Nose strap for greenguard muzzle


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
West London / Middlesex
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Does anyone know where I can get a nose strap (the one that goes up the face to the poll part of head collar) for a greenguard muzzle? And do I need the proper head collar to use it?

Bought the muzzle 2nd hand last year but pony has worked out how to slip it down off his nose this year 😠

Rose Folly

Well-Known Member
29 June 2010
North East Somerset
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In a word - no. Have you tried Greenguard themselves?

How are you getting on with yours? Everyone told me they were the best thing since sliced bread; but my mare is pretty miserable in hers. It never looks comfortable despite my best efforts. she only wears it for 3 hours a day and spends most of that time not eating (good I suppose), standing alone and whinnying for me.


Well-Known Member
31 December 2011
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I would also try giving shires a ring, i have just managed to get some spare muzzle straps off ebay, as my horse has convinced his friend that if he pulls hard enough they'll snap!! so need a few replacements so you could try ebay!

In a word - no. Have you tried Greenguard themselves?

How are you getting on with yours? Everyone told me they were the best thing since sliced bread; but my mare is pretty miserable in hers. It never looks comfortable despite my best efforts. she only wears it for 3 hours a day and spends most of that time not eating (good I suppose), standing alone and whinnying for me.

my boy is getting on great with his (apart from his little friend helping him escape!) he has his on 24/7 no sores or rubs!! love it best muzzle i bought!!


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
West London / Middlesex
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Last 2years fab. Took him a few days to get used to it but once I left him too it he got down to actually grazing.

This year he's hooking the front in the lip of the trough and sliding it down 😡

I'll give shires a try


Well-Known Member
12 November 2010
South Coast
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I didn't think my mare would ever accept it, basically just stood at the fence looking miserable, but I think it was a combination of the grass being a bit too short for her to use it effectively and her not knowing quite how to use it ie "agitating" it to get the grass to come through.

Anyway after just using it for half a day, things had got so bad with her weight as I can't exercise her properly due to soundness issues that she has to have it on all the time whilst turned out. The grass has also grown significantly so that makes it easier. She has also worked out that it is easier to use with longer grass and now, as a result, actually moves around the field more looking for suitable grass. Win, win all round. But I do think the grass length was the issue for my mare, it was actually too short to begin with.