I find consuming reasonably large quantities of alcohol useful and/or engaging the poor schmuck sat next to you in mindless conversation!
If you are sufficiently witty & amusing, they will often buy drinks for you, so you don't even need to pay for them!
p.s. The first part is not a good idea if you have a meeting 30 minutes after you land! LOL
Im absolutely petrified of flying and it used to ruin my holiday as i would get there and spend the whole time worrying about flying home but then i discovered Valium!!!!!
Went to doctors and told him my problem and he recommended them, they totally mong you out and i now feel pretty calm (on quite a hefty dose i will admit!!). Its no exaggeration to say it has changed my life!!!
p.s. The first part is not a good idea if you have a meeting 30 minutes after you land! LOL
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Or when you discover that the person sat next to you, who you have happily warbled drunkenly at for the past hour and a half, is actually the person you are supposed to have the meeting with (happened to me!).
I got the job but God knows how!!
Thankfully it was a panel of 4 interviewers, was absolutely horrified when I realised he was one of them. Spent the whole interview concentrating on not looking at him, even when I was answering his questions!! Even worse cos the job was with an oil major and was "alcohol sensitive"!!!
What pills are they? They should work, have you thought about having therapy for the phobia? I know that some people have had very good results with hypnotherapy etc. Also I think that BA or similar run a course to help people with a fear of flying.
If the pills are Diazepam (another type of Valium), trust me they work!!!
I usually start with 6mg about 50 mins before the plane is due to take off, they kick in about half hour after you take them so by take off time you are away with the fairies!!
What you wanna do ideally, is take 2mg on a day your not doing anything and gauge the effect they have so you know how much you will need.
I have taken 20 mg before and was fine but make sure you get a good sleep the night after taking them.
I have got a 8 hour flight to America in two weeks and i'm completely pooping my pants.As for making mindless conversation with the person next to you well that will be my hubby then but i think he is used to me talking drivel.
Wll it is just like getting on a bus or a train really - just much more boring! I speak for personal boredom thresholds vastly exceeded as I travel with my job. What used to get to me was the backgound 'noise', so I used a personal cd player ( and ear plugs at times when equipment has to be 'off'), I really get into the entertainment and carry on through eating and also sleep with the plugs in.
What do you imagine not liking - taking off, landing or just being there? Sensations can be lessened depending on type of aircraft and where you sie (wing/back/front).
By the way it is a safe way to travel - I;ve been in a taxi in Bombay and that's far more scary!!