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Well-Known Member
2 September 2012
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please:eek: If you have bought a horse ,that was born in 2008 , perfectly legaly and have the recipt to show for it but the horse doesnt have a micro chip no. in his passport - what if the vet comes to micro chip him and they find he already has one and he is a stolen horse ?? thanks gwn:)


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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You'll loose the horse, as legally it should be returned to it's 'rightful' owner.
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Well-Known Member
23 June 2009
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I thought you were talking about a current scenario not one that might happen! lol
Fingers crossed.

Isn't scanning for microchips routine in vettings?

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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please:eek: If you have bought a horse ,that was born in 2008 , perfectly legaly and have the recipt to show for it but the horse doesnt have a micro chip no. in his passport - what if the vet comes to micro chip him and they find he already has one and he is a stolen horse ?? thanks gwn:)
Well that's pretty tricky, I have noticed my vet scanned one of mine, can't recall why, I don't know why they do it if not asked. Anyway you have purchased stolen property, you don't know if insurance has paid out etc etc.
I think you have to decide whether you want someone to come with a lorry and take him away, or if you want to keep him in which case again it depends on insurance [if insured]. I believe that if insurance have paid out, they own the horse, though obviously they don't want a horse!
If not insured, claimed and paid for, then presumably the owner has right to turn up and remove him. The owner may not want it, in which case you may have to make some sort of negotiation.
I think you will need to speak to BHS legal helpline [Gold membership]
PS NOT quite sure why you need an answer NOW, having caught up with your post...................


Well-Known Member
2 September 2012
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I have no knowlege of his history and bought him of a dealer , he is a trotter that was pulling carts - thats about all i know

does anyone not jave there horse micro chipped?


Well-Known Member
19 May 2012
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Under contract law it's under the Nemo Dat quod non habet rule. Basically You can't give what you ain't got. In this case a stolen horse would still be legally owned by the person it was stolen from irrespective to how many times he'd changed hands since.

Exploding Chestnuts

Well-Known Member
22 June 2013
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I have no knowlege of his history and bought him of a dealer , he is a trotter that was pulling carts - thats about all i know

does anyone not jave there horse micro chipped?
Of course lots of people don't have them chipped, it is new technology, and to be honest if someone wants to steal a horse out of a field they won't bother about a chip, they might dig it out if they want to sell on, but again, presumably most criminals would rather take a quick profit, sell cheap, no vetting , cash sale etc etc.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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My pony was born in 2009 and doesnt have a microchip but he is freezemarked so maybe that is an option for you

There is no rule to say you MUST have a microchip put in to a horse born in 2008


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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My highland, born in May 09, isn't chipped and I have no plans to get him done tbh. I didn't have him vetted on purchase as I'd had him on loan for 6 months when I bought him, plenty of time for a problem to show up.


village idiot :D
3 March 2007
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Well I suppose you could think about the owner that lost him if he was stolen...

That's just what I was scrolling down, open-mouthed with horror, to say :(

OP - I wonder what you'd think if it was something of yours that had been stolen from you and the new "owner" was asking on forums about how to keep it from you.


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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ohh dear do i get micro chipped and take the chance or do i leave him with nothing

You must be worried that something isnt quite right

If its any consolation if he was worth a lot as a trotter you wouldnt have him and so chances are he wont have been reported as stolen


Well-Known Member
25 May 2011
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And breathe!

It could be he was just never microchipped, OP. Or his owner didn't bother to update his passport. Neither of these automatically means he was stolen!

Get him scanned, go from there. To be honest, I'm not even sure if microchip details are a reliable proof of ownership anyway. He may have been chipped, and the chip never registered to begin with, or legally sold by his owner and the chip details not updated, etc, and then sold again, iyswim.

As you bought him from a dealer if he was stolen then at least you can prove where you got him! And if it turns out he was stolen then yes, you must inform the legal owner and see if they want him back.

Keep breathing!


Well-Known Member
7 August 2012
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Bought my cob legally as a youngster, when I got him cut I had him chipped, what a tense time when he was being scanned, I think everyone would have this worry.

Get the pony chipped...


Well-Known Member
2 September 2012
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And breathe!

It could be he was just never microchipped, OP. Or his owner didn't bother to update his passport. Neither of these automatically means he was stolen!

Get him scanned, go from there. To be honest, I'm not even sure if microchip details are a reliable proof of ownership anyway. He may have been chipped, and the chip never registered to begin with, or legally sold by his owner and the chip details not updated, etc, and then sold again, iyswim.

As you bought him from a dealer if he was stolen then at least you can prove where you got him! And if it turns out he was stolen then yes, you must inform the legal owner and see if they want him back.

Keep breathing!


He was under wieght when i bought him a shows signs of being abused at some point - he is so happy now and i just couldnt bear the thought of him going anywhere !!

I will look into him getting freez branded but i think it is quite expensive , anyway we can always get the vet out to micro chip him at a later date . we are just getting our shetties passport done and i suddenly had to think about it

thanks you =)


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31 July 2010
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My friend bought a pony who had no chip papers, got the vet out to chip him and he scanned as having a chip. Vet tracked down the company who sent a letter to the previous registered owners who must have confirmed that he wasn't stolen. All turned out ok - sometimes documents are lost along the way and then it's not re-registered in new owner's name. Have to admit I was genuinely worried for my friend as I thought that the pony might be stolen, but he wasn't.


Well-Known Member
28 December 2009
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Is this for real?? Jaw has been slowly dropping reading this.

So basically, you suspect your horse may be stolen and you're asking on the forum if you have to have a microchip, as if the horse IS stolen you don't want it to be discovered. Correct??

Words fail me....


Well-Known Member
4 July 2012
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I'll admit, I had a horse under similar circumstances (some signs of neglect, brand new passport, from - I later found out - a very shady dealer) and I did have a nagging fear that he would turn out to be stolen. But then I thought, he's lame, he's settled here, why would anyone want him back? :p And I did get him scanned, and I did post him on a couple of tracing boards, but nothing. So I do understand your paranoia, but really you need to do the right thing and get him checked. I very much doubt he is stolen, and if he is it would be best to know.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2012
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Be honest. Get him scanned. I am sorry but I have little sympathy for a situation like this. If you are in any doubt about his past, check it out. If he isn't stolen, great. If he is, there is a chance that there is an owner somewhere that has gone through hell and desperate for news of their horse. If they want him back you just have ro suck it up as hard as that will be. If he is stolen and the owner doesn't care, you can probably sort it out.
Either way, you have a duty imo to get this sorted. I hope the result is good for you, but more than that, good for the horse. X


21 January 2011
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Why not get him freeze marked instead?

Or take him to Tesco and scan him ... See if he comes up as "unknown item" or Findus Lasagne

Actually I'm just off to scan a load of pictures at work. If you can bring him round here I will zap him and see if he belongs to us!

Seriously I can see why you're worried - 5 yrs is a long time to own a horse to have it snatched away as it may belong to someone else. But if he was stolen, imagine how the previous owner feels? If he was a ***** horse then it's unlikely he was chipped.