Need to change the law? Neglect....


Well-Known Member
15 March 2010
North England
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Reading the other thread about neglect and thinking about other stories and previous experiences I do think the law and the way neglect cases are handled needs to be changed.
Basically if you see a horse with no water etc and ypu give it some then the welfare charties can't/ won't act.

This has happened numerous times, i.e other thread. My friend's neighbours horses were starving to death so she rang the rspca and gave them some hay and water as they had not had water for days, therefore the rspca did'nt act.

The law needs changed as all it does it prolong the suffering of animals who are relying on kindhearted to water or feed occassionaly the a** of an owner of the animal can carry on being a terrible excuse for a human being....


Well-Known Member
9 March 2007
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couldn`t agree more also people who are cruel to animals should be banned for life from getting any more.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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It's a question of proof you can't go to court on the basis of half facts and things you can't prove .
The RSPCA has to to be pretty sure cases will be sucessful before they take them to law and cases where MOP are muddying the water by half careing for horses are more likely to fail.
The new welfare was supposed to make such neglect cases easier to prosecute it does not seem to be doing it's job as it was hoped .
Certainly when I was invovled ( under the old act ) the bar was set pretty high and many of you would be suprised how bad neglect had to be before you be pretty sure the RSPCA could win a case .
I do think we need to look at livery and tightening the responsibilities of those who take money for livery however I know when this was looked at every way we looked at it it was going to restrict available livery and put costs up so it got stepped away from.


Well-Known Member
25 October 2010
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If someone is caring for it out of kindness no charity is going to touch it cause why waste their money (that's how they will see it)

I think maybe they should advise that if they have no water/food that you take pictures or video - then give one emergency feed/water to give them time to come out.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I think the trick is to help them if they really need it but when the RSPCA are due remove all signs so they see the true picture. Of course that only works if you know when they're going to come.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think the trick is to help them if they really need it but when the RSPCA are due remove all signs so they see the true picture. Of course that only works if you know when they're going to come.

Since the key thing that triggers action is body score that won't really help.