New horse has separation anxiety - tips please!


27 October 2020
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I recently bought a 4YO Irish Sport Horse. He’s very smart and talented but have found he has pretty bad separation anxiety.

He only came over from Ireland to be broken in July so imagine he’s been out in the field with his friends for most of his life. He is now living at my home with only one other horse.

Him and my other horse do not appear bothered by each other - they practically stand at opposite end of the field when they are out together. However if I take the other horse in from the field first, the 4yo goes absolutely ballistic in the field (you can see the stables from the field!!).

We also tried taking him out in the trailer on his own the other day and we didn’t even make it down the drive before he had jumped up over the breast bar (he’s fine when travelling with the other horse).

He also has slightly nappy tendancies when riding away from the other horse (although he does get over this).

What would everyone advise? Do you think it’s something he will just grow out of when he settles / matures? Or do I need to train it out of him? If so, how?

I just don’t want him to injure himself as I recently lost a horse in a freak accident so am a bit paranoid! But I also want to be able to travel him on his own eventually as plan to event him next year.

thanks in advance :)


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29 May 2010
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I use horslyx minis for distraction training. Take him out of the field and let him have a few licks. Put him in the trailer and let him have a few licks. Every situation that's not good for him but he copes with he gets some licks. It distracts them really well and they look forward to getting a reward.


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5 September 2011
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My horse came down from shetland and he also jumped the breast bar when I first tried to trailer him here. Turned out he'd had to be sedated over 5x to get him to the mainland. I tried all sorts to settle him in the trailer but in the end I took the partition out and travelled him cross tied and hes totally fine. I think he got so frightened travelling over hes now a bit clostraphobic.

Not sure if that would help yours.



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27 October 2016
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Mine was very herd bound and nappy when he was younger. Tbh he just got over it in time. He used to get hysterical leaving the others when we would go off in the horse box and he'd still have a breakdown if he didn't have company. However, he's improved massively with age. I've wondered if it's something to do with his dam dying when he was very young.

My main tip is just to give him time. You could also just take him away from the other horses for a short period of time and then increase the time as he becomes more comfortable with it. Move him away for 5 mins, for example and then increase the time.

That's a lot of fuss though when really, ime you just have to accommodate them.


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15 October 2008
Cloud Cockoo Land
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Slowly slowly build up his confidence. For example with mine I brought them in together for a day or so to establish routine. Day three I caught them both, bought one in and got partner to bring second one in literally a minute later. If horse started to play up he calmly asked him to walk backwards - always reward calmness.
Slowly increase the gap then by day 7 can bring one in then go back and get second pony.

You then have something you can slowly build up.

It is a confidence matter - it takes time but so necessary for a horses education if you want confident horses.


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25 August 2010
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I keep 2 at home and can't leave 1 in the field alone they go nuts, I always bring them in together and they are both happy to stay in alone with a hay net, I would just give it time and just start taking him on his own for very short periods and hopefully he will settle, I think a lot of horses just won't stay out alone especially when you just have 2 together.


27 October 2020
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Thanks everyone - Good to know he should hopefully get better more confident with age. I will start doing very short period in the stable on his own and build this up. Should I be distracting him with food or hay? Or does he need to learn to stand calmly without being fed?

Not sure what we are going to do about the trailer (not sure about removing partitions in equitreks) but perhaps this will come with age. Just a shame other horse it 16.3hh and uses up a lot of diesel taking him out with us ?