New horse, no saddle


Well-Known Member
20 June 2020
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Would really appreciate some advice/stories on the following (surely quite common) situation, from people who’ve experienced similar and made do:

I recently bought a horse, no tack included. I do not own any other horses or saddles, and he’s stood at a livery yard which is new to both of us (very nice yard owner, but have only made acquaintances at this point!). I’ve booked a fitting/appointment to buy a new saddle, but it won’t be taking place for another 5 weeks due to fitter’s unavailability.

So far, I’ve made do with the following activities:
- Riding bareback in the school
- Lots of lunging (he’s on yard quarantine, so no turnout for another two weeks)
- Lots of hand-walking (as he’s not allowed in the horse-walker yet, due to quarantine).
Unfortunately, because I’m still getting to know him, I’m a bit worried about hacking out in a new area bareback - just in case he’d take off. He’s been a very good boy and I’ve no reason to think he ever would - but of course, horses are horses, and he’s only been at his new home for about a week. Also, he’s tall, so it would be rather far to slide off! Does anyone have any suggestions of fun things I could do with him, or stories of what they did when in a similar situation? Do people normally just do the bareback thing for a few weeks, unless they know someone who can lend them a (reasonably fitting) saddle?


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I would definitely ask YO if there is someone who could lend you a saddle - there's a chance someone might have something not in use that might fit, though it may be difficult as a new livery (I have an old but sound saddle I'd let someone borrow in a pinch but I'm not that attached to it!)

5 weeks is a long time to wait for a saddle and 2 weeks managing a horse with no turnout AND no saddle is an extra challenge. (not other fitters that could come sooner?) Quarantine on a yard is a good thing IMO but is there nowhere he can be turned out separated from the other horses? I know it's not what you've asked but if you are having to think about riding him bareback it just feels like an additional risk as you are all so new to each other, unless he's a bit of a plod.


Well-Known Member
20 June 2020
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Thank you for the quick response!
To be honest, as much as I’d hate to say it, he is a bit of a plod - or in any case, very chilled out in all respects. However, he’s also a WB with jumping breeding in him, which is why I’m taking great care (rather slavishly at this point, as it’s a lot of in-hand work!) that he’s getting enough exercise. Thankfully he’s being fed in line with this, and has been on his best behaviour - he also has access to a small sand paddock (the “quarantine pen”), though I wouldn’t count that as proper turnout.
I think you’re definitely on to something when you say I should ask the YO - she seems very helpful, but I worry I’ll come across as needy/disorganised in some way (although I know that doesn’t make any sense!). Due to Covid, it’s still quite sparse at the yard, with the other livery owners showing up at different times - so I haven’t yet made any proper friends who might be inclined to lend me something. You’re right though - I should really man up and at least ask the YO as a first port of call ?
Otherwise, I’ll probably have to start looking into other fitters - which is a shame, given this one normally fits the rest of the yard and has a good selection/reputation. Logistical nightmare!


Wears headscarf aggressively
26 July 2008
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I don't think it's needy, you're in a bit of a tight spot and they are probably best placed to advise if there is anyone or anything available. May also know if there's someone else on the yard who might want a saddle check which might push you up the fitter's priorities ;)


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30 January 2017
N Yorks
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When I bought mine I borrowed a saddle from another livery. It was a bit big but we padded it out and it worked fine for a few weeks until I could get one that fitted properly. Start asking around and I bet you'll be amazed at the number of saddles that people have squirreled away at home :eek:

ETA there's no way I'd have got on a new horse without a saddle, no matter how good I thought he was


Well-Known Member
20 June 2020
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I think I’ve probably underestimated how much people hoard! You may very well be right ? As we all have separate little tack rooms it’s very hard to get an idea of how many saddles are just lying around unused/who the go-to hoarder is, so the YO will probably be able to give me some intel..


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3 April 2008
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I keep a synthetic with several different gullet bars and different riser pads. I can usually get away with a combo of these to fit things in an emergency/short term. I’ve lent it out a few times to friends for similar purposes. Absolutely ask the y/o, there may be something at at worse it will be a no.
Where abouts are you?
I think your super brave and obviously have purchased a wonderful honest horse to be riding him bareback after this amount of time owning. Your going to have a great time with him!


Well-Known Member
20 June 2020
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Thank you all so much - I feel so much more comfortable about things now, knowing how other people dealt with things/would solve the problem. I manned up this morning and spoke to my YO, who kindly said she’d look into it for me (though who knows if that was just politeness!). Will keep you posted how it goes!

As for courageously (or stupidly?) riding bareback, I will take the compliment - though I should add that I’ve known the horse/of the horse for a long time (years) before I bought him, as he belonged to a family friend from his young years - so I knew what I was getting. Would never dare to ride bareback in the school on a horse brought through an ad/dealer! A little bit suicidal, but not that suicidal ?


Well-Known Member
20 June 2020
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(I hope I haven’t contradicted myself there - as in, I knew him on the ground, but had never ridden him before I got him (although I’d seen him ridden/knew he was chill))


Well-Known Member
3 February 2013
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I've got three spare saddles that I'm trying to offload (plus a fourth with a saddle fitter), so I'm sure plenty of people will have spare ones squirrelled away. I ended up borrowing one from my instructor. (I also rode bareback before I got the saddle, but only in the school. I definitely wouldn't have dared hacking bareback!)