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Hi all I have a 20 year old Shetland mare and she had sudden onset of Ataxic/neuro symptoms 2 weeks ago. She is walking slower and lifting her feet higher then needed like she can't sense where the ground is. She is eating fine, drinking a little more but the weather has been hotter. Vet has been out and test for PPID, liver, kidneys are all clear. Slight elevation in muscle wastage markers but nothing else. Eyes and hearing all fine. No infecrions. Worm count will be done thia week. She is getting progressively worse with walking she tries to lean on the barn wall when walking. When you pick her feet out she will drop her foot onto her toe but not correct it. No other symptoms vets assume a brain stem issue or stroke but as the onset was unwitnessed they can't say for sure? Has anyone else had any experience like this? She looks sad and confused.