Next ride on bucket list…


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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Studland bay beach ride is next on my list. I have wanted to do it for years. Only thing is they want people to state they are advanced riders. Hunting/competing standard. Not done either for yonks! Anyone been recently who can say how hard core it is?


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
OH and I went on the beach ride there. We went in April. We were by no means advanced but we could both w, t and c. You also need to be able to prevent your horse putting its head down to graze. A rider with us failed at that and was taken back to the yard. You need to be a bossy boots rider rather than advanced. One has to ride a bit on a road and then on the beach we took it very gently. We trotted up the beach, turned and cantered back a shortish way. OH and I did not canter in the water.
The yard were very kind and careful with us. My riding is quite different now and I have cantered a lot so it would be lovely to ride in the sea one day. But I doubt if I ever will.

The two more advanced riders in our party went separately and possibly cantered farther and faster than OH and me. They looked down on us. But the yard staff did not. They were helpful and friendly.

We went back to that beach last summer as seaside tourists (no riding) and there were quite a lot of people on the beach due to staycations and Covid. And I think the yard had stopped beach horse riding till the autumn.

I am not sure what is meant by an advanced rider. I have never jumped nor competed but OH and I had also done much hacking and trail riding on horses which we had never met before. There are different types of being experienced. I hacked at many different places in my first years of riding and always found it a good idea to phone up the RS and explain what I could do and my limitations.


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16 December 2005
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This cynic well versed in translating riders' so called experience is thinking they're saying competing/hunting to stop overkeen novices from booking ;) You could easily catch someone out by asking which hunt they'd been out with, only to get some made up answer!

I'd ring them though just to check. Asking for competition/hunting experience is quite some definition of advanced, and what if your only comp experience was within the boards? Doesn't mean you're not capable of hacking out.

ets - this says the beach ride is for experienced and advanced riders, with experienced defined as able to do light seat in canter and used to hacking.
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Well-Known Member
23 June 2021
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This cynic well versed in translating riders' so called experience is thinking they're saying competing/hunting to stop overkeen novices from booking ;) You could easily catch someone out by asking which hunt they'd been out with, only to get some made up answer!

I'd ring them though just to check. Asking for competition/hunting experience is quite some definition of advanced, and what if your only comp experience was within the boards? Doesn't mean you're not capable of hacking out.

ets - this says the beach ride is for experienced and advanced riders, with experienced defined as able to do light seat in canter and used to hacking.

I just had this exact kind of rider requirement for a hacking holiday, so responded with a detailed rundown of the various kinds of unfamiliar horses I've sat on in rather random circumstances (aside from the regular lessons/exercises) and an opportune video of a recent ride at medium gallop, and they said "okay" ?


Well-Known Member
23 February 2009
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I ride at a stables that take beach rides, and the problem is you need to be in control if a horse looks at a kite, hanglider, dog out of control etc etc. So I think as much as being able to w,t and canter, it is as much about not falling off when something unexpected happens. Yards need to be really careful these days.

The amount of people who turn up and exaggerated their experience is vast, even though they are really clear you need to be able to gallop they get people who have trotted once or twice. ?


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7 December 2008
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I've ridden with them a couple of times over the last 10 years, both on the beach and up to Old Harry. The beach is great, but the Old Harry Rocks ride is so much better IMO. The views are great, there are less people and I think you canter more. Echo the others - it's about being able to control in open spaces, dealing with spooky things and being comfortable in the saddle for the full 2 hours. It changed ownership a while ago but the horses were all great and very good at their jobs, but still with a spark and up for a good blast. It has been a while, but if I was to go riding on a beach again, I'd go Woolacombe over Studland, I think - just more space when the tide is right and a bit more relaxed.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
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I've ridden with them a couple of times over the last 10 years, both on the beach and up to Old Harry. The beach is great, but the Old Harry Rocks ride is so much better IMO. The views are great, there are less people and I think you canter more. Echo the others - it's about being able to control in open spaces, dealing with spooky things and being comfortable in the saddle for the full 2 hours. It changed ownership a while ago but the horses were all great and very good at their jobs, but still with a spark and up for a good blast. It has been a while, but if I was to go riding on a beach again, I'd go Woolacombe over Studland, I think - just more space when the tide is right and a bit more relaxed.
We used to ride at Woolacombe on family holidays when I was a kid. No idea what the stables was called but they'd take you onto the beach at the opposite end to Woolacombe itself and then you could gallop all the way down the beach until you started to see sunbathers and then you'd slow to a walk. Amazing ride!


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
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PP - having seen you ride a few different horses, I think you’d be fine! The definition for ‘experienced’ is pretty much the same as what LA ask for.


Well-Known Member
29 July 2009
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PP - having seen you ride a few different horses, I think you’d be fine! The definition for ‘experienced’ is pretty much the same as what LA ask for.
Only just seen this comment Jiffy. Thank you for your vote of confidence. :) :)