New horse before baby?


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30 April 2016
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So I may be forward thinking a bit too much! And I am not naive to the fact that life never plays out how you’ve planned! But saying that, I would like some advice to try and make sensible decisions. I’ll try to keep it brief!

At 18 I bought my first horse, he was an ex racer and way too much horse for me but had him 6 lovely years before very sadly choosing to put him to sleep (hip problems).
I’m now 25 and I’d like to start trying for children in the next year/two. But I still have a yearning to find my ‘dream’ horse.
Basically in short, would it be crazy to look for a youngster to bring on next year. Money/time/energy, how tough is it with a baby? Sorry if this sounds silly!


Lurcher lover
6 March 2010
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i have never had children, just horses and dogs but friends who have children tend to loan their horses out for the first year as they felt they couldnt give both the right amount of time....i would think baby first just in case you have problems, hopefully you wont but best to be prepared. my niece started trying at a similar age to you and it took 4 years before her daughter came along...also imagine if you went for horse first and then baby didnt come along, how would your partner feel? good luck, hope all works out for you


Well-Known Member
12 June 2017
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I bought my horse about 9 months before meeting my fiancé and we have had a great time over the last 4 years or so. We get married in a few days and will be trying to get pregnant shortly after. I have put my horse on full loan so that his needs are met, but I was utterly devastated doing it! When the loan period ends, we have three options: extend the loan period; end the loan and take the horse back; or sell the horse to the loaner. At this point, I hope to be in my second trimester and will be in no position to take him back (but I do have a contingency in place just in case!). I will do whatever I say best for him at this point, regardless of how much that choice makes me cry!

I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t put off finding the right horse, but you will need to be prepared to make difficult decisions if you do so before having children. The horse and its needs have to be put first, which could mean long term loan or selling depending on the horse.


Well-Known Member
11 June 2019
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Honestly. If you really want kids and don’t already have the horse, get kids out of the way and then get a horse when you work out how much (little) time you have.

I have sprog at school and work and get little help as OH doesn’t work locally (absolutely not a dig!) and it can be a slog tbh. I 100% couldn’t cope with a youngster until sprog needs less from me.

Someone your age had a lovely horse which she turned away and then tried to start again with baby in tow. Didn’t happen so it’s now out for loan and she’s pregnant again.

If you HAVE to get a horse you need something steady you can leave in the field and it won’t deck you after you’ve not sat on it for a day. Not a youngster. I struggle for time doing what I want to do with something that’s a bit more established.