I recently bought a 4YO Irish Sport Horse. He’s very smart and talented but have found he has pretty bad separation anxiety.
He only came over from Ireland to be broken in July so imagine he’s been out in the field with his friends for most of his life. He is now living at my home with only one other horse.
Him and my other horse do not appear bothered by each other - they practically stand at opposite end of the field when they are out together. However if I take the other horse in from the field first, the 4yo goes absolutely ballistic in the field (you can see the stables from the field!!).
We also tried taking him out in the trailer on his own the other day and we didn’t even make it down the drive before he had jumped up over the breast bar (he’s fine when travelling with the other horse).
He also has slightly nappy tendancies when riding away from the other horse (although he does get over this).
What would everyone advise? Do you think it’s something he will just grow out of when he settles / matures? Or do I need to train it out of him? If so, how?
I just don’t want him to injure himself as I recently lost a horse in a freak accident so am a bit paranoid! But I also want to be able to travel him on his own eventually as plan to event him next year.
thanks in advance
He only came over from Ireland to be broken in July so imagine he’s been out in the field with his friends for most of his life. He is now living at my home with only one other horse.
Him and my other horse do not appear bothered by each other - they practically stand at opposite end of the field when they are out together. However if I take the other horse in from the field first, the 4yo goes absolutely ballistic in the field (you can see the stables from the field!!).
We also tried taking him out in the trailer on his own the other day and we didn’t even make it down the drive before he had jumped up over the breast bar (he’s fine when travelling with the other horse).
He also has slightly nappy tendancies when riding away from the other horse (although he does get over this).
What would everyone advise? Do you think it’s something he will just grow out of when he settles / matures? Or do I need to train it out of him? If so, how?
I just don’t want him to injure himself as I recently lost a horse in a freak accident so am a bit paranoid! But I also want to be able to travel him on his own eventually as plan to event him next year.
thanks in advance