, threading the attachment through it to keep it in place. This gave me something close to the saddle for slower stuff and a fixed strap of a narrow width further up the neck for faster stuff.

It looked tidy as well, but was cheap to put together.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I think I know what you mean. When I was qualifying wild point to pointers I used a standard hunting breastplate with a martingale attachment, and then added a neck strap from an ordinary martingale, threading the attachment through it to keep it in place. This gave me something close to the saddle for slower stuff and a fixed strap of a narrow width further up the neck for faster stuff.

It looked tidy as well, but was cheap to put together.
Thanks - when you say threading the attachment through, what do you mean? I can't picture it. I'm wondering if buying a pony martingale (so it's too small to travel too far down the neck), taking the neck strap off it and attaching it to a hunting breastplate with an extra set of breastplate straps might work - the only issue is that there are no rings on the martingale breastplate to attach so I'd just have to loop it round?