Well-Known Member
So, Mystis gone down with Lami, again.
This will be her 9th bout in her lifetime and she's now nearly 20 with first bout occurring as a youngster before I took her on aged 4.
Some have been fairly quick to resolve, some have taken longer and caused minor rotations/dropping of pedal bone, the last bout she had causing the most amount of damage and taking months to heal fully.
She's had cushings since the age of 9, regularly tested and put on the pergolide paste. Last year was in the autumn during the seasonal rise and dose adjusted. Seemingly no issues since, she's moulting normally, not drinking/peeing excessively etc
She has not seen grass since Oct and has been on school turnout. Carefully weighed hay/low starch/sugar feed for meds. Weight has remained within 5kg on weigh tape throughout the winter, she's been lunged/free schooled regularly, gone for walks etc
The weight she's at now, you can see
3/4 ribs, vet agreed shes not at all overweight.
Talked through everything with the vet, and the only thing I can change is soaking the hay again and I'm weighing it out to 1% of her body weight (weight bridge not weigh tape)
So she's going to lose further weight that she doesn't have to lose
Bout came on acutely, no warning so we are going to try and cushings test in a week if she's improved at all.
Beyond a sudden rise in ACTH levels since the last seasonal rise, we are all baffled.
It's taking a fair amount of pain killer to keep her comfy, and I've padded and booted her feet to try to relieve some of the pain. So she's comfy and eating/drinking and happy enough at the moment.
But I'm at a loss on what to do, I said another bout and I'd call it a day, discussed with vet too. She said that they would completely understand if that's what I choose, given her history and not wanting her on another long stretch of box rest. So we agreed on a week of keeping her as pain free as possible and assess it next week and see if we are able to test ACTH then.
Feel physically sick at the thought, but I also don't want to keep her going if she's going to have no quality of life.
So so tricky. Any words of wisdom?
This will be her 9th bout in her lifetime and she's now nearly 20 with first bout occurring as a youngster before I took her on aged 4.
Some have been fairly quick to resolve, some have taken longer and caused minor rotations/dropping of pedal bone, the last bout she had causing the most amount of damage and taking months to heal fully.
She's had cushings since the age of 9, regularly tested and put on the pergolide paste. Last year was in the autumn during the seasonal rise and dose adjusted. Seemingly no issues since, she's moulting normally, not drinking/peeing excessively etc
She has not seen grass since Oct and has been on school turnout. Carefully weighed hay/low starch/sugar feed for meds. Weight has remained within 5kg on weigh tape throughout the winter, she's been lunged/free schooled regularly, gone for walks etc
The weight she's at now, you can see
3/4 ribs, vet agreed shes not at all overweight.
Talked through everything with the vet, and the only thing I can change is soaking the hay again and I'm weighing it out to 1% of her body weight (weight bridge not weigh tape)
So she's going to lose further weight that she doesn't have to lose
Bout came on acutely, no warning so we are going to try and cushings test in a week if she's improved at all.
Beyond a sudden rise in ACTH levels since the last seasonal rise, we are all baffled.
It's taking a fair amount of pain killer to keep her comfy, and I've padded and booted her feet to try to relieve some of the pain. So she's comfy and eating/drinking and happy enough at the moment.
But I'm at a loss on what to do, I said another bout and I'd call it a day, discussed with vet too. She said that they would completely understand if that's what I choose, given her history and not wanting her on another long stretch of box rest. So we agreed on a week of keeping her as pain free as possible and assess it next week and see if we are able to test ACTH then.
Feel physically sick at the thought, but I also don't want to keep her going if she's going to have no quality of life.
So so tricky. Any words of wisdom?