i have a hi viz one if i am going to hack out and its a bit foggy or rainy but TBH they are a pain, as it moves back and if i was the horse find it uncomfrotable
I have never found them much hassle at all. I use one when it is raining or very cold/ fully clipped out horse. I was interested in getting one of those wrap around ones, are they any good?
I use a flourescent one most of the time, a waterproof one if its raining and a warm one if I'm going for a walk when its really freezing. They are a hassle though.
I used to very occasionaly on AmyMay. However, they're not something that any of the horses possess where we are now. I must say that there are some days that I would like to be able to put one on the hunters when we're exercising.
I absolutely use an exercise rug on both my boys. One is fully clipped so he needs it as I took away what nature gave him as a natural defence against the elements so therefore I should substitute it with a rug at all times, also he is 22. My other one is 20 and he has one too as I rug him up early and he doesn't grow a winter coat so the same applies. Also it means if we are caught out int he rain, we don't have to wait so long for them to dry out before we can rug them.
Even when it's not so cold but wet at other times of the year, I will use a thin rain sheet as horses naturally turn their behinds on the rain but if you're riding them they cannot do this so it's only fair IMO. My old horse used to buck in the rain if he didn't have his rain sheet on and I wouldn't allow him to stand and turn his bum to it, what a whimp!
If you get one which fits well they shouldn't be a problem or get in the way of anything you wish to do.
And in reply to Sunny_Ways post, yeah the wrap around ones are the best as you can remove and fit them without removing the saddle.
I use one in winter this is ever since my mare had azoturia so I am preventing her getting a chill under any circumstances - would not use one for any odd horse though