He is just gorgeous.
Dim question alert - but what constitutes a sports pony breeding wise? Is it usually a specific cross or hot and cold blood?
sport pony studbook is open to any breed, to mature under 158cm BUT you've go to take in to account whether its the type of pony thats going to breed top class FEI ponies so whilst you get a lot of welsh B C D and connies graded, you dont get eg a lot of welsh A or exmoors etc as they arent generally used to cross over small TB or WB to breed that type/quality of ponies.
He's a right smart looking little fella, isn't he?
Congratulations. He's lovely.
I was an early member of the SPSS and had all my mares and my young stallion graded with them 20 years ago. The SPSS people are lovely and friendly and very helpful and there are some really nice SPSS graded stallions and mares.
I hope he is very successful.
What is his breeding? he looking really similar to my old boy (not a stallion)